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Biochemical, Stabilization and Crystallization Studies on a Molecular Chaperone (PaoD) Involved in the Maturation of Molybdoenzymes., Otelo-Cardoso, AR, Schwuchow V., Rodrigues D., Cabrita E. J., Leimkühler S., Romão MJ, and Santos-Silva T. , PLoS One, Volume 9, p.e87295 , (2014) AbstractWebsite

Molybdenum and tungsten enzymes require specific chaperones for folding and cofactor insertion. PaoD is the chaperone of the periplasmic aldehyde oxidoreductase PaoABC. It is the last gene in the paoABCD operon in Escherichia coli and its presence is crucial for obtaining mature enzyme. PaoD is an unstable, 35 kDa, protein. Our biochemical studies showed that it is a dimer in solution with a tendency to form large aggregates, especially after freezing/thawing cycles. In order to improve stability, PaoD was thawed in the presence of two ionic liquids [C4mim]Cl and [C2OHmim]PF6 and no protein precipitation was observed. This allowed protein concentration and crystallization using polyethylene glycol or ammonium sulfate as precipitating agents. Saturation transfer difference – nuclear magnetic resonance (STD-NMR) experiments have also been performed in order to investigate the effect of the ionic liquids in the stabilization process, showing a clear interaction between the acidic ring protons of the cation and, most likely, negatively charged residues at the protein surface. DLS assays also show a reduction of the overall size of the protein aggregates in presence of ionic liquids. Furthermore, cofactor binding studies on PaoD showed that the protein is able to discriminate between molybdenum and tungsten bound to the molybdenum cofactor, since only a Mo-MPT form of the cofactor remained bound to PaoD.

Delineating binding modes of Gal/GalNAc and structural elements of the molecular recognition of tumor-associated mucin glycopeptides by the human macrophage galactose-type lectin, Marcelo, Filipa, Garcia-Martin Fayna, Matsushita Takahiko, Sardinha João, Coelho Helena, Oude-Vrielink Anneloes, Koller Christiane, André Sabine, Cabrita Eurico J., Gabius Hans-Joachim, Nishimura Shin-Ichiro, Jiménez-Barbero Jesús, and Cañada Javier F. , Chem. Eur. J., Volume in press, (2014) Abstract

The human macrophage galactose-type lectin (hMGL) is a key physiological receptor for the carcinoma-associated Tn antigen (GalNAc-α-1-O-Ser/Thr) in mucins. We herein report NMR- and modeling-based data on the molecular recognition features of synthetic Tn-bearing glycopeptides by hMGL. Cognate epitopes on the sugar and matching key amino acids involved in the interaction have been identified by saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy. Only the amino acids close to the glycosylation site in the peptides are involved in lectin contact. Moreover, control experiments with non-glycosylated MUC1 peptides unequivocally showed that the sugar residue is essential for hMGL binding, as is Ca2+. The dissociation constants (Kd) have been estimated by STD titrations and/or STD competition experiments and show that Gal was a poor binder for hMGL, with a Kd in the mM range, while GalNAc and MUC1 Tn-glycopetides reached Kd values in the lower μM range. STD-based results suggested a distinct interacting epitope for the two monosaccharides. NMR data have been complemented with molecular dynamics simulations and Corcema- ST to establish a 3D view on the molecular recognition process between Gal, GalNAc and the Tn-presenting glycopeptides and hMGL. Gal and GalNAc have a dual binding mode with opposite trend of the main interaction pattern and the differences in affinity can be explained by additional hydrogen bonds and CH-π contacts involving exclusively the NHAc moiety.

Thymus mastichina: Chemical Constituents and their Anti-cancer Activity , Gordo, Joana, Máximo Patrícia, Cabrita Eurico, Lourenço Ana, Oliva Abel, Almeida Joana, Filipe Mariana, Cruz Pedro, Barcia Rita, Santos Miguel, and Cruz Helder , Natural Product Communications, Volume 7, Issue 11, p.1491-1494, (2012)
Synthesis of a new pyranoanthocyanin dimer linked through a methyl-methine bridge, Oliveira, Joana, Mateus Nuno, Rodriguez-borges Jose E., Cabrita Eurico J., Silva Artur M. S., and de Freitas Victor , Tetrahedron Letters, JUN 8 2011, Volume 52, Number 23, p.2957-2960, (2011) Abstract
Application of diffusion-ordered spectroscopy for the analysis of cancer related biological samples, Ivanova, G. I., Cabrita E. J., O'Connor R., Eustace A. J., and Brougham D. F. , Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2008, Volume 40, Number 4, p.464-468, (2008) Abstract