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Pina, João, Mário Neves, Alfredo Álvarez, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiters as Enabling Technology in Electrical Grids with Increased Distributed Generation Penetration." Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems - DoCEIS'10. 2010. 427-434. Abstract

Amongst applications of high temperature superconductors, fault current limiters are foreseen as one of the most promising in power systems. Several topologies have been developed in the last years, taking advantage of different superconductors? properties. Increasing distributed generation (DG) penetration, based on renewable energy, adds new short-circuit sources to electrical grids, which brings several energy quality and protection issues. Superconducting fault current limiters can obviate these problems, representing thus an enabling technology for DG penetration. In this paper current limiter topologies are presented, its operations principles, strengths and weaknesses, in the context of these DG grids. In the end, future trends are discussed.

Pina, João, Mário Ventim Neves, Alfredo Álvarez, and Amadeu Leão Rodrigues. "Numerical Design Methodology for an All Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor." Technological Innovation for Sustainability. Vol. 349. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 349. 2011. 553-562. Abstract

One potential advantage of the application of superconducting materials in electrical machines is the possibility to build lighter and compact devices by removing iron. These machines find applications, e.g., in systems where cryogenics is already available, or in naturally cryogenic environments. The design of motors with high temperature superconductors (HTS) presents issues unconsidered in classical machines, besides considerations on cryogenics, such as HTS brittleness or mechanical restrictions. Moreover, HTS' electromagnetic properties also degrade due to flux density components, which arise if there is no iron to guide magnetic flux. Several aspects must thus be considered in the design stage, as applications may turn less attractive or even unfeasible. In this paper these issues are detailed, and a numerical methodology for the design of an all superconducting (without iron or conventional conductors) linear synchronous motor is presented.

Pina, João Operação e Controlo de um Forno de Vidro. Eds. Pedro Lima. IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, 2002. Abstract
Pina, João, Mário Neves, M. McCulloch, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Design of a Linear Synchronous Motor With High Temperature Superconductor Materials in the Armature and in the Field Excitation System." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 43 (2006): 804-808. AbstractWebsite
Pina, João, Mário Neves, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Study in the Design of HTS Machines: an All Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor." POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. 2007. Abstract
Pina, J. M., P. Suárez, Ventim M. Neves, A. Álvarez, and A. L. Rodrigues. "Reverse engineering of inductive fault current limiters." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 234 (2010): 1-9. AbstractWebsite

The inductive fault current limiter is less compact and harder to scale to high voltage networks than the resistive one. Nevertheless, its simple construction and mechanical robustness make it attractive in low voltage grids. Thus, it might be an enabling technology for the advent of microgrids, low voltage networks with dispersed generation, controllable loads and energy storage. A new methodology for reverse engineering of inductive fault current limiters based on the independent analysis of iron cores and HTS cylinders is presented in this paper. Their electromagnetic characteristics are used to predict the devices' hysteresis loops and consequently their dynamic behavior. Previous models based on the separate analysis of the limiters' components were already derived, e.g. in transformer like equivalent models. Nevertheless, the assumptions usually made may limit these models' application, as shown in the paper. The proposed methodology obviates these limitations. Results are validated through simulations.

Pina, João, C. Caracaleanu, A. Gonçalves, Pedro Pereira, S. Valtchev, Mário Neves, and A. Rodrigues. "High Performance, Environment Friendly, Modular and Fault Tolerant Renewable Energy Microgrid." 12th International Energy Conference & Exhibition (ENERGEX2007). 2007. Abstract
Pina, João, David Inácio, Gonçalo Luis, José M. Ceballos, Pedro Pereira, João Martins, M. Ventim-Neves, Alfredo Alvarez, and Leão A. Rodrigues. "Research and Development of Alternative Concepts in HTS Machines." IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 21 (2010): 1141-1145. AbstractWebsite

High temperature superconducting (HTS) machines are recognized to offer several advantageous features when comparing to conventional ones. Amongst these, highlights the decrease in weight and volume of the machines, due to increased current density in conductors or the absence of iron slots' teeth; or the decrease in AC losses and consequent higher efficiency of the machines, even accounting for cryogenics. These concepts have been already demonstrated and some machines have even achieved commercial stage. In this paper, several alternative approaches are applied to electrical motors employing HTS materials. The first one is an all superconducting linear motor, where copper conductors and permanent magnets are replaced by Bi-2223 windings and trapped flux magnets, taking advantage of stable levitation due to flux pinning, higher current densities and higher excitation field. The second is an induction disk motor with Bi-2223 armature, where iron, ironless and hybrid approaches are compared. Finally, an innovative command strategy, consisting of an electronically variable pole pairs' number approach, is applied to a superconducting hysteresis disk motor. All these concepts are being investigated and simulation and experimental results are presented.

