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Cardoso, Alberto, and P. Gil. "Robust Fault Monitoring of Networked Control Systems." 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control. n/a 2008. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, M. & S. Vieira, P. Catré, and P. Gil. "Remote and Virtual Control Lab at DEI-FCTUC: Systems and Control Experiments for Engineering Courses." 1st World Engineering Flash Week. n/a 2011. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, M. & S. Vieira, and P. Gil. "A Remote and Virtual Lab with Experiments for Secondary Education, Engineering and Lifelong Learning Courses." International Journal of Online Engineering. 8 (2012): 49-54. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, P. Gil, J. Henriques, P. Carvalho, H. Duarte-Ramos, and António Dourado. "A Robust Fault Tolerant Control Framework: Application to a Solar Power Plant." IASTED International Conference Intelligent Systems and Control. n/a 2003. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, M. & S. Vieira, and P. Gil. "A Remote and Virtual Lab with Experiments for Secondary Education, Engineering and Lifelong Learning Courses."'11 - 1st Experiment@ International Conference. n/a 2011. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "Recurrent Neural Networks and Feedback Linearization for a Solar Power Plant Control." EUNIT01, European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gomes, J., Alberto Cardoso, and P. Gil. "Risk Management Integrated Systems; a methodological approach concerning the Tua river railway (NE Portugal)." VI Colóquio de Geografia de Coimbra â??Sociedade da Informação Geográficaâ?. n/a 2008. Abstract
Palma, L., F. Coito, and P. Gil. "Real-Time Detection of Oscillations in Control Loops." IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. n/a 2011. Abstract
Pereira, Vasco, Jorge Sá Silva, Alberto Cardoso, P. Gil, P. Furtado, R. M. Silva, J. Cecílio, A. Santos, A. Gomes, Edmundo Monteiro, J. d O, and R. Eiras. "Redes de Sensores sem Fios com Desempenho Controlado – Projecto FP7 GINSENG." Ingenium (Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros) (2011): n/a. Abstract
Santos, S., Alberto Cardoso, A. Santos, and P. Gil Robust Monitoring and Fault Tolerance in Wireless Sensor Networks. n/a, 2009. Abstract