The possibility to fabricate marine collagen porous structures crosslinked with genipin under high pressure carbon dioxide is investigated. Collagen from shark skin is used to prepare pre-scaffolds by freeze-drying. The poor stability of the structures and low mechanical properties require crosslinking of the structures. Under dense CO 2 atmosphere, crosslinking of collagen pre-scaffolds is allowed for 16 h. Additionally, the hydrogels are foamed and the scaffolds obtained present a highly porous structure. In vitro cell culture tests performed with a chondrocyte-like cell line show good cell adherence and proliferation, which is a strong indication of the potential of these scaffolds to be used in tissue cartilage tissue engineering. The development of an optimized processing technique for the preparation of stable structures from marine origin collagen is described. The samples are processed under a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere that promotes crosslinking and enhances the morphology of the 3D architectures obtained. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH {&} Co. KGaA, Weinheim.