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Tendeiro, Diogo, Gonçalo Lopes, Pedro Vieira, and Jose Paulo Santos. "Monte Carlo simulation of laser beams interaction with the human eye using Geant4." BioMedical Engineering OnLine 13 (2014): 58. AbstractWebsite
Tendeiro, Diogo, Gonçalo Lopes, Pedro Vieira, and Jose Paulo Santos. "Monte Carlo simulation of laser beams interaction with the human eye using Geant4." BioMedical Engineering OnLine 13 (2014): 58. AbstractWebsite
Lopes, G., D. Tendeiro, J. P. Santos, and P. Vieira. "Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation through the Human Retina Using Geant4.", 431-434. Vol. 41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Abstract
Lopes, G., D. Tendeiro, J. P. Santos, and P. Vieira. "Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation through the Human Retina Using Geant4.", 431-434. Vol. 41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Abstract
Amaro, P., S. Schlesser, M. Guerra, E. Le Bigot, J. P. Santos, C. I. Szabo, A. Gumberidze, and P. Indelicato. "Absolute measurements and simulations of x-ray line energies of highly charged ions with a double-crystal spectrometer." T156 (2013): 014104. AbstractWebsite
Amaro, P., S. Schlesser, M. Guerra, E. Le Bigot, J. P. Santos, C. I. Szabo, A. Gumberidze, and P. Indelicato. "Absolute measurements and simulations of x-ray line energies of highly charged ions with a double-crystal spectrometer." Physica Scripta T156 (2013): 014104. AbstractWebsite
Amaro, Pedro, Sophie Schlesser, Mauro Guerra, Eric-Olivier Le Bigot, Jean-Michel Isac, Pascal Travers, Jose Paulo Santos, Csilla Szabo, Alexandre Gumberidze, and Paul Indelicato. "Absolute Measurement of the Relativistic Magnetic Dipole Transition Energy in Heliumlike Argon." Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012): 043005. AbstractWebsite

The 1s2s 3S1 ! 1s2 1S0 relativistic magnetic dipole transition in heliumlike argon, emitted by the plasma of an electron-cyclotron resonance ion source, has been measured using a double-flat crystal x-ray spectrometer. Such a spectrometer, used for the first time on a highly charged ion transition, provides absolute (reference-free) measurements in the x-ray domain. We find a transition energy of 3104.1605(77) eV (2.5 ppm accuracy). This value is the most accurate, reference-free measurement done for such a transition and is in good agreement with recent QED predictions.

Amaro, Pedro, Sophie Schlesser, Mauro Guerra, Eric-Olivier Le Bigot, Jean-Michel Isac, Pascal Travers, Jose Paulo Santos, Csilla Szabo, Alexandre Gumberidze, and Paul Indelicato. "Absolute Measurement of the Relativistic Magnetic Dipole Transition Energy in Heliumlike Argon." Physical Review Letters 109 (2012): 043005. AbstractWebsite

The 1s2s 3S1 - 1s2 1S0 relativistic magnetic dipole transition in heliumlike argon, emitted by the plasma of an electron-cyclotron resonance ion source, has been measured using a double-flat crystal x-ray spectrometer. Such a spectrometer, used for the first time on a highly charged ion transition, provides absolute (reference-free) measurements in the x-ray domain. We find a transition energy of 3104.1605(77) eV (2.5 ppm accuracy). This value is the most accurate, reference-free measurement done for such a transition and is in good agreement with recent QED predictions.

