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Arsenio, Pedro, Tiago Silva, Nuno Vilhena, João Pina, and Anabela Pronto. "Analysis of Characteristic Hysteresis Loops of Magnetic Shielding Inductive Fault Current Limiters." IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 23 (2013): 5601004. AbstractWebsite

Magnetic shielding inductive fault currentlimiterswith high temperature superconducting cylinders have previously been described by a characteristic (or maximum)hysteresisloop, built from properties of their constitutive parts, which allowed predicting their behavior in electrical grids. These preliminary results were based on finite elements simulations, but posterior experiments suggested limitations in the models. In order to investigate the application of these previous models to real devices, two laboratory scale prototypes were built with different types of superconducting material in the secondary, either bulk cylinder, either tape. Although the behavior of both devices is still approximately defined by a maximumhysteresisloop, differences in the shielding current response, when compared with previous model, must be incorporated in future models.

Cunha, Jerónimo Energia nuclear no panorama nacional: benefícios vs custos e análise de sustentabilidade. Eds. Amadeu Rodrigues, and João Pina. FCT-UNL, 2009. Abstract
Ferreira, Jorge Controlo de Geradores de Indução Duplamente Alimentados em Turbinas Eólicas. Eds. Mário Neves, and João Pina. FCT-UNL, 2009. Abstract

A instalação em larga escala de turbinas eólicas equipadas com um gerador de indução duplamente alimentado (GIDA) tem vindo a promover a realização de vários estudos relacionados com potenciais soluções para a sua integração na rede eléctrica. Nesta tese apresenta-se uma técnica de controlo que permite regular as potências activa e reactiva do GIDA de forma estável e independente. A sua viabilidade é suportada não só por um estudo teórico prévio mas também pelos resultados da simulação de modelos desenvolvidos usando o software Matlab?Simulink?. Apesar de este sistema funcionar a velocidade variável (ainda que dentro de certos limites), continua a existir a necessidade de limitar a potência fornecida pela turbina eólica quando a velocidade do vento assume valores superiores ao nominal. Assim, faz-se também uma breve análise de alguns métodos de regulação de potência activos e passivos.

Inácio, D., J. A. Inácio, J. Pina, S. Valtchev, M. Neves, J. Martins, and A. Rodrigues. "Conventional and HTS Disc motor with pole variation control." 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG'2009). 2009. 513-518. Abstract

In this paper, a poly-phase disc motor innovative feeding and control strategy, based on a variable poles approach, and its application to a high temperature superconductor (HTS) disc motor, are presented. The stator windings may be electronically commutated to implement a 2, 4, 6 or 8 poles winding, thus changing the motor's torque?speed characteristics. The motor may be a conventional induction motor with a conductive disc rotor, or a new HTS disc motor, with conventional copper windings at its two iron semi-stators and a HTS disc as a rotor. The conventional induction motor's operation principle is related with the induced electromotive forces in the conductive rotor. Its behaviour, characteristics and modelling through Steinmetz and others theories are well known. The operation principle of the motor with HTS rotor, however, is rather different and is related with vortices' dynamics and pinning characteristics; this is a much more complex process than induction, and its modelling is quite complicated. In this paper, the operation was simulated through finite-elements commercial software (FLUX2D), whereas superconductivity was simulated by the E-J power law. The electromechanical performance of both motor's computed are compared. Considerations about the systems overall efficiency, including cryogenics, are also discussed.

