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Safari, L., J. P. Santos, P. Amaro, K. Jankala, and F. Fratini. "Analytical evaluation of atomic form factors: Application to Rayleigh scattering." Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (2015): 052105-9. AbstractWebsite
Diepold, Marc, Luis M. P. Fernandes, Jorge Machado, Pedro Amaro, Marwan Abdou-Ahmed, Fernando D. Amaro, Aldo Antognini, François Biraben, Tzu-Ling Chen, Daniel S. Covita, Andreas J. Dax, Beatrice Franke, Sandrine Galtier, Andrea L. Gouvea, Johannes Götzfried, Thomas Graf, Theodor W. Hänsch, Malte Hildebrandt, Paul Indelicato, Lucile Julien, Klaus Kirch, Andreas Knecht, Franz Kottmann, Julian J. Krauth, Yi-Wei Liu, Cristina M. B. Monteiro, Françoise Mulhauser, Boris Naar, Tobias Nebel, François Nez, Jose Paulo Santos, Joaquim M. F. dos Santos, Karsten Schuhmann, Csilla I. Szabo, David Taqqu, João F. C. A. Veloso, Andreas Voss, Birgit Weichelt, and Randolf Pohl. "Improved x-ray detection and particle identification with avalanche photodiodes." Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (2015): 053102-7. AbstractWebsite
Amaro, P., J. P. Marques, P. Indelicato, T. K. Mukherjee, J. K. Saha, L. C. Tribedi, and J. P. Santos. "Double KK excited states in highly charged sulphur." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015): 022071. Abstract


Amaro, Pedro, Filippo Fratini, Laleh Safari, Aldo Antognini, Paul Indelicato, Randolf Pohl, and Jose Paulo Santos. "Quantum interference shifts in laser spectroscopy with elliptical polarization." Physical Review A 92 (2015): 062506-5. AbstractWebsite
Amaro, Pedro, Beatrice Franke, Julian J. Krauth, Marc Diepold, Filippo Fratini, Laleh Safari, Jorge Machado, Aldo Antognini, Franz Kottmann, Paul Indelicato, Randolf Pohl, and Jose Paulo Santos. "Quantum interference effects in laser spectroscopy of muonic hydrogen, deuterium, and helium-3." Physical Review A 92 (2015): 022514-7. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., P. Amaro, J. Machado, and J. P. Santos. "Single differential electron impact ionization cross sections in the binary-encounter- Bethe approximation for the low binding energy regime." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (2015): 1-9. AbstractWebsite

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(2015) 185202. doi:10.1088/0953-4075/48/18/185202

Guerra, M., S. C. Pé-Leve Santos, A. M. E. Barroso, C. P. S. Fonseca, M. Eloy Cruz, P. Amaro, J. L. Figueirinhas, M. L. Carvalho, and J. P. Santos. "Spatially resolved determination of toxic trace elements in plants of Panasqueira mining region using micro X-ray fluorescence." Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 (2015): 54-55. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., P. Amaro, J. Machado, and J. P. Santos. "Modified Binary-Encounter-Bethe Model for Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Highly Charged Ions ." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015): 052067. AbstractWebsite
Amaro, P., C. I. Szabo, S. Schlesser, A. Gumberidze, E. G. Kessler, A. Henins, E. O. Le Bigot, M. Trassinelli, J. M. Isac, P. Travers, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos, and P. Indelicato. "A vacuum double-crystal spectrometer for reference-free X-ray spectroscopy of highly charged ions." Radiation Physics and Chemistry 98 (2014): 132-149. AbstractWebsite

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 98 + (2014) 132-149. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2014.01.015

Amaro, P., C. I. Szabo, S. Schlesser, A. Gumberidze, E. G. Kessler, A. Henins, E. O. Le Bigot, M. Trassinelli, J. M. Isac, P. Travers, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos, and P. Indelicato. "A vacuum double-crystal spectrometer for reference-free X-ray spectroscopy of highly charged ions." Radiation Physics and Chemistry 98 (2014): 132-149. AbstractWebsite

