Former and Present Research Centers
- 2015-pr Centro de Matemática e Aplicações CMA- NOVA University of Lisbon
- 2012-14 Centro de Matemática e Aplicações Fundamentais CMAF- University of Lisbon
- 2006-12 Centro de Matemática e Aplicações CMA- NOVA University of Lisbon
- 2001-06 Centro de Matemática CMAT - University of Minho
- 1997-01 Laboratoire d'Analyse et Equations aux derivées partielles, Orsay, University of Paris
Former and Present Directive Positions

- 2014-pr Scientific Council of the FCT-UNL (elected)
- 2014-pr Executive Committee of the Mathematics Department of the FCT-UNL (appointed)
- 2014-pr Mathematics Department Council of the FCT-UNL (appointed)
- 2014-pr Scientific Committee of the Mathematics and Applications Masters - MMA (appointed)
- 2014-pr Scientific Committee of the Mathematics Teaching Masters - MEM (appointed)
- 2006-09 Executive Committee of the Mathematics and Applications Research Center -CMA/UNL (appointed)
Universidade do Minho
- 2004-05 Executive Committee of the Mathematics Department of the Minho University (appointed)
- 2002-04 Coordination Council of the Mathematics Department of the Minho University (elected)

- 2012-14 President of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (elected)
- 2008-12 Vice-President of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (elected, 2 turns)
- 2006-08 Treasurer of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (elected)
Former Positions
- 2005-15 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, NOVA University of Lisbon
- 2001-05 Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Minho
- 1994-97 Lecturer, Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris.
Academic Degrees
- [Hab] Agregação em Matemática (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2015)
- [Ph.D] Doctorat en Mathématiques (Université Paris XI - Orsay, 2001)
- [M.Sc] D.E.A. en Equations aux Dérivées Partielles (Magistère Commun École Normale Supérieure, École Polytechnique, Université Paris XI-Orsay, 1997)
- [B.Sc] Licence en Mathématiques Pures (Université Paris XI - Orsay, 1994)