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BRITO PALMA, L., F. V. Coito, and R. NEVES DA SILVA. "Diagnosis of parametric faults based on identification and statistical methods." Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC'05. 44th IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2005. 3838-3843. Abstract
BRITO PALMA, L., F. VIEIRA COITO, P. Sousa Gil, and R. Neves-Silva. "Process control based on PCA models." Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010 IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2010. 1-4. Abstract
Brito Palma, L. F. F., FJ Coito, P. Gil, and R. Neves-Silva. "Design of Adaptive PCA Controllers for SISO Systems." 18th IFAC World Congress. Vol. 18. 2011. 5483-5488. Abstract
