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Oliveira, F. "A note on the existence of traveling-wave solutions to a Boussinesq system." Differential and Integral Equations. 29.1-2 (2016): 127-136.Website
Oliveira, F., J. P. Dias, M. FIgueira, and S. Antontsev. "Non-existence of global solutions for a quasilinear Benney system." Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 13 (2011): 81-94.Website
Oliveira, F., and A. J. Soares. "A note on a Discrete Boltzmann Equation with multiple collisions." Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 341.2 (2008): 1476-1481.Website
Oliveira, F., and A. J. Soares. "A non-trivial explicit solution for the 14-velocity Cabannes kinetic model." Journal of Nonlinear Analysis TMA. 67.4 (2007): 1167-1172.Website