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Zalakeviciute, R., Rybarczyk, Y., López-Villada, J., and Diaz Suarez M.V. "Quantifying decade-long effects of fuel and traffic regulations on urban ambient PM2.5 pollution in a mid-size South American city." Atmospheric Pollution Research. 9.1 (2018): 66-75.Website
Zajega, F., Mancas M., Ben Mandhkour R., Leroy J., Riche N., Rocca F., Rybarczyk Y., and Dutoit T. "KinAct: the attentive social game demonstration." 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision. Daejeon, Korea 2012. copy.pdf
Vernay, D., Lebret M.C., Rybarczyk P., and Rybarczyk Y. "Collaboration hommes, chiens et robots : quels scenarios ?" Interactions et Intercompréhension : une Approche Comparative. Eds. M. Grandgeorge, B. LePevedic, and F. Pugniere. Fernelmont: E.M.E, 2013. 189-200.copy.pdf
Sybenga, S., and Rybarczyk Y. "Using machine learning and image processing for character recognition: an application for teaching handwriting." 28th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering. San Diego, USA 2015. copy.pdf
Simão, J., Cotrim, L., Condeço, T., Cardoso, T., Palha, M., Rybarczyk, Y., and Barata J. "Using games for the phonetics awareness of children with Down syndrome." 6th EAI International Conference on Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation. Porto, Portugal 2016.
Seabra, J., Rybarczyk, Y., Batista, A., Rybarczyk, P., Lebret, M.C., and Vernay D. "Development of a wearable monitoring system for service dogs." IEEE Roman’14, Workshop on Wearable Technology and Human-Wearable Robot Interaction. Edinburgh, UK 2014.
Rybarczyk, Y. "A low cost optical tool for a 3D markerless motion capture." 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception. Lausanne, Switzerland 2010. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y. "3D markerless motion capture: a low cost approach." 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. Recife, Brazil 2016.
Rybarczyk, Y., Fonseca J., and Martins R. "Lisling 3D: a serious game for the treatment of portuguese aphasic patients." 12th conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe. Vilamoura, Portugal 2013. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y. "Interacción Persona-Maquina: aplicaciones en robótica y juegos digitales." Event in the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Ambato, Ecuador 2015. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Kleine Deters, J., Cointe, C., and Esparza D. "Smart Web-based platform to support physical rehabilitation." Sensors. 18.5 (2018): 1344.Website
Rybarczyk, Y., Mestre D., Hoppenot P., and Colle E. "Implémentation de mécanismes d’anticipation visuo-motrice en téléopération." Le Travail Humain. 67.3 (2004): 209-233.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Colle E., and Hoppenot P. "Contribution of neuroscience to the teleoperation of rehabilitation robot." IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetic’02. Hammamet, Tunisia 2002. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Seabra, J., Vernay, D., Rybarczyk, P., and Lebret M.C. "Towards an augmented assistance dog." 3rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. Azores, Portugal 2015. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Kleine Deters, J., Cointe, C., Aladro, A., and Esparza D. "Telerehabilitation platform for hip surgery recovery." IEEE ETCM. Salinas, Ecuador 2017.
Rybarczyk, Y., and Mestre D. "Effect of temporal organization of the visuo-locomotor coupling on the predictive steering." Frontiers in Perception Science. 3.239 (2012): 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00239.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Mestre D., Hoppenot P., and Colle E. "A biologically-inspired model for human-machine adaptation." 1st Portuguese Forum of Experimental Psychology. Braga, Portugal 2004. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Kleine Deters, J., Aladro, A., Esparza, D., Gonzalez, M., Villarreal, S., and Nunes I. "Recognition of physiotherapeutic exercises through DTW and low-cost vision-based motion capture." 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Los Angeles, USA 2017.
Rybarczyk, Y., Leconte, L., Pérez Medina, J., Jimenes, K., Acosta-Vargas, P., and Esparza D. "Telerehabilitation platform for post-arthroplasty recovery: a Dynamic Time Warping approach." 3rd IEEE ETCM. Cuenca, Ecuador 2018.
Rybarczyk, Y., and Fonseca J. "Tangible interface for a rehabilitation of comprehension in aphasic patients." 11th conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe. Maastricht, Netherlands 2011. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., and Vernay D. "Educative therapeutic tool to promote the empowerment of disabled people." IEEE Latin America Transactions. 14.7 (2016): 3410-3417.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Villarreal, S., González, M., Acosta-Vargas, P., Esparza, D., Sanchez-Gordon, S., Calle-Jimenez, T., Jádan, J., and Nunes I. "Interaction with a tele-rehabilitation platform through a natural user interface: a case study of hip arthroplasty patients." 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Orlando, USA 2018.
Rybarczyk, Y., Martins R., and Fonseca J. "Multimedia therapeutic tool for Portuguese aphasics." Experiment@ International Conference’11. Lisbon, Portugal 2011. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., and Santos J. "Motion integration in direction perception of biological motion." 4th Asian Conference on Vision. Matsue, Japan 2006. copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., and Carvalho D. "Effect of the implementation of the two-third power law in teleoperation." 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Orlando, USA 2016. copy.pdf