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dos Santos, Renato, Ângelo Rocha, Ana Matias, Catarina Duarte, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, Nuno Lourenço, João Paulo Borges, and Pedro Vidinha. "Development of antimicrobial Ion Jelly fibers." RSC Advances. 3 (2013): 24400-24405. Abstract


Simões, Beatriz T., Filipe V. Almeida, João Paulo Borges, and Paula I. P. Soares. "Extracellular Hyperthermia for the Treatment of Advanced Cutaneous Melanoma." 8.1 (2022): 56. Abstract
Soares, Paula I. P., Ana Isabel Sousa, Jorge Carvalho Silva, Isabel M. M. Ferreira, Carlos M. M. Novo, and João Paulo Borges. "Chitosan-based nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for doxorubicin: Optimization and modelling." Carbohydrate polymers. 147 (2016): 304-312. Abstract
Soares, P. I. P., C. Echeverria, AC Baptista, C. F. C. João, S. N. Fernandes, A. P. C. Almeida, JC Silva, M. H. Godinho, and J. P. Borges Hybrid polysaccharide-based systems for biomedical applications. Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials: Applications., 2017. AbstractWebsite

Hybrid materials have been widely studied for structural applications. Polysaccharide-based fibers, especially cellulosic fibers, have been explored in the last two decades as substitutes of the traditional reinforcements made of glass or carbon fibers due to their mechanical properties. However, their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and chemistry have attracted the researchers and new developments in the field of smart and functional materials arise in diverse applications. This chapter will focus on the biomedical applications of polysaccharide-based smart and functional materials, namely those concerning biosensors and actuators, theranostic systems, and tissue-engineering applications. Special attention will be given to cellulose- and chitin/chitosan-based hybrid materials because these are the two most abundant polysaccharides and probably the most promising for the development of hybrid materials for biomedical applications. Biomimetic strategies for the development of smart and functional hybrid materials will also be highlighted. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

Soares, Paula I. P., Diana Machado, César Laia, Laura CJ Pereira, Joana T. Coutinho, Isabel M. M. Ferreira, Carlos M. M. Novo, and João Paulo Borges. "Thermal and magnetic properties of chitosan-iron oxide nanoparticles." Carbohydrate polymers. 149 (2016): 382-390. Abstract
Soares, PI, AM Alves, LC Pereira, JT Coutinho, IM Ferreira, CM Novo, and J. P. Borges. "Effects of surfactants on the magnetic properties of iron oxide colloids." J Colloid Interface Sci.. 419 (2014): 46-51. AbstractWebsite

Iron oxide nanoparticles are having been extensively investigated for several biomedical applications such as hyperthermia and magnetic resonance imaging. However, one of the biggest problems of these nanoparticles is their aggregation.

Taking this into account, in this study the influence of three different surfactants (oleic acid, sodium citrate and Triton X-100) each one with various concentrations in the colloidal solutions stability was analyzed by using a rapid and facile method, the variation in the optical absorbance along time.

The synthesized nanoparticles through chemical precipitation showed an average size of 9 nm and a narrow size distribution. X-ray diffraction pattern and Fourier Transform Infrared analysis confirmed the presence of pure magnetite. SQUID measurements showed superparamagnetic properties with a blocking temperature around 155 K. In addition it was observed that neither sodium citrate nor Triton X-100 influences the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles. On the other hand, oleic acid in a concentration of 64 mM decreases the saturation magnetization from 67 to 45 emu/g. Oleic acid exhibits a good performance as stabilizer of the iron oxide nanoparticles in an aqueous solution for 24 h, for concentrations that lead to the formation of the double layer.

Soares, Paula I. P., Joana Romão, Ricardo Matos, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and João Paulo Borges. "Design and engineering of magneto-responsive devices for cancer theranostics: nano to macro perspective." (2020): 100742. Abstract
Soares, Paula I. P., César AT Laia, Alexandra Carvalho, Laura CJ Pereira, Joana T. Coutinho, Isabel M. M. Ferreira, Carlos M. M. Novo, and João Paulo Borges. "Iron oxide nanoparticles stabilized with a bilayer of oleic acid for magnetic hyperthermia and MRI applications." Applied Surface Science. 383 (2016): 240-247. Abstract
Soares, Paula I. P., Frederik Lochte, Coro Echeverria, Laura CJ Pereira, Joana T. Coutinho, Isabel M. M. Ferreira, Carlos M. M. Novo, and others. "Thermal and magnetic properties of iron oxide colloids: influence of surfactants." Nanotechnology. 26 (2015): 425704. Abstract
Soares, Paula I. P., Joana Romao, Ricardo Matos, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and Joao Paulo Borges. "Design and engineering of magneto-responsive devices for cancer theranostics: Nano to macro perspective." 116 (2021): 100742. Abstract
Soares, Paula I. P., Ana Isabel Sousa, Isabel M. M. Ferreira, Carlos M. M. Novo, and João Paulo Borges. "Towards the development of multifunctional chitosan-based iron oxide nanoparticles: Optimization and modelling of doxorubicin release." Carbohydrate Polymers. 153 (2016): 212-221. Abstract
Sousa, Cristiana FV, Luís PG Monteiro, João MM Rodrigues, João Borges, and João F. Mano. "Marine-origin polysaccharides-based free-standing multilayered membranes as sustainable nanoreservoirs for controlled drug delivery." 11.28 (2023): 6671-6684. Abstract
SR, Gomes, Rodrigues GM, Martins GG, Henriques CM, Borges JP, and Silva JC How fibroblasts respond to different biomaterials: comparative adhesion and proliferation studies. Vol. 6. JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 6., 2012. Abstract