Model-Driven Development

DSM-TP 2012 (Summer School)

Monday, September 10, 2012, 5:37pm - Friday, September 14, 2012, 5:37pm

3rd edition of Domain Specific Modeling, International Summer School in Co-operation with IEEE-Portugal Section.

The main goal of the Second DSM-TP International Summer School, is the creation of a space for learning and discussion about Domain Specific Modeling.

This DSM-TP 2012 edition is promoted by Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Sul (Software Engineering College) and jointly co-organized by:

Monteiro, R., J. Araújo, V. Amaral, M. Goulão, and P. Patrício, "Model-Driven Development for Requirements Engineering: The Case of Goal-Oriented Approaches", 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2012), Lisbon, Portugal, IEEE CPS, 2012. Abstractquatic2012-full-crmg.pdf

Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) has received increasing attention over the past few years.
There are several goal-oriented approaches, each one using different kinds of models. We argue that it would be useful to relate them or even perform transformations among them automatically, in order to understand their similarities and differences, their advantages and disadvantages, allowing a possible migration or comparison between approaches. This is something that has not received enough attention. In this paper
we propose the definition and implementation of goal model transformations between i* and KAOS. As an immediate contribution, the approach can be used to migrate from one goal model to another through automatic model transformations. This approach also contributes to relate the concepts of i* and KAOS models and will help, for example, a development team in making the decision on which approach to follow, according to the nature of the project and the expressiveness of an approach to represent certain concepts
(e.g., obstacles are represented explicitly in KAOS, but not in i*). Another contribution is to facilitate communication among members of the same team, if they are specialized in different approaches.

Goulão, M., A. Moreira, J. Araújo, and J. P. Santos, "Streamlining scenario modeling with Model-Driven Development: a case study", Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop (MoDRE 2011), at the 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2011), Trento, Italy, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 55-63, 29 Aug., 2011. Abstract


Scenario modeling can be realized through different perspectives. In UML, scenarios are often modeled with activity models, in an early stage of development. Later, sequence diagrams are used to detail object interactions. The migration from activity diagrams to sequence diagrams is a repetitive and error-prone task. Model-Driven Development (MDD) can help streamlining this process, through transformation rules. Since the information in the activity model is insufficient to generate the corresponding complete sequence model, manual refinements are required. Our goal is to compare the relative effort of building the sequence diagrams manually with that of building them semi-automatically. Our results show a decrease in the number of operations required to build and refine the sequence model of approximately 64% when using MDD, when compared to the manual approach.
