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Carvalho, H., S. G. Azevedo, S. Duarte, and V. Cruz-Machado. "Green and Lean Paradigms Influence on Sustainable Business Development of Manufacturing Supply Chains." International Journal of Green Computing 2 (2011): 45-62. AbstractWebsite
Carvalho, H., and V. Cruz-Machado. "Management decision making under uncertainty in the Supply Chain." Atlanta, USA, 2005. Abstract

Logistics performance can be affected by the presence of uncertainties in the decision making process. To reduce decision making uncertainties, a topology of sources of supply chain ({SC)} uncertainty is proposed, in order to identify different types of uncertainty. A conceptual framework is developed for the analysis of decision making uncertainty sources in {SC’s}, providing the basis for the design and selection of improved {SC} scenarios. A case study is presented to illustrate the potential of simulation techniques in modeling scenarios for the Supply Chain: a set of performance measures is proposed, and results are obtained based on a predetermined selection criterion.

Carvalho, H., S. G. Azevedo, and V. Cruz-Machado. "An Innovative Agile and Resilient Index for the Automotive Supply Chain." International Journal of Agile Systems and Management in press (2013). Abstract

This paper proposes a composite index, called the AR Index, to assess the agility and resilience of automotive companies and their respective supply chains. As a first step, a model to support the AR Index is developed. Next, an AR Index for the automotive supply chain is suggested using a set of relevant Agile and Resilient supply chain practices. The Delphi technique was used to obtain a series of weights for those practices. Finally a case study approach is used to illustrate the application of the AR Index. This study represents an original approach that suggests a unique composite indicator for the Agile and Resilient paradigms in the context of automotive supply chains

Carvalho, H., J. G. Tavares, and V. Cruz-Machado. "A Mapping Framework for Supply Chain Resilience Assessment." International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 12 (2012): 354-373. AbstractWebsite

Supply chains (SCs) may experience instability induced by disturbances such as extreme climate conditions or accidents. These events can cause severe negative effects on SCs, jeopardising the on-time delivery of products and services to customers. This paper proposes a mapping framework to improve SC resilience to such events, avoiding possible failure modes. The proposed mapping framework allows identification of the current SC operation and possible transition states, together with points of vulnerability. An illustrative example of the framework applied to a real-life wine SC is presented.