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 98 + (2014) 132-149. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2014.01.015

Safari, L., P. Amaro, J. P. Santos, and F. Fratini. "Angular and polarization analysis for two-photon decay of <span class="aps-inline-formula"><math xmlns=""><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>s</mi></mrow></math>&." Physical Review A 90 (2014): 014502. AbstractWebsite

The amplitude of two-photon transitions between hyperfine states in hydrogenlike ions is derived based on the relativistic Dirac equation and second-order perturbation theory. We study angular and linear polarization properties of the photon pair emitted in the decay of $2s$ states, where spin-flip and non-spin-flip transitions are highlighted. We pay particular attention to hydrogenlike uranium, since it is an ideal candidate for investigating relativistic and high-multipole effects, such as spin-flip transitions. Two types of emission patterns are identified: (i) non-spin-flip transitions are found to be characterized by an angular distribution of the type $W($\theta${})$\sim${}1+{cos}^{2}$\theta${}$ while the polarizations of the emitted photons are parallel; and (ii) spin-flip transitions have somewhat smaller decay rates and are found to be characterized by an angular distribution of the type $W($\theta${})$\sim${}1$-${}1/3{cos}^{2}$\theta${}$ while the polarizations of the emitted photons are orthogonal, where $$\theta${}$ is the angle between photons directions. Deviations due to nondipole and relativistic contributions are evaluated for both types of transitions. This work is the first step toward exploring the effect of the nucleus over the angular and polarization properties of the photon pairs emitted by two-photon transitions.

Safari, L., P. Amaro, J. P. Santos, and F. Fratini. "Angular and polarization analysis for two-photon decay of <span class="aps-inline-formula"><math xmlns=""><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>s</mi></mrow></math>&." Physical Review A 90 (2014): 014502. AbstractWebsite

The amplitude of two-photon transitions between hyperfine states in hydrogenlike ions is derived based on the relativistic Dirac equation and second-order perturbation theory. We study angular and linear polarization properties of the photon pair emitted in the decay of $2s$ states, where spin-flip and non-spin-flip transitions are highlighted. We pay particular attention to hydrogenlike uranium, since it is an ideal candidate for investigating relativistic and high-multipole effects, such as spin-flip transitions. Two types of emission patterns are identified: (i) non-spin-flip transitions are found to be characterized by an angular distribution of the type $W($\theta${})$\sim${}1+{cos}^{2}$\theta${}$ while the polarizations of the emitted photons are parallel; and (ii) spin-flip transitions have somewhat smaller decay rates and are found to be characterized by an angular distribution of the type $W($\theta${})$\sim${}1$-${}1/3{cos}^{2}$\theta${}$ while the polarizations of the emitted photons are orthogonal, where $$\theta${}$ is the angle between photons directions. Deviations due to nondipole and relativistic contributions are evaluated for both types of transitions. This work is the first step toward exploring the effect of the nucleus over the angular and polarization properties of the photon pairs emitted by two-photon transitions.

Fratini, F., L. Safari, A. G. Hayrapetyan, K. Jankala, P. Amaro, and J. P. Santos. "Quantized form factor shift in the presence of free electron laser radiation." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 107 (2014): 13002. AbstractWebsite

In electron scattering, the target form factors contribute significantly to the diffraction pattern and carry information on the target electromagnetic charge distribution. Here we show that the presence of electromagnetic radiation, as intense as currently available in free electron lasers, shifts the dependence of the target form factors by a quantity that depends on the number of photons absorbed or emitted by the electron as well as on the parameters of the electromagnetic radiation. As example, we show the impact of intense ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation on elastic electron scattering by the Ne-like argon ion and by the xenon atom. We find that the shift brought by the radiation to the form factor is of the order of some percent. Our results may open up a new avenue to explore matter with the assistance of laser.

