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Teixeira, L. R., J. M. Dantas, C. A. Salgueiro, and C. M. Cordas. "Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the outer membrane cytochrome OmcF, a key protein for extracellular electron transfer in Geobacter sulfurreducens." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1859.10 (2018): 1132-1137. AbstractWebsite
Santos, T. C., A. R. De Oliveira, J. M. Dantas, C. A. Salgueiro, and C. M. Cordas. "Thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of PccH, a key protein in microbial electrosynthesis processes in Geobacter sulfurreducens." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1847.10 (2015): 1113-1118. AbstractWebsite
Duarte, A. G., C. M. Cordas, JJG Moura, and I. Moura. "Steady-state kinetics with nitric oxide reductase (NOR): New considerations on substrate inhibition profile and catalytic mechanism." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1837.3 (2014): 375-384. AbstractWebsite
Gomes, F. O., L. B. Maia, C. Cordas, C. Delerue-Matos, I. Moura, JJG Moura, and S. Morais. "Nitric Oxide Detection Using Electrochemical Third-generation Biosensors – Based on Heme Proteins and Porphyrins." Electroanalysis. 30.11 (2018): 2485-2503. AbstractWebsite
Teixeira, L. R., C. M. Cordas, M. P. Fonseca, N. E. C. Duke, P. R. Pokkuluri, and C. A. Salgueiro. "Modulation of the Redox Potential and Electron/Proton Transfer Mechanisms in the Outer Membrane Cytochrome OmcF From Geobacter sulfurreducens." Frontiers in Microbiology. 10 (2020). AbstractWebsite
Dall'Agnol, L. T., C. M. Cordas, and JJG Moura. "Influence of respiratory substrate in carbon steel corrosion by a Sulphate Reducing Prokaryote model organism." Bioelectrochemistry. 97 (2014): 43-51. AbstractWebsite
Cordas, Cristina M., Americo G. Duarte, Jose J. G. Moura, and Isabel Moura. "Electrochemical behaviour of bacterial nitric oxide reductase-Evidence of low redox potential non-heme Fe-B gives new perspectives on the catalytic mechanism." Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics. 1827.3 (2013): 233-238. Abstract
Cordas, C. M., A. G. Duarte, JJG Moura, and I. Moura. "Electrochemical behaviour of bacterial nitric oxide reductase - Evidence of low redox potential non-heme FeB gives new perspectives on the catalytic mechanism." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1827.3 (2013): 233-238. AbstractWebsite
Gomes, F. O., L. B. Maia, C. Cordas, I. Moura, C. Delerue-Matos, JJG Moura, and S. Morais. "Electroanalytical characterization of the direct Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus nitric oxide reductase-catalysed nitric oxide and dioxygen reduction." Bioelectrochemistry. 125 (2019): 8-14. AbstractWebsite