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dos Santos, Amarante F. P., and C. Cismasiu. "Bridge Hinge-Restrainers Built up of NITI Superelastic Shape-Memory Alloys." New Trends in Smart Technologies . Eds. Christian Boller, and Hartmut Janocha. Saarbrücken: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2013. 195-203.
Bernardo, Vasco, André Oliveira, Filipe Amarante dos Santos, and Corneliu Cismasiu Vulnerabilidade e reforço sísmico de uma passagem superior pedonal pré-fabricada. 5as Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas. Lisboa, 2014.artigo_jpee2014.pdf
Amarante dos Santos, Filipe, Corneliu Cismasiu, and Chiara Bedon. "Smart glazed cable façade subjected to a blast loading." Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings (2015): 1-10. Abstract

This paper investigates the dynamic behaviour of cable-supported glazing façades
subjected to medium-level air blast loads. Preliminary numerical studies are carried-out in
SAP2000 by means of a geometrically refined and simplified lumped-mass finite-element
numerical model, in order to assess the major effects of the design blast load in the main
façade components. As shown, both the glass panels and the cable system are able to
properly accommodate the incoming impulsive loads, typically involving extreme ...

Bedon, Chiara, Filipe Santos, Claudio Amadio, and Corneliu Cismasiu. "Passive and active control systems for adaptive glazing systems and envelopes." European COST Action TU1403 "Adaptive facades network" Industry Workshop. Delft, The Netherlands 2015.
Santos, F., C. Cismasiu, R. Perdigão, V. Bernardo, J. Sampayo, P. Candeias, A. Costa, A. Carvalho, and L. Guerreiro COMPORTAMENTO SÍSMICO DE LIGAÇÕES EM PASSADIÇOS PRÉ-FABRICADOS. 10º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica. Ponta Delgada, 2016.artigosismica2016_submetido.docx
Amarante dos Santos, Filipe, Corneliu Cismasiu, and Chiara Bedon. "Smart glazed cable facade subjected to a blast loading." Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings. 3.169 (2016): 223-232.
Rebelo, Hugo Bento, Corneliu Cismaşiu, Válter J. G. Lúcio, Manuel T. M. S. Gonçalves, Gabriel J. Gomes, and José P. F. Basto. "Numerical Simulation of Blast Effects on Fibre Grout Strengthened RC Panels." Structural and Mechanical Engineering for Security and Prevention. Vol. 755. Key Engineering Materials, 755. Trans Tech Publications, 2017. 18-30. Abstract

The present paper aims to examine the potential of the Applied Element Method (AEM) in simulating the blast effects in RC panels. The numerical estimates are compared with the results obtained in an experimental campaign designed to investigate the effectiveness of fibre grout for strengthening full scale RC panels by comparing the effects that a similar blast load produces in a reference and the strengthened panel. First, a numerical model of the reference specimen was created in the software Extreme Loading for Structures and calibrated to match the experimental results. With no further calibration, the fibre reinforced grout strengthening was added and the resulting numerical model subjected to the same blast load. The experimental blast effects on both reference and strengthened panels, despite the lack of high speed measurement equipment (pressure, strains and displacements sensors), compare well with the numerical estimates in terms of residual and maximum displacements, showing that, once calibrated, the AEM numerical models can be successfully used to simulate blast effects in RC panels.

Rebelo, Hugo Miguel Bento, Corneliu Cismasiu, Válter José Guia da Lúcio, Manuel Tomás Marques Souto do Gonçalves, Gabriel Jesus de Gomes, and José Pedro Fernandes Basto. "Numerical Simulation of Blast Effects on Fibre Grout Strengthened RC Panels." International Conference on Structural and Mechanical Engineering for Security and Prevention 2017. Prague, Czech Republic 2017.
G, Gomes, Lúcio V, Cismasiu C, and Rebelo H. B. "Blast Assessment - uma metodologia de avaliação." Construção Magazine.86 (2018): 18-23.
Santos, Filipe, Corneliu Cismasiu, Ildi Cismasiu, and Chiara Bedon. "Dynamic Characterisation and Finite Element Updating of a RC Stadium Grandstand." Buildings. 8.10 (2018): 141, 1-19.
Cismaşiu, Corneliu, Filipe Amarante Dos P. Santos, Rui Da Silva A. Perdigão, Vasco M. S. Bernardo, Paulo X. Candeias, Alexandra R. Carvalho, and Luís M. C. Guerreiro. "Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of a RC Pedestrian Crossing." JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING. X.X (2018): 1-19.
Rebelo, H. B., D. Lecompte, C. Cismasiu, A. Jonet, B. Belkassem, and A. Maazoun. "Experimental and numerical investigation on 3D printed PLA sacrificial honeycomb cladding." International Journal of Impact Engineering. 131 (2019): 162-173.Website
Rebelo, H. B., D. Lecompte, C. Cismaşiu, A. Jonet, B. Belkassem, and A. Maazoun. "3D printed PLA sacrificial honeycomb cladding blast mitigation." 18th International Symposium for the Interaction of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS). Panama City Beach, FL, USA 2019.
Buru, Stefan Marius, Válter Lúcio, and Corneliu Cismasiu. "PROTEDES - Protection of Strategic Buildings Against Blast - Final Report." PROTEDES2022. Região Sul da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa 2022.