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Zhang, S. S., Y. Ke, E. Chen, H. Biscaia, and W. G. Li. "Effect of load distribution on the behaviour of RC beams strengthened in flexure with near-surface mounted (NSM) FRP." Composite Structures. 279 (2022). AbstractWebsite

Debonding failures of FRP have been frequently observed in laboratory tests of reinforced concrete (RC) beams flexurally-strengthened with near-surface mounted (NSM) fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP). A number of numerical and theoretical studies have been carried out to predict debonding failures in NSM FRP-strengthened beams, and several strength models have also been proposed. The existing studies, however, were all based on the scenario of a simply supported beam tested under one or two-point loading, while the influence of load distribution has not yet been investigated. This paper presents the first ever study into the effect of load distribution on the behaviour of NSM FRP-strengthened RC beams. A series of large-scale RC beams flexurally-strengthened with NSM FRP strips were first tested under different load uniformities; then a finite element (FE) model, which can give close predictions to the behaviour of such strengthened beams, was developed; finally, the proposed FE model was utilized to investigate the influence of bond length of NSM FRP on the load uniformity effect. It was found that the load uniformity has a significant effect on the beam behaviour, and the degree of this effect varies with the bond length of NSM FRP. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd

Yang, Y., J. Zhao, S. Zhang, C. Chastre, and H. Biscaia. "Effect of mechanical anchorage on the bond performance of double overlapped CFRP-to-steel joints." Composite Structures. 267 (2021). AbstractWebsite

Mechanical anchorage devices have the potential to efficiently improve the bond behavior of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) Externally Bonded (EB) onto steel with an adhesive. Existing relevant studies, however, have been very limited. Against this background, experimental and numerical studies on the double overlapped CFRP-to-steel bonded joints with an end mechanical anchorage were carried out in the present study. Two types of CFRP laminates (i.e., SIKA CFRP and the other type made in Harbin Institute of Technology – HIT) were used in the bond tests, with or without end mechanical anchorage devices. The test results showed that the end mechanical anchorage had marginal effect on the bond-slip relationship between EB CFRP and steel as well as debonding load, but could increase the ultimate load. It was also found that CFRP laminate from HIT had a better bond performance than that from SIKA, in terms of both debonding load and ultimate load. Using ABAQUS, Finite Element (FE) model was established on such bonded joints and the accuracy was verified with test results. The verified FE model was adopted in a parametric study to further clarify the effect of key parameters on the bond behavior of such bonded joints. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd

Franco, N., H. Biscaia, and C. Chastre. "Experimental and numerical analyses of flexurally-strengthened concrete T-beams with stainless steel." Engineering Structures. 172 (2018): 981-996. AbstractWebsite

This work presents the results and the main conclusions of a series of experimental tests carried out to evaluate the efficiency of post-installed stainless steel reinforcement on the flexural strengthening of Reinforced Concrete (RC) T-beams when the bonding techniques EBR (Externally Bonded Reinforcement), NSM (Near Surface Mounted) and MA-EBR (EBR with Mechanical Anchors) are used. The RC T-beams were also modelled using a commercial Finite Element (FE) software in order to predict their behaviour until the rupture. For this purpose, a set of single-lap shear tests were also carried out to evaluate the local bond-slip relationships developed within the Stainless Steel (SS)-to-concrete interface. Due to the experimental bond-slip relationships, the numerical simulations were able to predict, with good accuracy, the different behaviours of the RC T-beams until their rupture. Moreover, the different rupture modes observed on all the RC T-beams herein tested were very well estimated by the numerical analyses. The tests of the RC T-beams showed that all the strengthening techniques allowed their flexural stiffness to be increased. Nevertheless, the RC T–beams strengthened with the EBR and NSM techniques had premature ruptures, i.e. the rupture in the RC T-beams occurred even before the yielding of their steel reinforcements. The RC T-beam strengthened with the MA-EBR technique showed good ductility and the highest load bearing capacity, which means that the MA-EBR technique is the best bonding technique herein used. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd

Biscaia, H. C., C. Chastre, and M. A. G. Silva. "Estimations of the debonding process of aged joints through a new analytical method." Composite Structures. 211 (2019): 577-595. AbstractWebsite

