

Current Research Projects

Contract PTDC/SAU-SAP/111482/2009: "Ferramentas analíticas para o estudo do efeito da radiação cósmica em pilotos de linha aérea." 

Contract PTDC/BIA-PRO/111485/2009: "Controlo de libertação de ferro e biomineralização em enzimas da família da ferritina."

Other Research Projects

Contract PTDC/QUI/67142/2006: “Iron detoxification and stress response in bacteria. A mechanistic study”.

The Molecular Biophysics Group

The Molecular Biophysics laboratory is a part of Requimte's  Biochemistry and Biophisics research group. Currently, the group is constituted by two Assistant Professores (myself and Alice S. Pereira), three senior researchers (Cristina M. Cordas, Isabel Timóteo and Filipe Folgosa), two PhD students (Inês Graça and Andreia Arrimar in coorientation with IICT and the Department of Physics), two MSc students (Daniela Penas da Silva and Joana Wilton Pereira) and a scientific research fellow (Magda Reis).