Pinto, R. M., R. I. Olariu, J. Lameiras, F. T. Martins, A. A. Dias, G. J. Langley, P. Rodrigues, C. D. Maycock, J. P. Santos, M. F. Duarte, M. T. Fernandez, and M. L. Costa. "Study of selected benzyl azides by UV photoelectron spectroscopy and mass spectrometry." Journal of Molecular Structure 980 (2010): 163-171. AbstractWebsite
Benzyl azide and the three methylbenzyl azides were synthesized and characterized by mass spectrometry (MS) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UVPES). The electron ionization fragmentation mechanisms for benzyl azide and their methyl derivatives were studied by accurate mass measurements and linked scans at constant B/E. For benzyl azide, in order to clarify the fragmentation mechanism, labelling experiments were performed. From the mass analysis of methylbenzyl azides isomers it was possible to differentiate the isomers ortho, meta and para. The abundance and nature of the ions resulting from the molecular ion fragmentation, for the three distinct isomers of substituted benzyl azides, were rationalized in terms of the electronic properties of the substituent. Concerning the para-isomer, IRC calculations were performed at UHF/6-31G(d) level. The photoionization study of benzyl azide, with He(I) radiation, revealed five bands in the 8-21 eV ionization energies region. From every photoelectron spectrum of methylbenzyl azides isomers it has been identified seven bands, on the same range as the benzyl azide. Interpretation of the photoelectron spectra was accomplished applying Koopmans' theorem to the SCF orbital energies obtained at HF/6-311++G(d, p) level.
Pinto, R. M., R. I. Olariu, J. Lameiras, F. T. Martins, A. A. Dias, G. J. Langley, P. Rodrigues, C. D. Maycock, J. P. Santos, M. F. Duarte, M. T. Fernandez, and M. L. Costa. "Study of selected benzyl azides by UV photoelectron spectroscopy and mass spectrometry." Journal of Molecular Structure 980 (2010): 163-171. AbstractWebsite

Benzyl azide and the three methylbenzyl azides were synthesized and characterized by mass spectrometry (MS) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UVPES). The electron ionization fragmentation mechanisms for benzyl azide and their methyl derivatives were studied by accurate mass measurements and linked scans at constant B/E. For benzyl azide, in order to clarify the fragmentation mechanism, labelling experiments were performed. From the mass analysis of methylbenzyl azides isomers it was possible to differentiate the isomers ortho, meta and para. The abundance and nature of the ions resulting from the molecular ion fragmentation, for the three distinct isomers of substituted benzyl azides, were rationalized in terms of the electronic properties of the substituent. Concerning the para-isomer, IRC calculations were performed at UHF/6-31G(d) level. The photoionization study of benzyl azide, with He(I) radiation, revealed five bands in the 8-21 eV ionization energies region. From every photoelectron spectrum of methylbenzyl azides isomers it has been identified seven bands, on the same range as the benzyl azide. Interpretation of the photoelectron spectra was accomplished applying Koopmans' theorem to the SCF orbital energies obtained at HF/6-311++G(d, p) level.

Martins, M. C., J. P. Marques, A. M. Costa, J. P. Santos, F. Parente, S. Schlesser, E. O. Le Bigot, and P. Indelicato. "Production and decay of sulfur excited species in an electron-cyclotron-resonance ion-source plasma." Physical Review A 80 (2009): 032501. AbstractWebsite

The most important processes for the creation of S12+ to S14+ ions excited states from the ground configurations of S9+ to S14+ ions in an electron cyclotron resonance ion source, leading to the emission of K x-ray lines, are studied. Theoretical values for inner-shell excitation and ionization cross sections, including double-KL and triple-KLL ionizations, transition probabilities and energies for the de-excitation processes, are calculated in the framework of the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. With reasonable assumptions about the electron energy distribution, a theoretical Kalpha x-ray spectrum is obtained, which is compared to recent experimental data.