Inácio, S., D. Inácio, J. M. Pina, Stanimir Valtchev, M. V. Neves, and A. L. Rodrigues. "An electrical gearbox by means of pole variation for induction and superconducting disc motor." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 97 (2008): 012221. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, a poly-phase disc motor innovative feeding and control strategy, based on a variable poles approach, and its application to a HTS disc motor, are presented. The stator windings may be electronically commutated to implement a 2, 4, 6 or 8 poles winding, thus changing the motor's torque?speed characteristics. The motor may be a conventional induction motor with a conductive disc rotor, or a new HTS disc motor, with conventional copper windings at its two iron semi-stators, and a HTS disc as a rotor. The conventional induction motor's operation principle is related with the induced electromotive forces in the conductive rotor. Its behaviour, characteristics (namely their torque?speed characteristics for different number of pole pairs) and modelling through Steinmetz and others theories are well known. The operation principle of the motor with HTS rotor, however, is rather different and is related with vortices' dynamics and pinning characteristics; this is a much more complex process than induction, and its modelling is quite complicated. In this paper, the operation was simulated through finite-elements commercial software, whereas superconductivity was simulated by the E-J power law. The Electromechanical performances of both motors where computed and are presented and compared. Considerations about the systems overall efficiency, including cryogenics, are also discussed.

Inácio, D., João Pina, Go{\cn}alo Luis, J. F. Martins, M. Ventim-Neves, and Alfredo Alvarez. "Experimental Characterization of a Conventional (Aluminum) and of a Superconducting (YBCO) Axial Flux Disc Motor." IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2011). AbstractWebsite

An equivalent model and electromechanical characteristics for the disk motor was obtained based on the Steinmetz parameters. This paper describes a series of tests conducted on an axial flux motor, equipped with an aluminum rotor disc and an YBCO high temperature superconducting rotor disc, at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). The rotating magnetic field was produced by a four-pole, three-phase stator winding, at 50 Hz. At asynchronous permanent regime, Steinmetz-type models are able to describe both motors' behavior. From the performed tests, the parameters of both motors' models were deduced. A variable load was used to obtain both motor's characteristics (conventional and superconducting). Experimental obtained characteristics of both motors are compared with the ones predicted from parameters' calculation. The HTS motor provides high efficiency then the conventional ones.

Inácio, David, João Pina, João Martins, Mário Ventim Neves, and Alfredo Álvarez. "Lumped Parameters Equivalent Circuit of a Superconducting Hysteresis Motor." EUCAS Conference 2011. Vol. 36. 2012. 975-979. Abstract

The potential advantage of using superconducting materials in electrical devices is well described in the literature. The electromagnetic properties of these materials make them unique for several applications, such as, e.g. electrical machines and drives, fault current applications, or superconducting magnetic energy storage. In the development of electromechanical conversion devices, superconducting materials are used foreseeing mainly a decrease in the device dimensions or a performance improvement for the same active volume. To guarantee a good application of this kind of materials it is important to describe and model the phenomena that characterize their operation under different regimes. In this paper, a study based in FEM simulations of a motor with bulk superconductor in the rotor is carried out, with the purpose of understand, quantify and qualify which phenomena are present in the different regimes of the motor, leading to obtaining an equivalent electrical circuit with lumped parameters.

Inácio, David Comparação numérica e experimental das características dos Motores de Histerese Convencional e Supercondutor. Eds. Mário Neves, Anabela Gonçalves, and João Pina. FCT-UNL, 2008. Abstract

Os motores de histerese são muito atraentes, numa ampla gama de aplicações devido à característica binário - velocidade e simplicidade de construção. É esperado que o rendimento destes motores seja melhorado aquando do uso de materiais supercondutores de alta temperatura (SAT ? supercondutores de alta temperatura) e, de facto, os motores de histerese têm-se mostrado como, provavelmente, a melhor máquina eléctrica usando materiais SAT. Ambos os motores, quer convencional quer supercondutor (com SAT), são motores de histerese, mas apresentam diferentes fenómenos físicos para o seu funcionamento: o comportamento de histerese nos materiais ferromagnéticos convencionais é devido à falta de linearidade das suas propriedades magnéticas dos materiais ferromagnéticos enquanto a histerese nos materiais supercondutores de alta temperatura é de natureza ohmica e está relacionada com dinâmica de vórtices. Nesta tese aspectos teóricos, experimentais e simulados de ambos os motores são discutidos, realçando-se o princípio de funcionamento de cada um e as características mais relevantes de cada um. As características obtidas, quer por testes experimentais quer por uso do simulador usando elementos finitos (FLUX2D?), foram comparadas com o objectivo de avaliar o rendimento dos motores electromecânicos e a eficiência dos sistemas, incluindo a criogenia para os dispositivos supercondutores de alta temperatura.