Fratini, F., L. Safari, A. G. Hayrapetyan, K. Jankala, P. Amaro, and J. P. Santos. "Quantized form factor shift in the presence of free electron laser radiation." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 107 (2014): 13002. AbstractWebsite

In electron scattering, the target form factors contribute significantly to the diffraction pattern and carry information on the target electromagnetic charge distribution. Here we show that the presence of electromagnetic radiation, as intense as currently available in free electron lasers, shifts the dependence of the target form factors by a quantity that depends on the number of photons absorbed or emitted by the electron as well as on the parameters of the electromagnetic radiation. As example, we show the impact of intense ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation on elastic electron scattering by the Ne-like argon ion and by the xenon atom. We find that the shift brought by the radiation to the form factor is of the order of some percent. Our results may open up a new avenue to explore matter with the assistance of laser.

Kasthurirangan, S., J. K. Saha, A. N. Agnihotri, A. Banerjee, A. Kumar, D. Misra, J. P. Santos, A. M. Costa, P. Indelicato, T. K. Mukherjee, and L. C. Tribedi. "High-resolution x-ray spectra from highly charged Si, S and Cl ions showing evidence of fluorescence active resonant states." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (2014): 132027-2. AbstractWebsite

We have measured the x-ray spectra from highly charged Si, S and Cl ions in collisions with thin foils using a high-resolution x-ray spectrometer. The observed lines have been assigned to various transitions in H-, He- and Li-like ions. For proper identification of line positions, the theoretical calculations have been carried out using a state-of-the-art MCDF code including QED effects, with which the experimental data is in excellent agreement. We have also observed, for the first time, x-rays arising out of the decay of long-lived resonant states in the He-like ions of each species. Details will be presented.

Amaro, P., S. Schlesser, M. Guerra, E. Le Bigot, J. P. Santos, C. I. Szabo, A. Gumberidze, and P. Indelicato. "Absolute measurements and simulations of x-ray line energies of highly charged ions with a double-crystal spectrometer." T156 (2013): 014104. AbstractWebsite
Amaro, P., S. Schlesser, M. Guerra, E. Le Bigot, J. P. Santos, C. I. Szabo, A. Gumberidze, and P. Indelicato. "Absolute measurements and simulations of x-ray line energies of highly charged ions with a double-crystal spectrometer." Physica Scripta T156 (2013): 014104. AbstractWebsite
Szabo, C. I., P. Amaro, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos, A. Gumberidze, J. Attard, and P. Indelicato. "Ion temperature and x-ray line width measurements of highly charged argon ions in an ECR ion source." Physica Scripta T156 (2013): 014077. AbstractWebsite
Szabo, C. I., P. Amaro, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos, A. Gumberidze, J. Attard, and P. Indelicato. "Ion temperature and x-ray line width measurements of highly charged argon ions in an ECR ion source." Physica Scripta T156 (2013): 014077. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., P. Amaro, C. I. Szabo, A. Gumberidze, P. Indelicato, and J. P. Santos. "Analysis of the charge state distribution in an ECRIS Ar plasma using high-resolution x-ray spectra." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (2013): 065701. AbstractWebsite

In this work, we obtained a charge state distribution inside an Ar plasma produced by an electron–cyclotron-resonance ion source. The processes that lead to the observed lines in x-ray spectra are identified and included in the simulated x-ray spectrum. The geometrical constraints of the flat double crystal spectrometer, used to measure the x-ray spectrum, are investigated as they are crucial for correctly obtaining the ion densities from the observed transition amplitudes. Multiple electron impact ionization is included, and a realistic electron velocity distribution is taken into account. The charge state distribution of the Ar ions is compared to measured extracted ionic currents.

