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Martins, D., I. Catarino, D. Lopes, I. Esteves, J. P. Mota, and G. Bonfait "Low Temperature Adsorption Versus Pore Size in Activated Carbons". Eds. Ross R. G. jr. S.D. Miller. Cryocoolers 16. International Cryocooler Conference Inc., Boulder, CO, 2011, 2010. Abstract


J. Afonso, D. Martins, Catarino PatrĂ­cio Rocaboy Tirolien Bonfait I. R. A. T. "Liquid-gas cryogenic energy storage units operating at constant temperature." Applied Thermal Engineering. 95.25 (2016): 178-185.
Afonso, J., I. Catarino, R. PatrĂ­cio, A. Rocaboy, M. Linder, and G. Bonfait. "Liquid nitrogen energy storage unit." Cryogenics. 51 (2011): 621-29 .