Pseudo Maximum Likelihood and Moments Estimators for Some Ergodic Diffusions

Mota, Pedro, and Manuel L. Esquível. "Pseudo Maximum Likelihood and Moments Estimators for Some Ergodic Diffusions." Contributions to Statistics. Springer International Publishing, 2018. 335-343.


When (Xt)t≥0 is an ergodic process, the density function of Xt converges to some invariant density as t →∞. We will compute and study some asymptotic properties of pseudo moments estimators obtained from this invariant density, for a specific class of ergodic processes. In this class of processes we can find the Cox-Ingersoll & Ross or Dixit & Pindyck processes, among others. A comparative study of the proposed estimators with the usual estimators obtained from discrete approximations of the likelihood function will be carried out.

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