Inácio, David, João Pina, Go{\cn}alo Luis, João F. Martins, Mário Neves, and Alfredo Alvarez. "Experimental Characterization of a Conventional (Aluminum) and of a Superconducting (YBCO) Axial Flux Disc Motor." IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 21 (2011): 1146-1150. AbstractWebsite

An equivalent model and electromechanical characteristics for the disk motor was obtained based on the Steinmetz parameters. This paper describes a series of tests conducted on an axial flux motor, equipped with an aluminum rotor disc and an YBCO high temperature superconducting rotor disc, at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). The rotating magnetic field was produced by a four-pole, three-phase stator winding, at 50 Hz. At asynchronous permanent regime, Steinmetz-type models are able to describe both motors' behavior. From the performed tests, the parameters of both motors' models were deduced. A variable load was used to obtain both motor's characteristics (conventional and superconducting). Experimental obtained characteristics of both motors are compared with the ones predicted from parameters' calculation. The HTS motor provides high efficiency then the conventional ones.

Inácio, Steve Projecto de uma caixa de velocidades eléctrica por meio da variação do número de pólos para motores em disco de rotor em alumínio e em materiais supercondutores de alta temperatura (SAT). Eds. Mário Neves, João Pina, and Stanimir Valtchev. FCT-UNL, 2008. Abstract

Nesta dissertação apresenta-se um motor em disco polifásico inovador bem como uma estratégia de controlo com base no método de variação de velocidade por comutação do número de pares de pólos. A configuração das bobinas aliada à escolha das correntes e tensões que se injectam nas bobinas dos estatores, permite comutar electronicamente o número de pólos do motor entre 2, 4 6 e 8 pólos, conseguindo-se controlar a característica binário?velocidade do motor. O motor em disco possui a bobinagem feita em cobre com dois semi-estatores, em que quando utiliza o rotor em alumínio (com condutividade diferente de zero) comporta-se como um motor de indução convencional. Quando se substitui o rotor em alumínio por um constituído por um supercondutor de alta temperatura (SAT), o dispositivo comporta-se como um motor de histerese. O princípio de funcionamento do motor em disco convencional é baseado na indução de força electromotrizes no rotor e, consequentemente, uma vez que o alumínio é bom condutor eléctrico, correntes eléctricas induzidas, originadas por haver um campo magnético variável que é criado pelos semi-estatores. O comportamento deste tipo de motores, no que diz respeito a principais características (como o binário?velocidade para os diferentes números de pares de pólos), circuito equivalente de Steinmetz, entre outras teorias associadas é já conhecido há bastante tempo. O princípio de funcionamento do motor SAT é diferente do apresentado anteriormente, funciona com base na dinâmica de vórtices e devido ao facto de aparecer o fenómeno de ancoragem de fluxo (flux pinning) nos supercondutores de alta temperatura. Como o campo magnético varia, então o disco roda. Este motor tem um princípio de funcionamento muito mais complexo que o motor de indução sendo a obtenção do modelo do motor SAT complicada. A obtenção do modelo do motor SAT não é abordado nesta dissertação. Os comportamentos e modos de operação do motor com disco de alumínio e em materiais SAT são simulados através de um programa comercial de elementos finitos, nesta dissertação, sendo a supercondutividade simulada com base na relação entre o campo eléctrico e a densidade de corrente pela lei da potenciação (E-J power law). Com as simulações pretende-se comparar o rendimento electromecânico de ambos os motores.

