PhD in Electrical Engineering, field of Electrical Machines (2010)
- Thesis entitled “Desenho e Modelização de Sistemas de Energia Empregando Materiais Supercondutores de Alta Temperatura” (“Design and Modelling of Power Systems Employing High Temperature Superconducting Materials").
- Subjects covered: Numerical methodology for the determination of forces in an ironless linear synchronous motor, with superconducting armature and excitation; Original modelling of inductive fault current limiter and methodology for simulating these devices.
- Institution: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Cooperation with Escuela de Ingeníerias Industriales – University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain.
Post-graduate degree on “Renewable Energy in Buildings” (2009)
- Institution: Escola Superior de Tecnologia – Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal.
Master of Science in Electrical and Computers Engineering (specialisation in Control and Robotics) (2002)
- Thesis entitled “Operação e Controlo de um Forno de Vidro Industrial” (“Operation and control of an industrial glass melting furnace”).
- Subjects covered: Clean glass production through optimal energy use; Multiobjective optimisation; Automatic learning; Genetic algorithms; Fuzzy logic.
- Institution: Instituto Superior Técnico – Technical University of Lisbon.
Five year diploma in Electrical and Computers Engineering (specialisation in Control and Robotics) (1995)
- Institution: Instituto Superior Técnico – Technical University of Lisbon.
Scientific, PhD and Technical Courses
- Refrigeration for Superconducting Systems, Cryogenic Society of America, Applied Superconductivity Conference ASC’2012 Short courses, Portland Oregon, USA, 2012.
- Modeling and Numerical Methods for Superconductors, Applied Superconductivity Conference ASC’2010 Short courses, Washington D.C., USA, 2010.
- European Summer School on Superconductivity, Prizztech Ltd Magnet Technology Center, 5 ECTS, The European Society for Applied Superconductivity, Pori, Finland, 2008.
- Wind Park Project, Garrad-Hassan, Oporto, Portugal, 2007.
- Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, PhD Course (3 ECTS), Aalborg University, Denmark, 2006.
- Flux2D Application and Rotating Machines, CEDRAT S.A., Meylan, France, 2006.
- The Jan Evetts and 7th SCENET School on Superconducting Materials and Applications, Camerino, Italy, 2006.
- “Project-based Learning” and “Video Communication”, in the framework of the second training program “Interactive Methods for Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Process”, Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania, 2006.
- Lighting Devices and Systems, E. E. E. – Empresa de Equipamento Eléctrico, Águeda, Portugal, 2005.
- Electrical Installations Verification, CERTIEL, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005.
- ITED – Telecommunications Infrastructures in Buildings, Portuguese Electrical Institute, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005.
- 4th SCENET School on Superconducting Materials and Applications, Cargèse, Corsica, France, 2003.
- Superconductivity Winter School, Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Superconductivity, Cambridge, England, 2003.
(Last updated: February 28, 2013)