Conferences and Seminars
Ongoing Seminars
- SCOT: A monthly webinar on Semantic and Formal Approaches to Complexity (co-organizer -- with Patrick Baillot and Ugo Dal Lago)
- 19-23 February, Computer Science Logic - CSL 2024, Naples, Italy.
- 28 October, Seminário Internacional Passado e Presente da Matemática 2023 ( talk: O conceito de função tem história).
- 24-28 July, CiE 2023, Batumi, Georgia (member of PC).
- 2-7 July, Conference on Theoretical and Computational Algebra, High-Performance Rowing Center, Pocinho ( talk: On a shortest proof of phi implies phi).
- 21 April, Seminário de Lógica Matemática (SLM), FC-UL ( talk: Simplicity of Proofs and Combinatory Logic).
- 14 March, Comemoração do Dia da Matemática, Escola Secundária João de Barros ( talk: Os Números e a Matemática).
- 19 August, Encontro Conjunto Brasil-Portugal em Matemática, Logic Session, U. Federal da Bahia ( talk: A logical approach to the Polynomial Hierarchy).
- 4-5 July, Dialoguer avec Gerhard Heinzmann, MSH Lorraine, Nancy.
- 30 June, Days in Logic 2022, U. Algarve ( talk by Paulo G. Santos: ‘Provability Implies Provable Provability’ in FLINSPACE).
- 29 June, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Colloquium, U. Tuebingen ( talk: Logical Appproaches to Relativized Classes).
- 31 May, Proof and Computation, Kloster Schlehdorf ( talk: Relativized Classes in Implicit Complexity).
- 13 May, Seminar CS, U. Bologna (talk: The Hierarchy of Counting Functions).
- 20 Feb., LCC2022 (talk: The Polynomial Hierarchy of Functions Revisited).
- 5 Oct., Webinar SCOT (talk: A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Probabilistic Class PP).
- 25 Aug., MFCS, Tallin, Estonia (talk: A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Probabilistic Class PP).
- 8 March, SLM, FC-UL, Portugal (talk: The Polynomial Hierarchy of Functions).
- Nov., Oberwolfach, hybrid, Germany (talk: Towards the Class #P).
- 30 Jan., DIL, FC-UL, Portugal (talk: Recursion with Pointers in Implicit Complexity).
- 18 July, PCC 2019, Mittag-Leffler Institute, Djursholm, Sweden (talk: The Polynomial Hierarchy of Time).
- 8 July, LaSh2019, IST, Lisbon (talk: A Recursion-Theoretic Aproach to the Polynomial Hierarchy)
- 8 July, LCC2019, Patras, Greece (co-chair of SC -- with Heribert Vollmer)
- 4-7 Sept., CSL, Birmingham, UK (talk: A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Positive Polynomial-Time Functions).
- 19-20 July, PCC 2018, HIM, Bonn, Germany (member of PC).
- 13 July, LCC2018, Oxford, UK (co-chair of SC -- with Heribert Vollmer)
- 2-6 July, Workshop on Proof and Computation, HIM, Bonn, Germany (talk: The Positive Polynomial-Time Functions).
- 11 June, Mathematical Colloquium, Tübingen, Germany (talk: Recursion with Pointers in Implicit Complexity).
- 25-27 January, DiL 2018, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal (member of OC).
- 26-27 July, PCC 2017, Göttingen, Germany (member of PC).
- 24-28 July, Hilbert Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation, Göttingen, Germany (curse: Recursion and Complexity).
- 19 June, LCC 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland (co-chair of SC -- with Anuj Dawar).
- 12-16 June, CiE 2017, Turku, Filand (member of PC).