Guerra, M., P. Amaro, C. I. Szabo, A. Gumberidze, P. Indelicato, and J. P. Santos. "Analysis of the charge state distribution in an ECRIS Ar plasma using high-resolution x-ray spectra." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (2013): 065701. AbstractWebsite

In this work, we obtained a charge state distribution inside an Ar plasma produced by an electron–cyclotron-resonance ion source. The processes that lead to the observed lines in x-ray spectra are identified and included in the simulated x-ray spectrum. The geometrical constraints of the flat double crystal spectrometer, used to measure the x-ray spectrum, are investigated as they are crucial for correctly obtaining the ion densities from the observed transition amplitudes. Multiple electron impact ionization is included, and a realistic electron velocity distribution is taken into account. The charge state distribution of the Ar ions is compared to measured extracted ionic currents.

Kasthurirangan, S., J. K. Saha, A. N. Agnihotri, S. Bhattacharyya, D. Misra, A. Kumar, P. K. Mukherjee, J. P. Santos, A. M. Costa, P. Indelicato, T. K. Mukherjee, and L. C. Tribedi. "Observation of 2p3 d (1Po)→ 1s3d (1De) Radiative Transition in He-like Si, S, and Cl Ions." Physical Review Letters 111 (2013): 243201. AbstractWebsite
Kasthurirangan, S., J. K. Saha, A. N. Agnihotri, S. Bhattacharyya, D. Misra, A. Kumar, P. K. Mukherjee, J. P. Santos, A. M. Costa, P. Indelicato, T. K. Mukherjee, and L. C. Tribedi. "Observation of 2p3 d (1Po)→ 1s3d (1De) Radiative Transition in He-like Si, S, and Cl Ions." Physical Review Letters 111 (2013): 243201. AbstractWebsite
Szabo, Csilla I., Pedro Amaro, Mauro Guerra, Sophie Schlesser, Alexander Gumberidze, Jose Paulo Santos, and Paul Indelicato. "Reference free, high-precision measurements of transition energies in few electron argon ions." AIP APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY: Twenty-Second International Conference 1525 (2013): 68-72. AbstractWebsite

The use of a vacuum double crystal spectrometer, coupled to an electron-cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS), allows to measure low-energy x-ray transitions energies in highly-charged ions with accuracies of the order of a few parts per million. We have used this installation to measure the 1s2p 1 P1 - 1s2 1 S0 diagram line and the 1s2s 3 S1 - 1s2 1 S0 forbidden M1 transition energies in helium-like argon, the 1s2s2p 2 P j 1s2 2s 2 S1/2 transitions in lithium-like argon and the 1s2s2 2p 1 P1 - 1s2 2s2 1 S0 transition in beryllium-like argon. These transition measurements have accuracies between 2 and 4 ppm depending on the line intensity. Thanks to the excellent agreement between the simulations and the measurements, we were also able to measure the transition width of all the allowed transitions. The results are compared to recent QED and relativistic many-body calculations.

Szabo, Csilla I., Pedro Amaro, Mauro Guerra, Sophie Schlesser, Alexander Gumberidze, Jose Paulo Santos, and Paul Indelicato. "Reference free, high-precision measurements of transition energies in few electron argon ions." AIP Conf. Proc. 1525 (2013): 68-72. AbstractWebsite

The use of a vacuum double crystal spectrometer, coupled to an electron-cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS), allows to measure low-energy x-ray transitions energies in highly-charged ions with accuracies of the order of a few parts per million. We have used this installation to measure the 1s2p 1 P1 - 1s2 1 S0 diagram line and the 1s2s 3 S1 - 1s2 1 S0 forbidden M1 transition energies in helium-like argon, the 1s2s2p 2 P j 1s2 2s 2 S1/2 transitions in lithium-like argon and the 1s2s2 2p 1 P1 - 1s2 2s2 1 S0 transition in beryllium-like argon. These transition measurements have accuracies between 2 and 4 ppm depending on the line intensity. Thanks to the excellent agreement between the simulations and the measurements, we were also able to measure the transition width of all the allowed transitions. The results are compared to recent QED and relativistic many-body calculations.