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A rational approach to sustainable CO2-capture by imidazolium ionic liquids: tuning CO2 solubility by cation alkyl branching, Corvo, Marta C., Sardinha João, Casimiro Teresa, Marin Graciane, Seferin Marcus, Einloft Sandra, Menezes Sonia C., Dupont Jairton, and Cabrita Eurico J. , Chem. Sus. Chem., Volume 8, p.1935-1946, (2015)
Rationalizing the role of the anion in CO2 capture and conversion using imidazolium-based ionic liquid modified mesoporous sílica, Aquino, Aline S., Bernard FL, Borges JV, Mafra Luis, Dalla Vecchia Felipe, Vieira MO, Ligabue R., Chaban VV, Cabrita E. J., and Einloft S. , RSC Advances, Volume 5, p.64220-64227, (2015)
Ion Jelly Conductive Properties Using Dicyanamide-Based Ionic Liquids, Carvalho, T., Augusto V., Rocha A., Lourenco N. M. T., Correia N. T., Barreiros S., Vidinha P., Cabrita E. J., and Dionisio M. , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 118, Issue 31, p.9445-59, (2014) AbstractWebsite

The thermal behavior and transport properties of several ion jellys (IJs), a composite that results from the combination of gelatin with an ionic liquid (IL), were investigated by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (PFG NMR). Four different ILs containing the dicyanamide anion were used: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide (BMIMDCA), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide (EMIMDCA), 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium dicyanamide (BMPyrDCA), and 1-butylpyridinium dicyanamide (BPyDCA); the bulk ILs were also investigated for comparison. A glass transition was detected by DSC for all materials, ILs and IJs, allowing them to be classified as glass formers. Additionally, an increase in the glass transition temperature upon dehydration was observed with a greater extent for IJs, attributed to a greater hindrance imposed by the gelatin matrix after water removal, rendering the IL less mobile. While crystallization is observed for some ILs with negligible water content, it was never detected for any IJ upon thermal cycling, which persist always as fully amorphous materials. From DRS measurements, conductivity and diffusion coefficients for both cations (D+) and anions (D–) were extracted. D+ values obtained by DRS reveal excellent agreement with those obtained from PFG NMR direct measurements, obeying the same VFTH equation over a large temperature range (ΔT ≈ 150 K) within which D+ varies around 10 decades. At temperatures close to room temperature, the IJs exhibit D values comparable to the most hydrated (9%) ILs. The IJ derived from EMIMDCA possesses the highest conductivity and diffusion coefficient, respectively, 10–2 S·cm–1 and 10–10 m2·s–1. For BMPyrDCA the relaxational behavior was analyzed through the complex permittivity and modulus formalism allowing the assignment of the detected secondary relaxation to a Johari–Goldstein process. Besides the relevant information on the more fundamental nature providing physicochemical details on ILs behavior, new doorways are opened for practical applications by using IJ as a strategy to produce novel and stable electrolytes for different electrochemical devices.

Molecular Recognition of Rosmarinic Acid from Salvia sclareoides Extracts by Acetylcholinesterase: A New Binding Site Detected by NMR Spectroscopy, Marcelo, Filipa, Dias Catarina, Madeira Paulo J., Jorge Tiago, Florêncio Helena M., Canada Javier F., Cabrita Eurico J., Jiménez-Barbero Jésus, and Rauter Amelia P. , Chemistry: A European Journal, Volume 19, p.6641-6649, (2013) AbstractWebsite

