K- and L-shell theoretical fluorescence yields for the Fe isonuclear sequence

Pinheiro, Daniel, André Fernandes, César Godinho, Jorge Machado, Gonçalo Baptista, Filipe Grilo, Luís Sustelo, Jorge M. Sampaio, Pedro Amaro, Roberta G. Leitão, José P. Marques, Fernando Parente, Paul Indelicato, Miguel de Avillez, José Paulo Santos, and Mauro Guerra. "K- and L-shell theoretical fluorescence yields for the Fe isonuclear sequence." Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 203 (2023): 110594.


In this work, we present K- and L- shell fluorescence yield values of the full isonuclear sequence of Fe ions, using a state-of-the-art multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock approach. These results may be of importance for spectral fitting and plasma modeling, both in laboratory and astrophysical studies, where Fe is an important benchmark element. The K-shell fluorescence yields were found to be very similar up to the removal of 14 electrons.