Pina, João, Mário Neves, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Case Study in the Design of HTS Machines: an All Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor." 1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, POWERENG. 2007. 185-190. Abstract

The electric and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductors and the possibility to cool them by cheap liquid nitrogen makes them attractive in power applications. An all superconducting linear synchronous motor is presented in this paper in order to quantify the benefits and disadvantages of such applications. The term ?all superconducting? is related with the absence of copper conductors and iron parts. Certain characteristics of the superconducting materials impose severe restrictions when used, e.g., as armature windings. A numerical method for deriving the thrust and lift forces developed in such a motor, driven by a typical current inverter, is presented.

Rodrigues, Amadeu, B. A. Potter, João Pina, Anabela Gonçalves, and Mário Neves. "Torque Modelling of a Superconducting Reluctance Machine." Electromotion Review (2003). AbstractWebsite
Rodrigues, Amadeu, Mário Neves, and João Pina. "Pilhas de Combustível como Fonte Limpa de Energia Eléctrica." X Portuguese-Spanish Congress in Electrical Engineering. 2007. Abstract
Rodrigues, A., Mário Neves, and João Pina. "Fuel Cells as Clean Electrical Energy Sources." XCLEEE - X Portuguese-Spanish Conference in Electrical Engineering. 2007. Abstract
Sfetsos, Athanasis, João Pina, Anabela Gonçalves, Mário Neves, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Flux Modelling of Reluctance Machines with Bulk Superconducting Materials." Electromotion Review (2003). AbstractWebsite
Steve, Inácio, João Pina, Stanimir Valtchev, Mário Neves, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Topology of an Electrical Gearbox with Variable Poles for Induction and Superconducting Disc Motors." X Portuguese-Spanish Congress in Electrical Engineering. 2007. Abstract
Tavares, Alexandra Impacto do mercado ibérico de electricidade (MIBEL) no comportamento competitivo dos agentes produtores de energia eléctrica. Eds. Mário Neves, Jorge Sousa, and João Pina. FCT-UNL, 2009. Abstract

A presente Dissertação consiste num estudo do comportamento competitivo de entidades, produtoras e comercializadoras de energia eléctrica, num período de tempo antes e após a entrada em vigor do Mercado Ibérico de Electricidade (MIBEL). Esse período de tempo engloba os meses entre Abril de 2007 e Abril de 2008, sendo que o MIBEL teve início a 1 de Julho de 2007. O estudo incide principalmente no grau de competitividade ou ausência da mesma, que as referidas entidades adoptaram após o começo do MIBEL. Para poder efectuar essa avaliação, recorre-se a uma abordagem baseada em variações conjecturais, que constituem um indicador desse grau de competitividade. Ou seja, as variações conjecturais representam a convicção que determinada empresa X tem face ao comportamento que outra empresa Y adoptará após uma acção efectuada pela empresa X. Por acção depreende-se, por exemplo, uma redução ou um aumento da quantidade de produção de uma empresa. Se o valor da variável conjectural for 0, as empresas encontram-se a concorrer à Cournot. Caso seja -1, as empresas encontram-se em concorrência perfeita. Por outro lado, se o valor da variação conjectural for superior a 0 pode existir uma situação de conluio entre as empresas. De modo a obter estes valores das variações conjecturais, utiliza-se e readapta-se um simulador de mercado diário, denominado SiMEC - Simulador do Mercado Eléctrico e do Carbono. Este simulador, que anteriormente simulava apenas períodos temporais precedentes ao MIBEL, foi reajustado de modo a incluir dados pós MIBEL. Finalmente, são então realizados gráficos comparativos e retiradas conclusões acerca do comportamento das entidades face a alterações na estrutura do mercado de electricidade.