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Neves-Silva, R. Controlo de aeronave usando técnicas LQG/LTR de ganho variável. Eds. Professor João Miranda Lemos(IST/UTL). IST/UTL. Lisboa: UTL, 1994.
Neves-Silva, R. Controlo preditivo e dual de processos com perturbações acessíveis.. Eds. Professor João Miranda Lemos(IST/UTL). IST/UTL. Lisboa: UTL, 1999.
Journal Article
Coito, F., J. M. Lemos, R. Neves-Silva, and E. Mosca. "Adaptive control of a solar energy plant: exploiting accessible disturbances." International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 11.4 (1997): 327-342.
Neves-Silva, R., P. O. Shirley, J. M. Lemos, and A. Gonçalves. "Adaptive regulation of superheated steam temperature." IFAC - Control Eng. Practice. 8 (2000): 1405-1415.
Neves-Silva, R., L. Rato, J. M. Lemos, and F. Coito. "Cascade control of a distributed collector solar field." Journal of Process Control. 7.2 (1997): 111-117.
Marques, M., and R. Neves-Silva. "Decision support based on risk assessment for life cycle management of industrial plants." Journal of computing in systems and engineering (ISSN 1472-9083). 12.1 (2011): 212-218.
Marques, M., and R. Neves-Silva. "Development of a microscopic driver-vehicle model using a control theory approach." International Journal of Modeling and Simulation (ISSN: 0228-6203). 31.3 (2011).
Neves-Silva, R., N. Filatov, J. M. Lemos, and H. Unbehauen. "A dual approach to start-up of an adaptive predictive controller." IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology. 13.6 (2005): 877-883 .
Mazharsolook, E., S. Scholze, S. Ziplies, R. Neves-Silva, and K. Ning. "Enhancing networked enterprise management of knowledge and social interactions." Journal of Computing in Systems & Engineering (ISSN 1472-9083). 10.4 (2009): 176-184.
Soares, A., A. Gonçalves, R. Neves-Silva, and J. M. Lemos. "A methodology for impact evaluation of alternative control strategies in a large-scale power plant." IFAC - Control Engineering Practice. 5.3 (1997): 325-335.
Barão, M., J. M. Lemos, and R. Neves-Silva. "Reduced complexity adaptive nonlinear control of a distributed collector solar field." Journal of Process Control. 12 (2002): 131-141.
Palma, L. B., F. Coito, and R. Neves-Silva. "Robust fault diagnosis approach using analytical and knowledge based techniques applied to a water tank system." Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems. 13.4 (2005): 237-244.
Neves-Silva, R., L. M. Rato, and J. M. Lemos. "Time scaling internal state predictive control of a solar plant." IFAC - Control Engineering Practice (Special issue on IFAC-B’02 prize winning applications). 11.12 (2003): 1459-1467 .
Neves-Silva, R., J. M. Lemos, and L. M. Rato. "Variable sampling adaptive control of a distributed collector solar field." IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology (Special issue on control of industrial spatially distributed processes). 11.5 (2003): 765-772.
Book Chapter
Lemos, J. M., L. M. Rato, and R. Neves-Silva. "Adaptive control of distributed collector solar fields." Power Plant Application of Advanced Control Techniques. ProcessEng Engineering GmbH, 2010.
Lemos, J. M., P. O. Shirley, R. Neves-Silva, and B. Costa. "Adaptive predictive control of superheated steam and economic performance." Power Plant Application of Advanced Control Techniques. ProcessEng Engineering GmbH, 2010.
Igreja, J. M., J. M. Lemos, and R. Neves-Silva. "Controlling distributed hyperbolic plants with adaptive nonlinear model predictive control." Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Springer, 2006.
Neves-Silva, Rui Controlo de Sistemas Dinâmicos. Caparica: Electronic book, 2015.textbookcontrol-rns-v1.30.pdf