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Journal Article
dos Santos, FA, A. Favata, A. Micheletti, and R. Paroni. "Design of auxetic plates with only one degree of freedom." Extreme Mechanics Letters. 42 (2021). AbstractWebsite
dos Santos, FA, A. Favata, A. Micheletti, R. Paroni, and M. Picchi Scardaoni. "Programming quadric metasurfaces via infinitesimal origami maps of monohedral hexagonal tessellations: Part i." Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 480 (2024). AbstractWebsite
dos Santos, FA, A. Favata, A. Micheletti, R. Paroni, and M. P. Scardaoni. "Programming quadric metasurfaces via infinitesimal origami maps of monohedral hexagonal tessellations: Part II." Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 480 (2024). AbstractWebsite
Cismaşiu, C., F. P. A. Santos, R. A. D. S. Perdigão, V. M. S. Bernardo, P. X. Candeias, A. R. Carvalho, and L. M. C. Guerreiro. "Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of a RC Pedestrian Crossing." Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 24 (2020): 727-744. AbstractWebsite
Amarante dos Santos, F. P., C. Cismaşiu, and J. Pamies Teixeira. "Semi-active vibration control device based on superelastic NiTi wires." Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 20.6 (2013): 890-902. AbstractWebsite

The present paper presents a physical prototype that simulates the response of a single degree of freedom dynamic system, equipped with a novel semi-active vibration control device. This device comprises two superelastic NiTi elements working in phase opposition and aims to prevent deck unseating in simply supported bridges, during a seismic excitation. The special design of this device allows to avoid problems related to stress–relaxation phenomena and material degradation because of cyclic loading that have been observed in similar passive dissipation devices. The proposed design uses a strategy that permits the continuous adapting of the accumulated stress in the NiTi wires, on the basis of the response of the device to external excitations. Although unloaded, the NiTi elements remain strain/stress free, preventing stress–relaxation phenomena. With the occurrence of a dynamic excitation, a cumulative strain/stress process in the superelastic wires is initiated, enabling higher martensite transformation ratios and therefore increasing the damping capacities of the system while keeping the stresses in the wires inside a narrower superelastic window. The strain/stress accumulation in the superelastic wires is a direct result of the motion of the structure itself, with no need for external energy input.

Dos Santos, F. P. A., C. Cismaşiu, and J. Pamies Teixeira. "Semi-active vibration control device based on superelastic NiTi wires." Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 20 (2013): 890-902. AbstractWebsite
Bedon, Chiara, Dániel Honfi, Klára V. Machalická, Martina Eliášová, Miroslav Vokáč, Marcin Kozłowski, Thomas Wüest, Filipe Amarante dos Santos, and Natalie Williams Portal. "Structural characterisation of adaptive facades in Europe - Part II: Validity of conventional experimental testing methods and key issues." Journal of Building Engineering. 25 (2019).
Bedon, C., D. Honfi, K. V. Machalická, M. Eliášová, M. Vokáč, M. Kozłowski, T. Wüest, F. Santos, and N. W. Portal. "Structural characterisation of adaptive facades in Europe - Part II: Validity of conventional experimental testing methods and key issues." Journal of Building Engineering. 25 (2019). AbstractWebsite
Bedon, Chiara, Dániel Honfi, Klára V. Machalická, Martina Eliášová, Miroslav Vokáč, Marcin Kozłowski, Thomas Wüest, Filipe Amarante dos Santos, and Natalie Williams Portal. "Structural characterisation of adaptive facades in Europe – Part I: Insight on classification rules, performance metrics and design methods." Journal of Building Engineering. 25 (2019).
Bedon, C., D. Honfi, K. V. Machalická, M. Eliášová, M. Vokáč, M. Kozłowski, T. Wüest, F. Santos, and N. W. Portal. "Structural characterisation of adaptive facades in Europe – Part I: Insight on classification rules, performance metrics and design methods." Journal of Building Engineering. 25 (2019). AbstractWebsite
dos Santos, FA, A. Favata, A. Micheletti, R. Paroni, and M. P. Scardaoni. "Tiled Plates with One Degree of Freedom." Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 437 (2024): 693-698. AbstractWebsite
Conference Paper
Amarante dos Santos, Filipe, Corneliu Cismasiu, Rui Perdigão, Vasco Bernardo, João Sampayo, Paulo Candeias, Campos A. Costa, A. Carvalho, and Luís Guerreiro. " Comportamento sísmico de ligações em passadiços pré-fabricados ." 10º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica. Ponta Delgada, Açores 2016.
Reis, A., J. Pedro, F. P. Amarante dos Santos, and L. Salvador. "Modelos de análise de estruturas de engenharia civil: Coberturas de estádios e pontes de tirantes." VII Congresso de Mecanica Aplicada e Computacional. Évora 2002.