Mário Sousa Diniz
Dept. Química-REQUIMTE, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa mesd@fct.unl.pt
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IEF Annexes
Recent Publications
Assessment of fish quality: the Quality Index Method versus HPLC analysis in Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793)
Determination of target biogenic amines in fish by GC-MS: investigating seafood quality
3Qs for Quality: Development of New Devices and Techniques for Seafood Quality Assessment. YOUMARES 9
Comparing the Detection of Histamine by Using GC-MS and ELISA Methods: Clues for a Faster and Direct Detection of Biogenic Amines in Seafood Products
In-situ production of Histamine-imprinted polymeric materials for electrochemical monitoring of fish.
Fast and Direct Detection of Biogenic Amines in Fish by GC-IMS Technology