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Onofre, Ana, Radu Godina, Helena Carvalho, and Isabel Catarino. "Eco-innovation in the Cleaning Process: An Application of Dry Ice Blasting in Automotive Industry." Journal of Cleaner Production . 272 (2020).
Afonso, J., I. Catarino, D. Martins, J. Ricardo, R. Patricio, L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "Energy Storage Unit: solid state demonstrators at 20 K and 6 K." Space Cryogenics Workshop. Arcadia, CA, USA: Cryogenic Society of America, 2009. Abstract


Afonso, J., I. Catarino, D. Martins, J. Ricardo, R. Patricio, L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "Energy storage unit: Solid state demonstrators at 20K and 6K." Cryogenics. 50 (2010): 522-528. Abstract


Afonso, J., D. Martins, I. Catarino, R. PatrĂ­cio, A. Rocaboy, M. Linder, T. Tirolien, and G. Bonfait "Energy storage unit using cryogenic liquids for integration in cryocoolers". ICEC 24. Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.