Repair and Strengthening Methods of Flat Slabs for Punching,
Ramos, Antonio, Lucio Valter, and Regan Paul E.
, International Workshop on Punching Shear Capacity of RC Flat Slabs, Stockholm, p.125–133, (2000)
AbstractThe present work reports experimental research carried out on repair and strengthening methods of flat slabs for punching. The repair and strengthening methods studied are: strengthening using transversal prestress, repair by substitution of the damaged concrete; and strengthening using steel beams as a column head, connected to the column and to the slab with epoxy resin and mechanical expansion anchors. Four experimental test slabs (AR1 to AR4) were produced and tested: two with transversal prestress, one only repaired and one strengthened with a steel column head. The execution process, its efficiency and design, are discussed.
The effect of the vertical component of prestress forces on the punching strength of flat slabs,
Ramos, Pinho A., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Faria Duarte M. V.
, Engineering Structures, Volume 76, p.90–98, (2014)
AbstractThe use of prestress in flat slabs is a common solution, mainly because it allows larger spans and thinner slabs. Nevertheless, smaller thicknesses near the slab-column connections, along with the superposition of high shear and flexural stresses, arise the question of the slab capacity to resist punching. The punching failure results from the superposition of shear and flexural stresses near the column, and is associated to the formation of a pyramidal plug of concrete which punches through the slab. It is a local and brittle failure. The use of prestress can increase the punching capacity of flat slabs-column connections.This work presents the experimental analysis of flat slab specimens with tendons under punching. Nine slabs were tested using unbonded prestress with high strength steel tendons. The influences on the punching capacity of the vertical component of the prestress forces resulting from inclined tendons near the column and their distance to the column are analysed. The in-plane compression force due to prestress was not applied to the slabs, in order to evaluate only the deviation force influence. This work aims to improve the understanding of the behaviour of prestressed flat slabs under punching load in order to properly evaluate the punching resistance of this kind of structures. The experimental punching loads are compared with the provisions of EC2, ACI 318-11 and MC2010. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
Punching of Flat Slabs under Reversed Horizontal Cyclic Loading,
Ramos, António, Marreiros Rui, Almeida André, Isufi Brisid, and Inácio Micael
, ACI Fall Convention 2016, Philadelphia, (2016)
AbstractFlat slab structures are a very common structural solution nowadays, due to their architectural and economic advantages. However, flat slab-column connections may be vulnerable to punching failure, especially in an event of an earthquake, with potentially high human and economic losses. This type of structural solution is adequately covered by design codes and recommendations in North America, due to a large amount of experimental research carried out. In Europe the situation is different, missing specific guidance to flat slab design under earthquake action in most European codes. The ACI 318-14 prescriptive approach to the gravity shear ratio-drift ratio relationship shows good agreement with experimental results. Following a similar approach and, based in a databank containing cyclic horizontally loaded tests of slab-column connections found in literature, proposals are made applicable to EC2 and MC2010.
Punching of prestressed flat slabs: Experimental analysis,
Ramos, A. M. P., and Lúcio V. J. G.
, International Workshop on Punching Shear Capacity of RC Flat Slabs, Volume 57, Stockholm, p.441–448, (2000)
AbstractThe experimental analysis of nine prestressed flat slab models under punching is described and the results are compared with the recommendations of EC2 and MC90. The tests were performed on specimens at a scale 1/3, prestressed with unbonded high strength steel. In the first set, the specimens (AR2 to AR5 and AR7) were only subjected to in-plane compression, to evaluate the effect of the in-plane forces on the punching resistance. The second set of tests (AR8 to AR11) intended to study the effect of the vertical component of the tendon forces near the column in the punching resistance. This work aims to improve the understanding of the behaviour of prestressed flat slabs under punching load and the evaluation of the punching resistance.
A review of punching behavior of slab–column connections with recycled coarse aggregate concrete,
Ramos, António, Marchão Carla, Pacheco João Nuno, Enfedaque Alejandro, Coronelli Dario, Faria Duarte, de Brito Jorge, Ruiz Miguel Fernández, and Marreiros Rui
, Structural Concrete, (2024)