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Jackson, Y. J., Economos R. C., Jacobs L. L., Mateus O., & Gonçalves A. O. (2020).  When dinosaurs walked through diamonds: constraining the age of Early Cretaceous footprints in volcanic crater sediments. 54th Annual GSA South-Central Section Meeting 2020. , Fort Worth: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 52, No. 1jackson_et_al_2020_abstract__when_dinosaurs_walked_through_diamonds__gsa.pdf
Jackson, Y., Economos R., Jacobs L., Mateus O., & Gonçalves A. O. (2021).  When Dinosaurs Walked Through Diamonds: Constraining the Age of Early Cretaceous Footprints in Volcanic Crater Sediments. SMU Journal of Undergraduate Research. 6(1), : DOI: 10.25172/jour.6.1.1 Available at: https://scholar.smu … Abstractwhen_dinosaurs_walked_through_diamonds.pdf


Ripple, W. J., Wolf C., Newsome T. M., Galetti M., Alamgir M., Crist E., Mahmoud M. I., Laurance W. F., & signatoriesscientist +15364 (2017).  World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. BioScience. 125, Abstract
Ripple, W. J., Wolf C., Newsome T. M., Galetti M., Alamgir M., Crist E., Mahmoud M. I., Laurance W. F., & other scientist signatories +15 364 (2017).  World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. BioScience. bix125. Abstractripple_et_al_2017_scientists_merged_with_supp_material.pdfWebsite
