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Águas, Hugo, Sanjay K. Ram, Andreia Araújo, Diana Gaspar, António Vicente, Sergej A. Filonovich, Elvira Fortunato, Rodrigo Martins, and Isabel Ferreira. "Silicon thin film solar cells on commercial tiles." Energy & Environmental Science. 4.11 (2011): 4620-4632. Abstract
Martins, R., Leandro Raniero, Luis Pereira, Daniel Costa†, Hugo Aguas, Sonia Pereira, Leonardo Silva, A. Gonçalves, I. Ferreira, and E. Fortunato. "Nanostructured silicon and its application to solar cells, position sensors and thin film transistors." Philosophical Magazine. 89.28-30 (2009): 2699-2721. Abstract
Neshataeva, Ekaterina, Tilmar Kuemmell, André Ebbers, Gerd Bacher, David J. Rogers, VE Sandana, Hosseini F. Teherani, M. Razeghi, HJ Drouhin, and R. Martins. "Zinc Oxide Materials and Devices IV (Proceedings Volume)." (2009). Abstract
Fortunato, E., L. Raniero, L. Silva, A. Gonçalves, A. Pimentel, P. Barquinha, H. Aguas, L. Pereira, G. Gonçalves, and I. Ferreira. "Highly stable transparent and conducting gallium-doped zinc oxide thin films for photovoltaic applications." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 92.12 (2008): 1605-1610. Abstract
Raniero, L., I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Differences between Amorphous and Nanostructured Silicon Films and Their Application in Solar Cell." High Temperature Material Processes (An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes). 11.4 (2007). Abstract
Zhang, S., L. Pereira, Z. Hu, L. Ranieiro, E. Fortonato, I. Ferreira, and R. Martins. "Characterization of nanocrystalline silicon carbide films." Journal of non-crystalline solids. 352.9 (2006): 1410-1415. Abstract
Ferreira, I., L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Electrical properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon films obtained by impedance spectroscopy." Thin solid films. 511 (2006): 390-393. Abstract
Ferreira, I., E. Fortunato, P. Vilarinho, A. S. Viana, A. R. Ramos, E. Alves, and R. Martins. "Hydrogenated silicon carbon nitride films obtained by HWCVD, PA-HWCVD and PECVD techniques." Journal of non-crystalline solids. 352.9 (2006): 1361-1366. Abstract
Soares, Fernanda, António Marques, Isabel Ferreira, Rodrigo Martins, Hugo Águas, Elvira Fortunato, PMR Borges, Daniel Costa, Sergio Pereira, and Leandro Raniero. "Insights on amorphous silicon nip and MIS 3D position sensitive detectors." Materials science forum. 514 (2006): 13-17. Abstract
Pereira, LuÍs, António Marques, Isabel Ferreira, Rodrigo Martins, Hugo Águas, Pedro Barquinha, Elvira Fortunato, Ana Pimentel, Alexandra Gonçalves, and Leandro Raniero. "Multifunctional thin film zinc oxide semiconductors: Application to electronic devices." Materials science forum. 514 (2006): 3-7. Abstract
Martins, R., D. Costa, H. Aguas, F. Soares, A. Marques, I. Ferreira, PMR Borges, S. Pereira, L. Raniero, and E. Fortunato. "PART 1-I-Electronic, Magnetic and Photonic Materials-Insights on Amorphous Silicon Nip and MIS 3D Position Sensitive Detectors." Materials Science Forum. 514516 (2006): 13-17. Abstract
Fortunato, E., A. Gonc@ 4alves, A. Marques, A. Pimentel, P. Barquinha, H. Aguas, L. Pereira, L. Raniero, G. GONCALVES, and I. Ferreira. "PART 1-I-Electronic, Magnetic and Photonic Materials-Multifunctional Thin Film Zinc Oxide Semiconductors: Application to Electronic Devices." Materials Science Forum. 514516 (2006): 3-7. Abstract
Raniero, L., A. Goncalves, A. Pimentel, S. Zhang, I. Ferreira, P. M. Vilarinho, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "PART 1-I-Electronic, Magnetic and Photonic Materials-Role of Hydrogen Plasma on the Electrical and Optical Properties of Indium Zinc Transparent Conductive Oxide." Materials Science Forum. 514516 (2006): 63-67. Abstract
Zhang, S., Z. Hu, L. Raniero, X. Liao, I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, P. M. Vilarinho, L. Pereira, and R. Martins. "PART 1-I-Electronic, Magnetic and Photonic Materials-The Study of High Temperature Annealing of a-SiC: H Films." Materials Science Forum. 514516 (2006): 18-22. Abstract
Martins, N., P. Canhola, M. Quintela, I. Ferreira, L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Performances of an in-line PECVD system used to produce amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon solar cells." Thin solid films. 511 (2006): 238-242. Abstract
Raniero, L., I. Ferreira, A. Pimentel, A. Goncalves, P. Canhola, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Role of hydrogen plasma on electrical and optical properties of ZGO, ITO and IZO transparent and conductive coatings." Thin Solid Films. 511 (2006): 295-298. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Rodrigo Martins, Paula M. Vilarinho, Elvira Fortunato, Ana Pimentel, Alexandra Gonçalves, Leandro Raniero, and Shibin Zhang. "Role of hydrogen plasma on the electrical and optical properties of indium zinc transparent conductive oxide." Materials science forum. 514 (2006): 63-67. Abstract
Zhang, S., X. Liao, L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, Y. Xu, G. Kong, H. Aguas, I. Ferreira, and R. Martins. "Silicon thin films prepared in the transition region and their use in solar cells." Solar energy materials and solar cells. 90.18 (2006): 3001-3008. Abstract
Pereira, LuÍs, Isabel Ferreira, Rodrigo Martins, Paula M. Vilarinho, Elvira Fortunato, Leandro Raniero, Shibin Zhang, X. Liao, and Z. Hu. "The study of high temperature annealing of a-SiC: H films." Materials science forum. 514 (2006): 18-22. Abstract
Raniero, L., I. Ferreira, L. Pereira, H. Águas, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Study of nanostructured silicon by hydrogen evolution and its application in p–i–n solar cells." Journal of non-crystalline solids. 352.9 (2006): 1945-1948. Abstract
Raniero, L., E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, and R. Martins. "Study of nanostructured/amorphous silicon solar cell by impedance spectroscopy technique." Journal of non-crystalline solids. 352.9 (2006): 1880-1883. Abstract
Zhang, S., L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, L. Pereira, H. Aguas, I. Ferreira, and R. Martins. "Amorphous silicon based piin structure for color sensor." MRS Proceedings. 862.1 (2005). Abstract
Zhang, S., L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, H. Águas, and R. Martins. "Amorphous silicon-based PINIP structure for color sensor." Thin solid films. 487.1 (2005): 268-270. Abstract
Zhang, S., L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, X. Liao, Z. Hu, I. Ferreira, H. Aguas, A. R. Ramos, E. Alves, and R. Martins. "Characterization of silicon carbide thin films and their use in colour sensor." Solar energy materials and solar cells. 87.1 (2005): 343-348. Abstract