A new model based on Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFMs) has been proposed to predict the open-hole tensile strength of composite laminates [1]. Failure is predicted when bothstress-based and energy-based criteria are satisfied. This model is based on an analytical solution, and no empirical adjusting parameters are required, but only two material properties: the unnotched strength and the fracture toughness. In the present work, an extension of the proposed FFMs model to predict the notched response of composite laminates with notch geometries other than a circular opening [2] is presented and applied to the prediction of size effects on the tensile and compressive notched strength of composite laminates. The present model is also used to assess the notch sensitivity and brittleness of composite laminates by means of versatile design charts and by the identification of a dimensionless parameter designated as notch sensitivity factor. A further extension of the FFMs model is proposed, which takes into account the crack resistance curve of the laminate in the model's formulation, and it is used to predict the large damage capability of a non-crimp fabric thin-ply laminate [3].