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Cardoso, Alberto, S. Santos, A. Santos, and P. Gil. "Simulation Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks based on the TrueTime Toolbox." IECON 2009 - 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. n/a 2009. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "State Space Neural Networks and the Unscented Kalman Filter in Online Nonlinear System Identification." IASTED, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Stability Analysis for a Class of Affine State-Space Neural Networks." 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. n/a 2004. Abstract
Gil, Paulo, F Santos, Alberto Cardoso, and Lu Palma Lu. "Subspace Propagator-based Approach for Online State-space System Identification." 2nd IEEE Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics. 2013. Abstract
Gomes, J., Alberto Cardoso, and P. Gil. "Slope instability and landslides in Tua river basin and its relations with recent train disasters." Geomorphology 2009 - 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (ANZIAG). n/a 2009. Abstract
Henriques, J., M. Brito, P. Gil, P. Carvalho, and M. Antunes. "Searching for Similarities in Nearly Periodic Signals With Application to ECG Data Compression." International Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR2006. n/a 2006. Abstract
Henriques, J., António Dourado, and P. Gil. "State Space Neural Networks in Nonlinear Adaptive System Identification and Control." IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control 2001. n/a 2001. Abstract
Henriques, J., António Dourado, P. Gil, and Alberto Cardoso. "Scheduling of PID controllers by means of a Neural Network With Application to a Solar Power Plant." IJCNN, International Join Conference on Neural Networks. n/a 2002. Abstract