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition is one of the most currently available therapies for the management of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) symptoms. In this context, NMR spectroscopy binding studies were accomplished to explain the inhibition of AChE activity by Salvia sclareoides extracts. HPLC-MS analyses of the acetone, butanol and water extracts eluted with methanol and acidified water showed that rosmarinic acid is present in all the studied samples and is a major constituent of butanol and water extracts. Moreover, luteolin 4′-O-glucoside, luteolin 3′,7-di-O-glucoside and luteolin 7-O-(6′′-O-acetylglucoside) were identified by MS2 and MS3 data acquired during the LC-MSn runs. Quantification of rosmarinic acid by HPLC with diode-array detection (DAD) showed that the butanol extract is the richest one in this component (134 μg mg−1 extract). Saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy binding experiments of S. sclareoides crude extracts in the presence of AChE in buffer solution determined rosmarinic acid as the only explicit binder for AChE. Furthermore, the binding epitope and the AChE-bound conformation of rosmarinic acid were further elucidated by STD and transferred NOE effect (trNOESY) experiments. As a control, NMR spectroscopy binding experiments were also carried out with pure rosmarinic acid, thus confirming the specific interaction and inhibition of this compound against AChE. The binding site of AChE for rosmarinic acid was also investigated by STD-based competition binding experiments using Donepezil, a drug currently used to treat AD, as a reference. These competition experiments demonstrated that rosmarinic acid does not compete with Donepezil for the same binding site. A 3D model of the molecular complex has been proposed. Therefore, the combination of the NMR spectroscopy based data with molecular modelling has permitted us to detect a new binding site in AChE, which could be used for future drug development.

Solution Structure, Dynamics and Binding Studies of a Family 11 Carbohydrate-Binding Module from Clostridium thermocellum (CtCBM11), Viegas, Aldino, Sardinha João, Duarte Daniel F., Carvalho Ana Luisa, Fontes Carlos M. G. A., Romao Maria Joao, Macedo Anjos L., and Cabrita Eurico J. , Biochemical Journal, Volume 451, p.289-300, (2013) AbstractWebsite

Non-catalytic cellulosomal carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) are responsible for increasing the catalytic efficiency of cellulosic enzymes by selectively putting the substrate (a wide range of poly- and oligosaccharides) and enzyme into close contact. In the present work we carried out an atomistic rationalization of the molecular determinants of ligand specificity of a family 11 CBM from thermophilic C. thermocellum (CtCBM11), based on a NMR and molecular modeling approach. We have determined the NMR solution structure of CtCBM11 at 25 and 50 ºC and derived information on the residues of the protein involved in ligand recognition and on the influence of the length of the saccharide chain on binding. We obtained models of the CtCBM11/cellohexaose and CtCBM11/cellotetraose complexes by docking in accordance with the NMR experimental data. Specific ligand/protein CH-π and Van der Waals interactions were found to be determinant for the stability of the complexes and for defining specificity. Using the order parameters derived from backbone dynamics analysis in the presence and absence of ligand and at 25 and 50 ºC, we determined that the protein’s backbone conformational entropy is slightly positive. This data in combination with the negative binding entropy calculated from ITC studies supports a selection mechanism where a rigid protein selects a defined oligosaccharide conformation.

Solvation of CO2 in [C4mim][BF4] and [C4mim][PF6] ionic liquids revealed by High Pressure NMR, Corvo, Marta C., Sardinha João, Menezes Sonia C., Einloft Sandra, Seferin Marcus, Dupont Jairton, Casimiro Teresa, and Cabrita Eurico J. , Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 49, Issue 52, p.13024-13027, (2013) Website
The Prion-like Protein Doppel Enhances Ovine Spermatozoa Fertilizing Ability, Pimenta, J., Dias FMV, Marques C. C., Baptista M. C., Vasques M. I., Horta A. E. M., Barbas J. P., Soares R., Mesquita P., Cabrita E., Fontes CMGA, Prates J. A., and Pereira R. M. , Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Volume 47, Issue 2, p.196-202, (2012) Abstract

