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Journal Article
Rosa, R., M. S. Pimentel, J. Boavida-Portugal, T. Teixeira, K. Trübenbach, and M. Diniz. "Ocean warming enhances malformations, premature hatching, metabolic suppression and oxidative stress in the early life stages of a keystone squid." PLoS ONE. 7 (2012). AbstractWebsite
Capelo, J. L., R. Carreira, M. Diniz, L. Fernandes, M. Galesio, C. Lodeiro, H. M. Santos, and G. Vale. "Overview on modern approaches to speed up protein identification workflows relying on enzymatic cleavage and mass spectrometry-based techniques." Analytica Chimica Acta. 650 (2009): 151-159. AbstractWebsite
Lopes, A. R., K. Trübenbach, T. Teixeira, V. M. Lopes, V. Pires, M. Baptista, T. Repolho, R. Calado, M. Diniz, and R. Rosa. "Oxidative stress in deep scattering layers: Heat shock response and antioxidant enzymes activities of myctophid fishes thriving in oxygen minimum zones." Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 82 (2013): 10-16. AbstractWebsite