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Xavier, J., and F. Pierron. "Measuring orthotropic bending stiffness components of Pinus pinaster by the virtual fields method." The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 53 (2018): 556-565. AbstractWebsite

Orthotropic stiffness components of Pinus pinaster Ait. wood are simultaneously determined by means of a heterogeneous plate bending test. The proposed inverse identification approach couples full-field slope measurements provided by deflectometry with the virtual fields methods. Wooden plates oriented in the longitudinal–radial and longitudinal–tangential material planes were manufactured. A procedure was implemented to allow suitable specular reflective coating of the wooden plates, required in the deflectometry technique. Reconstructed curvature fields, applied load and plate dimensions were input in virtual fields methods for material parameter identification, assuming Kirchhoff–Love classical plate theory. Several virtual fields and load cases were analysed to address the identifiability of the method. The values of the orthotropic elastic constants obtained from the proposed approach were found in good agreement with regard to reference ones for the same species and determined from classical tensile, compression and shear mechanical tests.

Xavier, J., J. R. A. Fernandes, O. Frazão, and J. J. L. Morais. "Measuring mode I cohesive law of wood bonded joints based on digital image correlation and fibre Bragg grating sensors." Composite Structures. 121 (2015): 83-89. Abstract

Abstract This work addresses the experimental identification of mode I cohesive law of wood bonded joints. The approach combines the double cantilever beam (DCB) test with both digital image correlation (DIC) and embedded fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. The spectrum geometric mean of the \{FBG\} reflected spectral response was determined, and the wavelength evolution was used to define the fracture process zone (FPZ) development phase. This evaluation allowed a consistent selection of experimental range of over which the identification procedure of mode I cohesive law is build up. Mode I crack length, Resistance-curve and cohesive law parameters are characterised and discussed. The strain energy release rate (GI) is determined from the P�d curve by the compliance-based beam method (CBBM). The crack tip opening displacement (wI) is determined by post-processing displacements measured by DIC. The cohesive law in mode I (sI�wI) is then obtained by numerical differentiation of the GI�wI relationship.

Xavier, J., S. Avril, F. Pierron, and J. Morais. "Novel experimental approach for longitudinal-radial stiffness characterisation of clear wood by a single test." Holzforschung. 61 (2007): 573-581. Abstract
Xavier, J., J. C. R. Pereira, and A. M. P. de Jesus. "Characterisation of steel components under monotonic loading by means of image-based methods." Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 53 (2014): 142-151. AbstractWebsite
Xavier, J., M. Oliveira, P. Monteiro, J. J. L. Morais, and M. F. S. F. Moura. "Direct Evaluation of Cohesive Law in Mode I of Pinus pinaster by Digital Image Correlation." Experimental Mechanics. 54 (2014): 829-840. AbstractWebsite