The function of prion-like protein Doppel was suggested to be related to male fertility. In this study, the importance of ovine Doppel polypeptide on spermatozoa capacitation and fertilization was evaluated. After refolding, recombinant Doppel (rDpl) was supplemented with different concentrations (40, 80 or 190 ng/ml) to ovine spermatozoa during the capacitation process. In experiment 1, post-thawed ovine spermatozoa were incubated with different concentrations of rDpl during 1 h for swim-up, and changes in sperm motility, concentration, vigour, viability and capacitation were monitored (10 replicates). In experiment 2, the fertilization ability of post-swim-up spermatozoa incubated as above was tested through heterologous fertilization of bovine in vitro matured oocytes (n = 423, three replicates). Regardless of dosage, rDpl improved (p = 0.03) spermatozoa viability. Sperm individual motility and vigour were the highest (p = 0.04) for the group receiving 190 ng/ml rDpl. Sperm supplemented with the highest doses of rDpl achieved higher (p = 0.02) fertilization rates (56.0 +/- 3.0%) than control (39.1 +/- 2.2%) and 40 ng/ml rDpl (39.8 +/- 2.7%). Preliminary data suggest that Doppel protein may enhance in vitro spermatozoa fertilizing ability.

Structural, Physical, and Chemical Modifications Induced by Microwave Heating on Native Agar-like Galactans, Sousa, Ana M. M., Morais Simone, Abreu Maria H., Pereira Rui, Sousa-Pinto Isabel, Cabrita Eurico J., Delerue-Matos Cristina, and Gonca̧lves Maria Pilar , Jornal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , Volume 60, p.4977-4985, (2012) Abstract

Native agars from Gracilaria vermiculophylla produced in sustainable aquaculture systems (IMTA) were extracted under conventional (TWE) and microwave (MAE) heating. The optimal extracts from both processes were compared in terms of their properties. The agars’ structure was further investigated through Fourier transform infrared and NMR spectroscopy. Both samples showed a regular structure with an identical backbone, β-D-galactose (G) and 3,6-anhydro-α-L-galactose (LA) units; a considerable degree of methylation was found at C6 of the G units and, to a lesser extent, at C2 of the LA residues. The methylation degree in the G units was lower for MAEopt agar; the sulfate content was also reduced. MAE led to higher agar recoveries with drastic extraction time and solvent volume reductions. Two times lower values of [η] and Mv obtained for the MAEopt sample indicate substantial depolymerization of the polysaccharide backbone; this was reflected in its gelling properties; yet it was clearly appropriate for commercial application in soft-texture food products.

Understanding the Ion Jelly Conductivity Mechanism, Carvalho, T., Augusto V., Brás A. R., Lourenço N. M. T., Afonso CAM, Barreiros S., Correia N. T., Vidinha P., Cabrita E. J., Dionísio M., and Roling B. , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 116, p.2664-2676, (2012) Abstract

The properties of the light flexible device, ion jelly, which combines gelatin with an ionic liquid (IL) were recently reported being promising to develop safe and highly conductive electrolytes. This article aims for the understanding of the ion jelly conductive mechanism using dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) in the frequency range 10−1−106 Hz; the study was complemented with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and pulse field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (PFG NMR) spectroscopy. The room temperature ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimmidazolium dicyanamide (BMIMDCA) used as received (1.9% w/w water content) and with 6.6% (w/w) of water content and two ion jellies with two different ratios BMIMDCA/gelatin/water % (w/w), IJ1 (41.1/46.7/12.2) and IJ3 (67.8/25.6/6.6), have been characterized. A glass transition was detected by DSC for all materials allowing for classifying them as glass formers. For the ionic liquid, it was observed that the glass transition temperature decreases with the increase of water content. While in subsequent calorimetric runs crystallization was observed for BMIMDCA with negligible water content, no crystallization was detected for any of the ion jelly materials upon themal cycling. To the dielectric spectra of all tested materials, both dipolar relaxation and conductivity contribute; at the lowest frequencies, electrode and interfacial polarization highly dominate. Conductivity, which manifests much more intensity relative to dipolar reorientations, strongly evidences subdiffusive ion dynamics at high frequencies. From dielectric measures, transport properties as mobility and diffusion coefficients were extracted. Data treatment was carried out in order to deconvolute the average diffusion coefficients estimated from dielectric data in its individual contributions of cations (D+) and anions (D−). The D+ values thus obtained for IJ3, the ion jelly with the highest IL/gelatin ratio, cover a large temperature range up to room temperature and revealed excellent agreement with direct measurements from PFG NMR, obeying to the same VFT equation. For BMIMDCA6.6%water, which has the same water amount as IJ3, the diffusion coefficients were only estimated from DRS measurements over a limited temperature range; however, a single VFT equation describes both DRS and PFG NMR data. Moreover, it was found that the diffusion coefficients and mobility are similar for the ionic liquid and IJ3, which points to a role of both water and gelatin weakening the contact ion pair, facilitating the translational motion of ions and promoting its dissociation; nevertheless, it is conceivable that a critical composition of gelatin that leads to those properties. The VFT temperature dependence observed for the conductivity was found to be determined by a similar dependence of the mobility. Both conductivity and segmental motion revealed to be correlated as inferred by the relatively low values of the decoupling indexes. The obtained results show that ion jelly could be in fact a very promising material to design novel electrolytes for different electrochemical devices, having a performance close to the IL but presenting an additional stability regarding electrical measurements and resistance against crystallization relative to the bulk ionic liquid.

