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Costa, P. M., M. S. Diniz, S. Caeiro, J. Lobo, M. Martins, A. M. Ferreira, M. Caetano, C. Vale, T. A. DelValls, and M. H. Costa. "Histological biomarkers in liver and gills of juvenile Solea senegalensis exposed to contaminated estuarine sediments: A weighted indices approach." Aquatic Toxicology. 92 (2009): 202-212. AbstractWebsite
Madeira, D., L. Narciso, H. N. Cabral, C. Vinagre, and M. S. Diniz. "HSP70 production patterns in coastal and estuarine organisms facing increasing temperatures." Journal of Sea Research. 73 (2012): 137-147. AbstractWebsite
Larguinho, M., P. M. Costa, G. Sousa, M. H. Costa, M. S. Diniz, and P. V. Baptista. "Histopathological findings on Carassius auratus hepatopancreas upon exposure to acrylamide: Correlation with genotoxicity and metabolic alterations." Journal of Applied Toxicology (2013). AbstractWebsite
Trübenbach, K., T. Teixeira, M. Diniz, and R. Rosa. "Hypoxia tolerance and antioxidant defense system of juvenile jumbo squids in oxygen minimum zones." Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 95 (2013): 209-217. AbstractWebsite