Inácio, S., D. Inácio, J. Pina, S. Valtchev, Ventim M. Neves, and A. Rodrigues. "An Electrical Gearbox by means of pole variation for induction and superconducting disc motor." 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS). 2007. Abstract

In this paper, a poly-phase disc motor innovative feeding and control strategy, based on a variable poles approach, and its application to a HTS disc motor, are presented. The stator windings may be electronically commutated to implement a 2, 4, 6 or 8 poles winding, thus changing the motor's torque?speed characteristics. The motor may be a conventional induction motor with a conductive disc rotor, or a new HTS disc motor, with conventional copper windings at its two iron semi-stators, and a HTS disc as a rotor. The conventional induction motor's operation principle is related with the induced electromotive forces in the conductive rotor. Its behaviour, characteristics (namely their torque?speed characteristics for different number of pole pairs) and modelling through Steinmetz and others theories are well known. The operation principle of the motor with HTS rotor, however, is rather different and is related with vortices' dynamics and pinning characteristics; this is a much more complex process than induction, and its modelling is quite complicated. In this paper, the operation was simulated through finite-elements commercial software, whereas superconductivity was simulated by the E-J power law. The Electromechanical performances of both motors where computed and are presented and compared. Considerations about the systems overall efficiency, including cryogenics, are also discussed.

Inácio, David, João Pina, Anabela Gonçalves, Mário Neves, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Electromechanical Properties and Efficiency of HTS and Ferromagnetic Hysteresis Motors." 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS). 2007. Abstract

Hysteresis motors are very attractive in a wide range of fractional power applications, due to its torque-speed characteristics and simplicity of construction. This motor's performance is expected to improve when HTS rotors are used, and in fact, hysteresis motors have shown to be probably the most viable electrical machines using HTS materials. While these motors, either conventional or HTS, are both hysteresis motors, they base their operation on different physical phenomena: hysteretic behaviour in conventional ferromagnetic materials is due to the material's non-linear magnetic properties, while in HTS materials the hysteresis has an ohmic nature and is related with vortices' dynamics. In this paper, theoretical aspects of both conventional and HTS hysteresis motors are discussed, its operation principles are highlighted, and the characteristics of both motors are presented. The characteristics, obtained both by experimental tests and numerical simulation (made with commercial software), are compared, in order to evaluate not only the motor's electromechanical performances but also the overall systems efficiency, including cryogenics for the HTS device.

Josué, João Gil, João Pina, and Mário Neves. "Home Electric Energy Monitoring System: Design and Prototyping." Technological Innovation for Sustainability. Vol. 349. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 349. 2011. 437-444. Abstract

The energy resource management is a major concern worldwide. Energy management activities minimize environmental impacts of the energy production. Therefore, electric energy consumption monitoring has been proposed as an important process which makes immediate reductions in energy use and CO(2) emissions. In recent years, advances in electronics have allowed the implementation of many technological solutions that could help to reduce energy consumption. This paper describes the design and prototyping of a home electric energy monitoring system that provides residential consumers with real time information about their electricity use. The system uses wireless communication and displays the information on a small LCD screen and on a computer.

Leote, Ricardo Electrificação de serviços primários em povoados remotos africanos recorrendo a sistemas solares fotovoltaicos (PV). Eds. Mário Neves, and João Pina. FCT-UNL, 2009. Abstract

A presente dissertação surge pelo interesse em estudar a adequação do uso de sistemas solares fotovoltaicos na electrificação de serviços primários em povoados remotos nos países Africanos mais carenciados. A abordagem teórica tem como objectivo principal reflectir sobre a importância destas aplicações intervindo naquelas que são consideradas as maiores dificuldades dos países subdesenvolvidos, ou seja, saneamento básico, serviços de saúde e meios de comunicação adequados. Nesse contexto estuda-se a viabilidade de alimentar com energia eléctrica produzida localmente unidades sanitárias na província de Sofala (Moçambique). O trabalho exigiu por isso um estudo de caso baseado numa dessas unidades. Mediante a análise das amostras recolhidas para esta investigação elaborou-se através de ferramentas informáticas um dimensionamento e uma modelação adequadas ao sistema fotovoltaico a ser implementado. Os resultados obtidos de acordo com os requisitos da unidade sanitária permitiram dimensionar os elementos do sistema bem como, simular hora a hora o seu funcionamento diário ao longo do ano. Uma vez provada a sua viabilidade incluiuse ainda neste trabalho um anteprojecto da instalação.

