Name: Fernando José A. Vieira do Coito
Nationality: Portuguese
Date of birth: September 15, 1961
- Associate Professor, at the Systemic Engineering Section of the Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT) of Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- Senior researcher of the Centre for Technology and Systems of Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias (UNINOVA).
Main research interest:
- Optimal decision and control
- Fault tolerant control
- Human machine interaction
- System modelling
- 1996 - PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computers, Thechnical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- 1990 - MSc in Electrical Engineering, Thechnical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- 1986 - Degree in Electrical Engineering, Thechnical University of Lisbon, Portugal