Dyke, J. M., G. Levita, A. Morris, J. S. Ogden, A. A. Dias, M. Algarra, J. P. Santos, M. L. Costa, P. Rodrigues, M. M. Andrade, and M. T. Barros. "Contrasting Behavior in Azide Pyrolyses: An Investigation of the Thermal Decompositions of Methyl Azidoformate, Ethyl Azidoformate and 2-Azido-N, N-dimethylacetamide by Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy." Chemistry - A European Journal 11 (2005): 1665-1676. Abstract
The thermal decompositions of methyl azidoformate (N3COOMe), ethyl azidoformate (N3COOEt) and 2-azido-N,N-dimethylacetamide (N3CH2CONMe2) have been studied by matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and real-time ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. N2 appears as an initial pyrolysis product in all systems, and the principal interest lies in the fate of the accompanying organic fragment. For methyl azidoformate, four accompanying products were observed: HNCO, H2CO, CH2NH and CO2, and these are believed to arise as a result of two competing decomposition routes of a four-membered cyclic intermediate. Ethyl azidoformate pyrolysis yields four corresponding products: HNCO, MeCHO, MeCHNH and CO2, together with the five-membered-ring compound 2-oxazolidone. In contrast, the initial pyrolysis of 2-azido-N,N-dimethyl acetamide, yields the novel imine intermediate Me2NCOCHNH, which subsequently decomposes into dimethyl formamide (HCONMe2), CO, Me2NH and HCN. This intermediate was detected by matrix isolation IR spectroscopy, and its identity confirmed both by a molecular orbital calculation of its IR spectrum, and by the temperature dependence and distribution of products in the PES and IR studies. Mechanisms are proposed for the formation and decomposition of all the products observed in these three systems, based on the experimental evidence and the results of supporting molecular orbital calculations.
Dyke, J. M., G. Levita, A. Morris, J. S. Ogden, A. A. Dias, M. Algarra, J. P. Santos, M. L. Costa, P. Rodrigues, M. M. Andrade, and M. T. Barros. "Contrasting Behavior in Azide Pyrolyses: An Investigation of the Thermal Decompositions of Methyl Azidoformate, Ethyl Azidoformate and 2-Azido-N, N-dimethylacetamide by Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy." Chemistry - A European Journal 11 (2005): 1665-1676. Abstract

The thermal decompositions of methyl azidoformate (N3COOMe), ethyl azidoformate (N3COOEt) and 2-azido-N,N-dimethylacetamide (N3CH2CONMe2) have been studied by matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and real-time ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. N2 appears as an initial pyrolysis product in all systems, and the principal interest lies in the fate of the accompanying organic fragment. For methyl azidoformate, four accompanying products were observed: HNCO, H2CO, CH2NH and CO2, and these are believed to arise as a result of two competing decomposition routes of a four-membered cyclic intermediate. Ethyl azidoformate pyrolysis yields four corresponding products: HNCO, MeCHO, MeCHNH and CO2, together with the five-membered-ring compound 2-oxazolidone. In contrast, the initial pyrolysis of 2-azido-N,N-dimethyl acetamide, yields the novel imine intermediate Me2NCOCHNH, which subsequently decomposes into dimethyl formamide (HCONMe2), CO, Me2NH and HCN. This intermediate was detected by matrix isolation IR spectroscopy, and its identity confirmed both by a molecular orbital calculation of its IR spectrum, and by the temperature dependence and distribution of products in the PES and IR studies. Mechanisms are proposed for the formation and decomposition of all the products observed in these three systems, based on the experimental evidence and the results of supporting molecular orbital calculations.

Santos, J. P., and M. F. Laranjeira. Métodos Matemáticos para Físicos e Engenheiros., 2004. Abstract
Dyke, J. M., G. Levita, A. Morris, J. S. Ogden, A. A. Dias, M. Algarra, J. P. Santos, M. L. Costa, P. Rodrigues, and M. T. Barros. "A Study of the Thermal Decomposition of 2-Azidoacetamide by Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Matrix-Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy:  Identification of the Imine Intermediate H2NCOCHNH." The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108 (2004): 5299-5307. AbstractWebsite

The thermal decomposition of 2-azidoacetamide (N3CH2CONH2) has been studied by matrix-isolation infrared spectroscopy and real-time ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. N2, CH2NH, HNCO, CO, NH3, and HCN are observed as high-temperature decomposition products, while at lower temperatures, the novel imine intermediate H2NCOCHNH is observed in the matrix-isolation IR experiments. The identity of this intermediate is confirmed both by ab initio molecular orbital calculations of its IR spectrum and by the temperature dependence and distribution of products in the photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) and IR studies. Mechanisms are proposed for the formation and decomposition of the intermediate consistent both with the observed results and with estimated activation energies based on pathway calculations.

Santos, J. P., M. F. Laranjeira, and F. Parente. "Calculation of the triple to double ionization cross-section ratio of Li in the suddem approximation." Europhysics Letters 55 (2001): 479. Abstract

The triple-to-double ionization cross-section ratio of Li in the high-energy limit was computed in the sudden approximation with relativistic wave functions. Together with the calculated value of Dalgarno and Sadeghpour (Phys. Rev. A, 46 (1992) R3591), for the Li double-to-single ionization cross-section ratio, the value of 6.263x10-5 was obtained for the triple-to-single ionization cross-section ratio. This value is in full agreement with Wehlitz et al. experimental value of (6.38+-2.40)x10-5 obtained recently with synchrotron radiation (Phys. Rev. Lett., 81 (1998) 1813).