Magro, Caserza M., Mário Neves, Athanasis Sfetsos, João Pina, and Anabela Gonçalves. "Multipole Superconducting Synchronous Generator." 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS). 2003. Abstract
Oliveira-Lima, Jose A., João F. Martins, Celson Lima, Vasco Delgado-Gomes, João Pina, and Grzegorz Benysek. "Towards an energy model for supporting real time building energy management." 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES). 2012. 203-208. Abstract

Building energy management may simultaneously integrate multiple energy areas and sources of information. The coordination of synergies allow better-informed decisions, such as performing forecasts and adjustments of energy production and storage, while adapting electrical loads to off-peak times, when energy rates are lower. This work targets the improvement and optimization of energy management operations in buildings and large complexes, by introducing a conceptual model for supporting real-time advanced reasoning and inference towards efficient energy management.

Pereira, Pedro, S. Valtchev, João Pina, Anabela Gonçalves, Mário Neves, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Power Electronics Performance in Cryogenic Environment: Evaluation for Use in HTS Power Devices." 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS). 2007. Abstract

Power electronics (PE) plays a major role in electrical devices and systems, namely in electromechanical drives, in motor and generator controllers, and in power grids, including high-voltage DC (HVDC) power transmission. PE is also used in devices for the protection against grid disturbances, like voltage sags or power breakdowns. To cope with these disturbances, back-up energy storage devices are used, like uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and flywheels. Some of these devices may use superconductivity. Commercial PE semiconductor devices (power diodes, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, power Darlington transistors and others) are rarely (or never) experimented for cryogenic temperatures, even when designed for military applications. This means that its integration with HTS power devices is usually done in the hot environment, raising several implementation restrictions. These reasons led to the natural desire of characterising PE under extreme conditions, e. g. at liquid nitrogen temperatures, for use in HTS devices. Some researchers expect that cryogenic temperatures may increase power electronics' performance when compared with room-temperature operation, namely reducing conduction losses and switching time. Also the overall system efficiency may increase due to improved properties of semiconductor materials at low temperatures, reduced losses, and removal of dissipation elements. In this work, steady state operation of commercial PE semiconductors and devices were investigated at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures. Performances in cryogenic and room temperatures are compared. Results help to decide which environment is to be used for different power HTS applications

Pereira, P., S. Valtchev, J. Pina, A. Gonçalves, Ventim M. Neves, and A. L. Rodrigues. "Power electronics performance in cryogenic environment: evaluation for use in HTS power devices." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 97 (2008): 012219. AbstractWebsite

Power electronics (PE) plays a major role in electrical devices and systems, namely in electromechanical drives, in motor and generator controllers, and in power grids, including high-voltage DC (HVDC) power transmission. PE is also used in devices for the protection against grid disturbances, like voltage sags or power breakdowns. To cope with these disturbances, back-up energy storage devices are used, like uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and flywheels. Some of these devices may use superconductivity. Commercial PE semiconductor devices (power diodes, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, power Darlington transistors and others) are rarely (or never) experimented for cryogenic temperatures, even when designed for military applications. This means that its integration with HTS power devices is usually done in the hot environment, raising several implementation restrictions. These reasons led to the natural desire of characterising PE under extreme conditions, e. g. at liquid nitrogen temperatures, for use in HTS devices. Some researchers expect that cryogenic temperatures may increase power electronics' performance when compared with room-temperature operation, namely reducing conduction losses and switching time. Also the overall system efficiency may increase due to improved properties of semiconductor materials at low temperatures, reduced losses, and removal of dissipation elements. In this work, steady state operation of commercial PE semiconductors and devices were investigated at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures. Performances in cryogenic and room temperatures are compared. Results help to decide which environment is to be used for different power HTS applications.

Pina, João, Pedro Pereira, S. Valtchev, A. Gonçalves, Mário Neves, and A. Rodrigues. "A test rig for thrust force measurements f an all HTS linear synchronous motor." 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS). 2007. Abstract

This paper presents the design of a test rig for an all HTS linear synchronous motor. Although this motor showed to have several unattractive characteristics, its design raised a number of problems which must be considered in future HTS machines design. HTS electromagnetic properties led to the development of new paradigms in electrical machines and power systems, as e. g. in some cases iron removal and consequent assembly of lighter devices. This is due to superconductor's ability to carry high currents with minimum losses and consequent generation in the surrounding air of flux densities much higher than the allowed by ferromagnetic saturation. However, severe restrictions in HTS power devices design that goes further beyond cryogenic considerations must be accounted in. This is usually the case when BSCCO tapes are used as conductors. Its bending limitations and the presence of flux components perpendicular to tape surface, due to the absence of iron, have to be considered for it may turn some possible applications not so attractive or even practically unfeasible. An all HTS linear synchronous motor built by BSCCO tapes as armature conductors and two trapped-flux YBCO bulks in the mover was constructed and thrust force measurements are starting to be performed. Although the device presents severe restrictions due to the exposed and other reasons, it allowed systematising its design. A pulsed-field magnetiser to generate opposite fluxes for both YBCO bulks is also detailed. Thrust force numerical predictions were already derived and presented.

Pina, João, Mário Neves, Alfredo Álvarez, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiters as Enabling Technology in Electrical Grids with Increased Distributed Generation Penetration." Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems - DoCEIS'10. 2010. 427-434. Abstract

Amongst applications of high temperature superconductors, fault current limiters are foreseen as one of the most promising in power systems. Several topologies have been developed in the last years, taking advantage of different superconductors? properties. Increasing distributed generation (DG) penetration, based on renewable energy, adds new short-circuit sources to electrical grids, which brings several energy quality and protection issues. Superconducting fault current limiters can obviate these problems, representing thus an enabling technology for DG penetration. In this paper current limiter topologies are presented, its operations principles, strengths and weaknesses, in the context of these DG grids. In the end, future trends are discussed.

Pina, João Operação e Controlo de um Forno de Vidro. Eds. Pedro Lima. IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, 2002. Abstract
Pina, João, Mário Ventim Neves, Alfredo Álvarez, and Amadeu Leão Rodrigues. "Numerical Design Methodology for an All Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor." Technological Innovation for Sustainability. Vol. 349. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 349. 2011. 553-562. Abstract

One potential advantage of the application of superconducting materials in electrical machines is the possibility to build lighter and compact devices by removing iron. These machines find applications, e.g., in systems where cryogenics is already available, or in naturally cryogenic environments. The design of motors with high temperature superconductors (HTS) presents issues unconsidered in classical machines, besides considerations on cryogenics, such as HTS brittleness or mechanical restrictions. Moreover, HTS' electromagnetic properties also degrade due to flux density components, which arise if there is no iron to guide magnetic flux. Several aspects must thus be considered in the design stage, as applications may turn less attractive or even unfeasible. In this paper these issues are detailed, and a numerical methodology for the design of an all superconducting (without iron or conventional conductors) linear synchronous motor is presented.

Pina, João, Mário Neves, M. McCulloch, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Design of a Linear Synchronous Motor With High Temperature Superconductor Materials in the Armature and in the Field Excitation System." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 43 (2006): 804-808. AbstractWebsite
Pina, João, Mário Neves, and Amadeu Rodrigues. "Study in the Design of HTS Machines: an All Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor." POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. 2007. Abstract
Pina, João, C. Caracaleanu, A. Gonçalves, Pedro Pereira, S. Valtchev, Mário Neves, and A. Rodrigues. "High Performance, Environment Friendly, Modular and Fault Tolerant Renewable Energy Microgrid." 12th International Energy Conference & Exhibition (ENERGEX2007). 2007. Abstract