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Punching of high strength concrete flat slabs without shear reinforcement, Inácio, Micael M. G., Almeida André F. O., Faria Duarte M. V., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Ramos António Pinho , Engineering Structures, nov, Volume 103, p.275–284, (2015) AbstractWebsite

The experimental research carried out to study the punching behavior of high strength concrete (HSC) flat slabs is reported in the present work. Three flat slab specimens were cast using HSC and another one with normal strength concrete (NSC), to be used as a reference slab. The HSC mix presented a compressive strength of about 130MPa, with a basalt coarse aggregate. The tested specimens were square with 1650mm side and 125mm thickness. The longitudinal reinforcement ratio varied between 0.94{%} and 1.48{%}. The experimental results show that the use of HSC led to a significant load capacity increase when compared with the reference model made with NSC. Furthermore, the experimental results also indicated that as the longitudinal reinforcement ratio increased, the punching capacity also increased. The results obtained in this set of experimental tests and others collected from the literature were compared with the code provisions by EC2, MC2010 and ACI 318-11.

Punching of prestressed flat slabs: Experimental analysis, Ramos, A. M. P., and Lúcio V. J. G. , International Workshop on Punching Shear Capacity of RC Flat Slabs, Volume 57, Stockholm, p.441–448, (2000) Abstract

The experimental analysis of nine prestressed flat slab models under punching is described and the results are compared with the recommendations of EC2 and MC90. The tests were performed on specimens at a scale 1/3, prestressed with unbonded high strength steel. In the first set, the specimens (AR2 to AR5 and AR7) were only subjected to in-plane compression, to evaluate the effect of the in-plane forces on the punching resistance. The second set of tests (AR8 to AR11) intended to study the effect of the vertical component of the tendon forces near the column in the punching resistance. This work aims to improve the understanding of the behaviour of prestressed flat slabs under punching load and the evaluation of the punching resistance.

Punching of reinforced concrete flat slabs – Rational use of high strength concrete, Inácio, Micael M. G., Lapi Massimo, and Ramos Antonio Pinho , Engineering Structures, Volume 206, p.110194, (2020) AbstractWebsite

This paper deals with punching of reinforced high strength concrete (HSC) flat slabs. Despite the use of HSC increased significantly in the last years, the experimental research on punching behavior of HSC slabs is still limited. Furthermore, most of this past research adopted concrete compressive strength lower than 90 MPa. In a previous work by this research group three specimens with concrete compressive strength around 120 MPa and one with normal strength concrete (NSC) were tested. The present work represents the continuation of the previous activity and it is focused on the rational use of HSC. Four specimens with HSC and one of NSC were tested under monotonic vertical loading. The HSC was placed only in the slab-column connection region and it was limited to a thin layer in the compressive zone, in order to have a more economical and sustainable solution. This rational use of the HSC showed excellent results in terms of punching strength. Limiting the HSC to a thin layer in the compressive zone resulted in an almost equal punching strength to that obtained with the slab entirely casted in HSC.

Punching of reinforced concrete slabs and experimental analysis and comparison with codes, Faria, Duarte, Biscaia Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , IABSE-Fib Codes in Structural Engineering – Developments and Needs for International Practice, Dubrovnik, p.1–10, (2010) Abstract


Punching of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs, Gouveia, Nuno, Fernandes Nelson, Faria Duarte, Ramos António, and Lúcio Válter , fib symposium Tel Aviv 2013, Tel Aviv, p.1–4, (2013) Abstract


Punching of Strengthened Concrete Flat Slabs—Experimental Analysis and Comparison with Codes, Duarte, Faria, Micael Inácio, Válter Lúcio, and António Ramos , Structural Engineering International, may, Volume 22, Number 2, p.202–214, (2012) AbstractWebsite


Punching Research at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Ramos, Lúcio V., Faria D., and Inácio M. , Design Of Concrete Structures and Bridges Using Eurocodes, Bratislava, (2011) Abstract


Punching shear behavior of edge column connections in continuous flat slabs, Einpaul, Jürgen, Vollum Robert, and Ramos António , Proceedings of the 39th IABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future, Vancouver, Canada, (2017)
Punçoamento de lajes fungiformes reforçadas com parafusos – efeito da área e posicionamento da ancoragem, Inácio, Micael, Ramos António, Lúcio Válter, and Faria Duarte , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract


