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Freitas, F., V. D. Alves, C. A. V. Torres, M. Cruz, I. Sousa, M. J. Melo, A. M. Ramos, and M. A. M. Reis. "Fucose-containing exopolysaccharide produced by the newly isolated Enterobacter strain A47 DSM 23139." Carbohydrate Polymers . 83 (2011): 159-165.freitas_2011_carb_pol_83_159-165.pdf
Torres, C. A. V., R. Marques, S. Antunes, V. D. Alves, I. Sousa, A. M. Ramos, R. Oliveira, F. Freitas, and M. A. M. Reis. "Kinetics of production and characterization of the fucose-containing exopolysaccharide from Enterobacter A47." Journal of Biotechnology . 156 (2011): 261-267.torres_2011_j_biotechnol_156_261-267.pdf