The estimation of the long-term durability of adhesively bonded interfaces between Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) and concrete substrates is crucial because degradation potentiates FRP premature debonding. One of the main reasons for mistrusting the use of FRP composites is the premature debonding phenomenon, which, associated to degradation, has been preventing their widespread use. In this research work, an analytical model is proposed that introduces ageing to estimate the effects of degradation of Glass (G) FRP externally bonded to concrete. Cycles were used to experimentally accelerate ageing of beam specimens, namely, (i) salt fog cycles; (ii) wet-dry cycles with salted water; (iii) temperature cycles between −10 °C and +30 °C; and (iv) temperature cycles between +7.5 °C and +47.5 °C. Based on the experimental results obtained and a corresponding bond-slip curve, the analytical model predicts the complete debonding process between FRP composites and a substrate. Consequently, the temporal evolution of the degradation of the bonded interfaces can be calculated and compared with the initial situation prior to exposure. The effects of the environmental conditions are reported and compared. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd

Biscaia, H. C., R. Almeida, S. Zhang, and J. Canejo. "Experimental calibration of the bond-slip relationship of different CFRP-to-timber joints through digital image correlation measurements." Composites Part C: Open Access. 4 (2021). AbstractWebsite

Nowadays, the use of the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique has spread and it is being used in several engineering areas to measure displacements. The available data obtained from the DIC measurement to evaluate the bond performance between a Carbon fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) externally bonded to a timber substrate is scarce. From the existing data obtained with other materials, this contactless technique revealed to be quite useful but its accuracy with other well-established techniques, such as the use of electric strain gauges is not well understood yet. Therefore, the current work aims to study the accuracy of 2D DIC measurements with the measurements obtained from the use of strain gauges within a low-cost perspective. To that end, several CFRP-to-timber bonded joints were tested under the single-lap shear test and different bonding techniques were considered as well. Some flaws intrinsically derived from the DIC measurements that complicate the bond assessment, such as the fluctuations in the generated displacements field, are identified, and to bypass this problem a new methodology is proposed. This new methodology is based on two different closed-form solutions that, after defining the local and global bond behaviours of different CFRP-to-timber bonded joints, allowed to eliminate the fluctuations found from the DIC measurements, facilitating the estimation and the comprehension of the full debonding process of the CFRP-to-timber joints, which was achieved with a good proximity to the homologous debonding process derived from the strain gauge measurements. © 2020

Biscaia, H. C., and R. Micaelo. "Emerging anchored FRP systems bonded to steel subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading: A numerical study." Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 261 (2022). AbstractWebsite

Recently, the study of the bond behaviour of hybrid joints has increased due to their application in different industries. Their main purpose is to obtain lightweight but strong, durable structures. In addition, in some industries such as the automotive industry, those requirements may facilitate the construction of vehicles that have lower carbon dioxide emissions. Although the knowledge on the bond behaviour of hybrid bonded joints under monotonic loading is sufficient, the knowledge on the cyclic bond behaviour needs to be improved. The present work aims to mitigate that gap by proposing a numerical model in which the cyclic bond performance between a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) bonded to a steel substrate can be analysed. The results provided by the Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) are used as reference data. These other simulated bonding techniques cover cases where the CFRP is anchored to the substrate in different ways, which are becoming more popular, namely by: (i) linearly increasing the width of the CFRP; (ii) using the mixed adhesive concept (two solutions were considered); (iii) using a steel plate on top of the CFRP strip; and (iv) assuming no interfacial slips at the CFRP unpulled end, which is intended to simulate a perfect anchorage. Compared to the simulations carried out under monotonic loading, the simulations with the adopted cyclic loading history (loading/unloading cycles), allowed us to observe a degradation of the bond strength of the joints with the number of cycles. However, if the overlapped bonded joint is long enough, the strength of the CFRP-to-steel joints is not affected. Excluding the numerical specimens with the perfectly anchored CFRP, i.e. with an “ideal” anchorage, the length of the other adopted anchorages affected either the strength or the ductility of the joint, whether subjected to a monotonic or to the adopted cyclic loading protocol. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd

Biscaia, H. C., and P. Diogo. "Experimental analysis of different anchorage solutions for laminated carbon fiber-reinforced polymers adhesively bonded to timber." Composite Structures. 243 (2020). AbstractWebsite

The Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) of timber structures with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) is a solution that has been increasing. Like CFRP strengthened concrete structures, it is known that the premature debonding of the CFRP also occurs on timber structures. To study other alternative solutions to the EBR technique, the Near Surface Mounted (NSM) and six other situations with an additional anchorage were considered. A total of 33 single-lap shear tests were carried out. The experimentally obtained load-slip responses, the strains developed in the CFRP strips or the local bond-slip relationships are all reported and discussed. Compared to the EBR technique, the efficiency of each anchorage system and/or bonding technique is also analysed. The current preliminary results suggest that using two superposed metallic L-shape profiles or embedding the CFRP strip into the timber substrate are the best anchorage systems for the reinforcement of a timber structure with CFRP strips. The NSM technique has also led to high load capacities of the CFRP-to-timber interface. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd