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Subramani, P., Sohel Rana, Bahman Ghiassi, Raul Fangueiro, Daniel V. Oliveira, Paulo B. Lourenco, and Jose Xavier. "Development and characterization of novel auxetic structures based on re-entrant hexagon design produced from braided composites." Composites Part B: Engineering. 93 (2016): 132-142. AbstractWebsite

Abstract This paper reports the first attempt of developing macro-scale auxetic structures based on re-entrant hexagon design from braided composite materials for civil engineering applications. Braided composite rods (BCRs) were produced and arranged as longitudinal and horizontal elements to produce three types of auxetic structures: (1) basic re-entrant hexagon structure, (2) basic structure modified by adding straight longitudinal elements and (3): structure-2 modified by changing structural angle. The influence of various material and structural parameters as well as structure type on Poisson's ratio and tensile properties was thoroughly investigated. The auxetic behaviour was found to strongly depend on the structural angle and straight elements, resulting in lower auxeticity with lower angles and in presence of straight elements. Material parameters influenced the auxetic behaviour to a lesser extent and a decrease in auxetic behaviour was noticed with increase in core fibre linear density and using stiffer fibres such as carbon. The reverse effect was observed in case of tensile strength and work of rupture. Among these structures, structure-3 exhibited good auxetic behaviour, balanced tensile properties, and high energy absorption capacity and their auxetic behaviour could be well predicted with the developed analytical model. Therefore, these novel structures present good potential for strengthening of civil structures.

Ghiassi, B., J. Xavier, D. V. Oliveira, A. Kwiecien, P. B. Lourenço, and B. Zajac. "Evaluation of the bond performance in FRP-brick components re-bonded after initial delamination." Composite Structures. 123 (2015): 271-281. Abstract

Abstract The bond behavior between Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) and masonry substrates has been the subject of many studies during the last years. Recent accelerated aging tests have shown that bond degradation and \{FRP\} delamination are likely to occur in FRP-strengthened masonry components under hygrothermal conditions. While an investigation on the possible methods to improve the durability of these systems is necessary, the applicability of different bond repair methods should also be studied. This paper aims at investigating the debonding mechanisms after repairing delaminated FRP-strengthened masonry components. FRP-strengthened brick specimens, after being delaminated, are repaired with two different adhesives: a conventional epoxy resin and a highly flexible polymer. The latter is used as an innovative adhesive in structural applications. The bond behavior in the repaired specimens is investigated by performing single-lap shear bond tests. Digital image correlation (DIC) is used for deeper investigation of the surface deformation and strains development. The effectiveness of the repair methods is discussed and compared with the strengthened specimens.

Xavier, J., M. Oliveira, J. J. L. Morais, and M. F. S. F. de Moura. "Determining mode I cohesive law of Pinus pinaster by coupling double cantilever beam test with digital image correlation." Fracture and Structural Integrity. 31 (2015): 13-22. AbstractWebsite

The direct identification of the cohesive law in pure mode I of Pinus pinaster is addressed. The approach couples the double cantilever beam (DCB) test with digital image correlation (DIC). Wooden beam specimens loaded in the radial-longitudinal (RL) fracture propagation system are used. The strain energy release rate in mode I (GI ) is uniquely determined from the load-displacement ( P ?? ) curve by means of the compliance-based beam method (CBBM). This method relies on the concept of equivalent elastic crack length ( eq a ) and therefore does not require the monitoring of crack propagation during test. The crack tip opening displacement in mode I ? ? I w is determined from the displacement field at the initial crack tip. The cohesive law in mode I I I (? ? w ) is then identified by numerical differentiation of the I I G ? w relationship. Moreover, the proposed procedure is validated by finite element analyses including cohesive zone modelling. It is concluded that the proposed data reduction scheme is adequate for assessing the cohesive law in pure mode I of P. pinaster.

Xavier, J., M. Oliveira, J. J. L. Morais, and M. F. S. F. de Moura. "Determining mode İI\} cohesive law of Pinus pinaster by combining the end-notched flexure test with digital image correlation." Construction and Building Materials. 71 (2014): 109-115. Abstract

Abstract This work addresses the direct identification of cohesive law of Pinus pinaster in mode II. The end-notched flexure (ENF) test is selected for mode İI\} loading. The strain energy release rate in mode İI\} (GII) is determined according to the compliance-based beam method (CBBM) by processing the global load�displacement curve, without requirements to monitor the crack length during test. The fracture test is coupled with digital image correlation (DIC) for the local measurement of the crack tip opening displacement in mode İI\} (wII). Using a direct method, the cohesive law in mode İI\} (sII�wII) is determined by differentiating the GII�wII relationship. The procedure is validated from both numerical, using finite element analyses including cohesive zone modelling, and experimental approaches. The methodology and accuracy on this reconstruction is discussed. It is concluded that the proposed data reduction scheme is suitable for assessing the cohesive law of P. pinaster in mode II.

Subramani, P., S. Rana, D. V. Oliveira, R. Fangueiro, and J. Xavier. "Development of novel auxetic structures based on braided composites." Materials & Design. 61 (2014): 286-295. AbstractWebsite
Xavier, J., M. Oliveira, P. Monteiro, J. J. L. Morais, and M. F. S. F. Moura. "Direct Evaluation of Cohesive Law in Mode I of Pinus pinaster by Digital Image Correlation." Experimental Mechanics. 54 (2014): 829-840. AbstractWebsite
Ghiassi, B., J. Xavier, D. V. Oliveira, and P. B. Lourenço. "Application of digital image correlation in investigating the bond between FRP and masonry." Composite Structures. 106 (2013): 340-349. Abstract


de Moura, M. F. S. F., J. M. Q. Oliveira, J. J. L. Morais, and J. Xavier. "Mixed-mode {I/II} wood fracture characterization using the mixed-mode bending test." Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 77 (2010): 144-152. Abstract
Xavier, J., M. Oliveira, J. Morais, and J. Pinto. "Measurement of the shear properties of clear wood by the Arcan test." Holzforschung. 63 (2009): 217-225. Abstract
Xavier, J. C., N. M. Garrido, M. Oliveira, J. L. Morais, P. P. Camanho, and F. Pierron. "A comparison between the Iosipescu and off-axis shear test methods for the characterization of ıt Pinus pinaster Ait." Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 35 (2004): 827-840. Abstract
