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Catarino, I., J. Afonso, D. Martins, M. Linder, L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "6 K solid state Energy Storage Unit." Cryogenics. 50.— Cryogenics (Elsevier) best paper award — (2010): 102-110. Abstract


Catarino, I., G. Bonfait, and L. Duband. "Neon Gas-Gap Heat Switch." Cryogenics. 48 (2008): 17-25. Abstract


Catarino, I., L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "Hydrogen and Neon Gas-Gap Heat Switch." Cryocoolers. 15 (2009): 553-559. Abstract


Catarino, I., and C. Paine. "3He gas gap heat switch." Cryogenics. 51 (2011): 45-48. Abstract


Catarino, I., D. Martins, and R. Sudiwala Materials for damping the PTC-induced thermal fluctuations of the cold-head. Cryogenic Engineering Conference and the Cryogenic Materials Conference . Tucson, AZ, USA, 2015.
Catarino, I., J. Afonso, D. Martins, L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "Gas gap thermal switches using neon or hydrogen and sorption pump." Vacuum. 83 (2009): 1270-1273. Abstract