Lewis Acid Catalyzed Reactions of Chiral Imidazolidinones and Oxazolidinones: Insights on the Role of the Catalyst, Duarte, Filipe J. S., Bakalova Snezhana M., Cabrita Eurico J., and Santos Gil A. , Journal of Organic Chemistry, Volume 76, Issue 17, p.6997-7004, (2011) Abstract

The mechanism proposed by Evans to justify the selectivity obtained in Lewis acid catalyzed Diels-Alder reactions of cyclopentadiene with acyloxazolidinones has been generalized and used in the rationalization of selectivities obtained in many other systems. However, we recently proposed an alternative mechanism, on the basis of open-chain mono- and bicomplexes, that avoids the need for chelates and explains the selectivity obtained by Evans. In this manuscript we apply our proposal to the catalyzed conjugated addition of amines to acylimidazolidinones, reported by Cardillo, and we clearly show that aluminum chelates are not involved in the reaction, as they induce no selectivity, while Cardillo observed high experimental selectivities. Our data equally show that bicomplexes with carbonyl parallel orientation, proposed by Cardillo to justify the experimental selectivity with nonchelating Lewis acids, indeed induce the opposite selectivity and have also to be dismissed. On the other hand, our mechanistic proposal allows for the full rationalization of the data obtained by Cardillo with aluminum, boron, or zinc Lewis acids and supports our previous proposal on DA cycloadditions of dienes to Evans chiral auxiliary derivatives.

Asymmetric Intramolecular Aldol Reactions of Substituted 1,7-Dicarbonylic Compounds. A Mechanistic Study, Duarte, F. J. S., Cabrita E. J., Frenking G., and Santos Gil A. , Journal of Organic Chemistry, APR 16 2010, Volume 75, Number 8, p.2546-2555, (2010) Abstract
An Alternative Mechanism for Diels-Alder Reactions of Evans Auxiliary Derivatives, Bakalova, Snezhana M., Duarte Filipe J. S., Georgieva Miglena K., Cabrita Eurico J., and Santos Gil A. , Chemistry-a European Journal, 2009, Volume 15, Number 31, p.7665-7677, (2009) Abstract
Density Functional Study of Proline-Catalyzed Intramolecular Baylis-Hillman Reactions, Duarte, Filipe J. S., Cabrita Eurico J., Frenking Gernot, and Santos Gil A. , Chemistry-a European Journal, 2009, Volume 15, Number 7, p.1734-1746, (2009) Abstract
Mechanistic study of intramolecular aldol reactions of dialdehydes, Duarte, Filipe J. S., Cabrita Eurico J., Frenking Gernot, and Santos Gil , European Journal of Organic Chemistry, JUL 2008, Number 19, p.3397-3402, (2008) Abstract
Exploratory applications of diffusion ordered spectroscopy to liquid foods: an aid towards spectral assignment, Gil, A. M., Duarte I., Cabrita E., Goodfellow BJ, Spraul M., and Kerssebaum R. , Analytica Chimica Acta, MAR 24 2004, Volume 506, Number 2, p.215-223, (2004) Abstract