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Silva, T. A. N., and N. M. M. Maia Estimation of rotational frequency response functions. Eds. Randall J. Allemang. Vol. 6. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 6. Springer International Publishing, 2015. Abstract

© The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. 2015. As it is widely known, in structural dynamic applications, ranging from structural coupling to model updating, the incompatibility between measured and simulated data is inevitable, due to the problem of coordinate incompleteness. Usually, the experimental data from conventional vibration testing is collected at a few translational degrees of freedom (DOF) due to applied forces, using hammer or shaker exciters, over a limited frequency range. Hence, one can only measure a portion of the receptance matrix, few columns, related to the forced DOFs, and rows, related to the measured DOFs. In contrast, by finite element modeling, one can obtain a full data set, both in terms of DOFs and identified modes. Over the years, several model reduction techniques have been proposed, as well as data expansion ones. However, the latter are significantly fewer and the demand for efficient techniques is still an issue. In this work, one proposes a technique for expanding measured frequency response functions (FRF) over the entire set of DOFs. This technique is based upon a modified Kidder’s method and the principle of reciprocity, and it avoids the need for modal identification, as it uses the measured FRFs directly. In order to illustrate the performance of the proposed technique, a set of simulated experimental translational FRFs is taken as reference to estimate rotational FRFs, including those that are due to applied moments.

Silva, Tiago A. N., and António A. Roque Optimização do Processo de Equilibragem Dinâmica – Metodologia Multiponto. Eds. APMI. Actas do 17.º Congresso Ibero-americano de Manutenção, 12.º Congresso Nacional de Manutenção e 1.º Encontro de Manutenção dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. Cascais, 2013. Abstract
Silva, Tiago A. N., and M. A. R. Loja Minimization of Thermal Residual Stresses on Functionally Graded Sandwich Structures Using Differential Evolution. Eds. Marques V. A Madureira C. Reis. 2nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems (ISCIES 2011)., 2011. Abstract