Indelicato, P., G. C. Rodrigues, E. Lindroth, M. A. Ourdane, F. Parente, J. P. Santos, P. Patté, and J. Bieron. "Relativistic and many-body effects on total binding energies of Cesium and other highly-charged ion." Physica Scripta T92 (2001): 327. Abstract

The determination of atomic masses from highly ionized atoms using Penning Traps requires precise values for electronic binding energies. In the present work, binding energies of several ions (from several elements) are calculated in the framework of two relativistic many-body methods: Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory (RMBPT) and Multi-Configuration Dirac– Fock (MCDF). The ions studied in this work are: Cl (He and Li-like), Se (F and Ne-like), Cs (He, Be, Ne, Al, Cl, Ar, K, Kr, Xe-like and neutral Cs), Hg, Pb and U (Br and Kr-like). Some of them are presented in this paper. Cesium has been treated in more details, allowing for a systematic comparison between MCDF and RMBPT methods. The Cs ions binding energies allow for the determination of atomic Cs mass, which can be used in a QED-independent fine structure constant determination.

Indelicato, P., E. Lindroth, T. Beier, J. Bieron, A. M. Costa, I. Lindgren, J. P. Marques, A. M. Martenson-Pendrill, M. C. Martins, M. A. Ourdane, F. Parente, P. Patté, G. C. Rodrigues, S. Salomonson, and J. P. Santos. "Relativistic Calculations for Trapped Ions." Hyperfine Interactions 132 (2001): 347-361. AbstractWebsite

We present recent results in the field of total binding energy calculations, Landщ factors, quantum electrodynamics corrections and lifetime that are of interest for ion traps and ion sources. We describe in detail MCDF and RMBPT calculation of ionic binding energies, which are needed for the determination of atomic masses from highly charged ion measurements. We also show new results concerning Landщ factor in 3-electron ions. Finally we describe how relativistic calculations can help understand the physics of heavy ion production ion sources.

Santos, J. P., J. P. Marques, F. Parente, E. Lindroth, P. Indelicato, and J. P. Desclaux. "Relativistic 2s1/2 (L1) atomic subshell decay rates and fluorescence yields for Yb and Hg." Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 32 (1999): 2089. AbstractWebsite
Santos, J. P., F. Mota-Furtado, M. F. Laranjeira, and F. Parente. "Rydberg states of atoms in parallel electric and magnetic fields." Physical Review A 59 (1999): 1703-1706. AbstractWebsite

We present theoretical results for the photoabsorption spectrum of an atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields, using the R-matrix method combined with quantum-defect theory. We introduce a radial basis set which is complete and orthonormal over a semi-infinite interval [r0,(infinity)), to allow calculations to be performed for high Rydberg states in nonhydrogenic atoms without encountering problems due to linear dependence of the basis set. The nonhydrogenic character of the spectra is analyzed for Li and Rb, and a comparison is made with previous high-precision experiments which shows that the theoretical results agree very well with experiment.

Santos, J. P., J. P. Marques, F. Parente, E. Lindroth, S. Boucard, and P. Indelicato. "Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculation of 2s1/2-2p3/2 transition energies in highly ionized bismuth, thorium, and uranium." The European Physical Journal D 1 (1998): 149-163. Abstract

Structure and QED effects for 2s1/2 and 2p3/2 levels are calculated for lithiumlike U89+ trough neonlike U82+, lithiumlike Th87+ trough neonlike Th80+ and lithiumlike Bi80+ trough neonlike Bi73+. The results of the first two sets are compared with recent measurements of the 2s1/2-2p3/2 transition energy in 3 to 10-electron ions. Good agreement with experiment is found for most of the observed lines. Forty-one possible transitions are calculated for each ion in the eight ionization states, in the experimental energy range. Twenty-eight of these transitions have not been observed, nor calculated previously. We also calculate transition rates, branching ratios, excitation and ionization cross sections and confirm that the thirteen experimental observed transitions correspond to the ones with highest relative intensities. However, we find nineteen more transitions that could be measured in a more sensitive experiment.X