Punçoamento em Estruturas de Betão Armado, Ramos, A., Lúcio Faria Almeida Fernandes Inácio Mamede Dinarte Silva V. D. A. , 2º Congresso Internacional da Habitação no Espaço Lusofono, Lisbon, p.2013, (2013) Abstract


Punçoamento em lajes de betão com fibras de aço, Gouveia, N. D., Faria D. M. V., and Ramos A. M. P. , Revista Internacional TECH ITT by Construlink, Volume 11, (2013) Abstract


Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes de Betão de Elevada Resistência – Estudo Experimental, e Micael Inácio, Duarte Faria, Válter Lúcio António Ramos , 5ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas, Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural 2014, 9º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, Lisbon, (2014) Abstract


Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes Pré-Esforçadas, Ramos, António , IST-UTL, Lisbon, (2003) Abstract


Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes Reforçadas com Parafusos Transversais Aderentes (Parte 1), Gomes J. e Ramos, A. P. , Revista Internacional Construlink, Volume 30, p.23–33, (2012) Abstract


Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes Reforçadas com Parafusos Transversais Aderentes (Parte 2), Gomes J. e Ramos, A. P. , Revista Internacional Construlink, Volume 10, Number 30, p.34–43, (2012) Abstract


Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes Sujeitas a Ações Cíclicas horizontais – Estudo Experimental, e André Almeida, Micael Inácio}, Válter Lúcio António Ramos , 5ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas, Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural 2014, 9º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, Lisbon, (2014) Abstract


R/C flat slab connections under lateral loading, Lapi, Massimo, Isufi Brisid, Orlando Maurizio, and Ramos António , XVII Convegno ANIDIS – L´Ingegneria Sismica in Italia, Pistoia, Italy, p.8 pp-, (2017)
Rational Use of High-Strength Concrete in Flat Slab- Column Connections under Seismic Loading, and Micael Inácio, Brisid Isufi, Massimo Lapi António Pinho Ramos , Volume 117, Issue 6, (2020) Abstract

High-strength concrete (HSC) slab-column connections with relatively low concrete strengths compared to today’s capabilities have been tested under seismic-type loading in the past. Herein, the hybrid use of HSC with compressive strength approximately 120 MPa and normal-strength concrete (NSC) is investigated through three reversed horizontal cyclic-loading tests with different geometries of the HSC region and a reference NSC specimen. The results show that HSC applied in the vicinity of the column can significantly enhance the seismic performance of slab-column connections. The best result in terms of drift capacity and economic use of HSC was achieved in the case of full-depth HSC extended from the column’s face up to 2.5 times the effective depth. Drift ratios up to 3.0% were achieved. A comparison with previous tests showed that the hybrid use of HSC and NSC can achieve similar results to the provision of punching shear reinforcement.

Rational use of HPFRC in slab – column connections under reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Ramos, António, Isufi Brisid, Marreiros Rui, Bolešová Mária, and Gajdošová Katarina , Engineering Structures, Volume 270, (2022) AbstractWebsite
Reabilitação de Pontes Históricas de Alvenaria – Um Caso de Estudo, Rodrigues, Neuza, and Ramos António , ASCP'09 – 1º Congresso de Segurança e Conservação de Pontes ASCP, Lisbon, (2009) Abstract


Reabilitação Estrutural de Edifícios com Pós-Tensão, Lúcio, Válter, Faria Duarte, Ramos António, and Ferreira João , ReHabend 2014, Santader, (2014) Abstract


Reabilitação Sustentável de Estruturas –Reforço de Lajes de Edifícios de Betão Armado, Faria, Duarte, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António Pinho , CRSEEL – 2ª Conferência Construção e Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono, Lisbon, (2012) Abstract


Reforço ao punçoamento de lajes fungiformes com lâmina complementar de betão, Fernandes, Hugo, Válter Lúcio, and Ramos António Pinho , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2016, Coimbra, p.1–10, (2016) Abstract


Reforço ao punçoamento de lajes fungiformes com lâmina complementar de betão, Fernandes, Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas, Volume III, Issue 5, p.63-72, (2017)
Reforço de lajes com recurso a pós tensão com ancoragens por aderência, Faria, Duarte, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract
