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Journal Article
Bedon, C., X. Zhang, F. Santos, D. Honfi, M. Kozłowski, M. Arrigoni, L. Figuli, and D. Lange. "Performance of structural glass facades under extreme loads – Design methods, existing research, current issues and trends." Construction and Building Materials. 163 (2018): 921-937. AbstractWebsite
dos Santos, FA, and C. Bedon. "Preliminary experimental and finite-element numerical assessment of the structural performance of SMA-reinforced GFRP systems." American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 9 (2016): 692-701. AbstractWebsite
Micheletti, A., FA dos Santos, and S. D. Guest. "Prestrain-induced bistability in the design of tensegrity units for mechanical metamaterials." Applied Physics Letters. 123 (2023). AbstractWebsite
dos Santos, FA, A. Favata, A. Micheletti, R. Paroni, and M. Picchi Scardaoni. "Programming quadric metasurfaces via infinitesimal origami maps of monohedral hexagonal tessellations: Part i." Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 480 (2024). AbstractWebsite
dos Santos, FA, A. Favata, A. Micheletti, R. Paroni, and M. P. Scardaoni. "Programming quadric metasurfaces via infinitesimal origami maps of monohedral hexagonal tessellations: Part II." Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 480 (2024). AbstractWebsite