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A hybrid method for the calibration of finite element models of punching-shear in R/C flat slabs, Lapi, Massimo, Secci Lorenzo, Teoni Emanuele, Ramos Antonio Pinho, and Orlando Maurizio , Computers & Structures, Volume 238, p.106323, (2020) AbstractWebsite

The paper is focused on the calibration of non-linear 3D finite element (FE) analyses to simulate punching failure of R/C flat slabs. The calibration procedure is developed with reference to the code ABAQUS, which is one of the most used computer codes in nonlinear modelling of R/C structures. Generally, the calibration of a nonlinear FE model is grounded on one test only, so its reliability could be limited. Here a hybrid method for the calibration of FE models of R/C flat slabs failing in punching is proposed and discussed. The method consists in calibrating input data by comparison of finite element model (FEM) results with both experimental data and predictions provided by analytical models. The procedure allows for a consistent calibration to be performed, valid for a wide range of longitudinal reinforcement ratios, from 0.5% to 2.00%, and concrete grades, from C20/25 to C50/60. A case study is investigated using the proposed method. Results show that calibrated values of the fracture energy lie between those provided by Model Code 1990 and Model Code 2010. From the new calibration procedure, a relationship between fracture energy and concrete compressive strength is also derived and blind analyses are performed to check its reliability against experimental results.

Comparison of flat slab strengthening techniques against punching-shear, Lapi, Massimo, Martini Daniele, Zagli Emilio, Orlando Maurizio, Ramos Antonio, and Spinelli Paolo , Proceedings of The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2016, NBSC2016, Italy ACI Chapter, Capri, Italy, (2016) Abstract

Punching-shear capacity of slab-column connections in existing R/C structures may be inadequate to bear design loads, so strengthening works are required. The lack of punching resistance may be due to detailing, design or building errors; in other cases, such lack is due to a change of use, which requires an increase of resistance. Different techniques have been developed for strengthening R/C slabs against punching: enlargement of the support, gluing external fibre reinforced polymers or casting a bonded concrete overlay (BCO) on the slab's top surface, insertion of post-installed steel bolts, application of fibre reinforced polymers cords as shear reinforcement. In the paper, the authors apply the Critical Shear Crack Theory (CSCT) to all of these techniques and evaluate their efficacy with reference to a case study.

Flat slab strenghtening techniques against punching-shear, Lapi, M., Ramos A. P., and Orlando M. , Engineering Structures, Volume 180, p.160-180, (2019) AbstractWebsite


Performance assessment of flat slabs strengthened with a bonded reinforced-concrete overlay, Lapi, M., Fernandes H., Orlando M., a Ramos, and Lúcio V. , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 70, Number 9, p.433-451, (2018) AbstractWebsite
Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes com Betão Complementar Armado na Face Tracionada, Lúcio, Válter, Fernandes Hugo, and Ramos António , Construção Magazine, Volume 64, (2014)
Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes – Anomalias, Causas e Soluções, Lúcio, Válter, Ramos António, and Faria Duarte , SILE2008 – Seminário Internacional sobre Ligações Estruturais, Lisbon, p.1–10, (2008) Abstract


Reabilitação Estrutural de Edifícios com Pós-Tensão, Lúcio, Válter, Faria Duarte, Ramos António, and Ferreira João , ReHabend 2014, Santader, (2014) Abstract


Estudo Experimental do Punçoamento Cíclico em Lajes Fungiformes Reforçadas com Pré-Esforço Transversal, Luis, Marta, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2008, Guimarães, (2008) Abstract


Análise do efeito de características mecânicas e geométricas que afetam o comportamento ao Punçoamento de lajes fungiformes, Mamede, Nuno, Ramos António, and Faria Duarte , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract


Análise Numérica Não Linear do Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes – Calibração, Mamede, Nuno, Faria Duarte, and Ramos António , Revista Internacional Tech ITT, Volume 12, Issue 35, p.4-13, (2014)
Análise Numérica Não Linear do Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes – Estudo Paramétrico, Mamede, Nuno, Faria Duarte, and Ramos António , Revista Internacional Tech ITT, Volume 12, Issue 35, p.14-24, (2014)
Punching of High Strength Concrete Flat Slabs - Experimental Investigation, Micael Inácio, António Ramos, Válter Lúcio, and Faria Duarte , fib symposium Tel Aviv 2013, Tel Aviv, p.377–380, (2013) Abstract


Rational Use of High-Strength Concrete in Flat Slab- Column Connections under Seismic Loading, and Micael Inácio, Brisid Isufi, Massimo Lapi António Pinho Ramos , Volume 117, Issue 6, (2020) Abstract

High-strength concrete (HSC) slab-column connections with relatively low concrete strengths compared to today’s capabilities have been tested under seismic-type loading in the past. Herein, the hybrid use of HSC with compressive strength approximately 120 MPa and normal-strength concrete (NSC) is investigated through three reversed horizontal cyclic-loading tests with different geometries of the HSC region and a reference NSC specimen. The results show that HSC applied in the vicinity of the column can significantly enhance the seismic performance of slab-column connections. The best result in terms of drift capacity and economic use of HSC was achieved in the case of full-depth HSC extended from the column’s face up to 2.5 times the effective depth. Drift ratios up to 3.0% were achieved. A comparison with previous tests showed that the hybrid use of HSC and NSC can achieve similar results to the provision of punching shear reinforcement.

Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes de Betão de Elevada Resistência – Estudo Experimental, e Micael Inácio, Duarte Faria, Válter Lúcio António Ramos , 5ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas, Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural 2014, 9º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, Lisbon, (2014) Abstract


Deformation capacity evaluation for flat slab seismic design, Muttoni, A., Coronelli D., Lamperti Tornaghi M., Martinelli L., Pascu I. R., Pinho Ramos A., Tsionis G., Bamonte P., Isufi B., and Setiawan A. , Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 20, Number 3, p.1619 – 1654, (2022) AbstractWebsite
A Minimization Prodecure for the Determination of SFRC Tensile Behaviour, Nuno Gouveia, Ana Luísa Custódio, Duarte Faria António Ramos , EngOpt 2014, 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, (2014) Abstract


Análise Numérica do Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes Pré-Esforçadas, e Nuno Mamede, Duarte Faria António Ramos , 5ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas, Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural 2014, 9º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, Lisbon, (2014) Abstract


Punching Research at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Ramos, Lúcio V., Faria D., and Inácio M. , Design Of Concrete Structures and Bridges Using Eurocodes, Bratislava, (2011) Abstract


HYBRID USE OF HPFRC IN SLAB – COLUMN CONNECTIONS UNDER CYCLIC LATERAL LOADING, Ramos, António Pinho, Isufi Brisid, Marreiros Rui, and Marchão Carla , fib Symposium, p.1880 – 1889, (2022) Abstract
Safety on Punching of Prestressed Flat Slabs, Ramos, António, and Lúcio Valter , fib congress 2006, Naples, (2006) Abstract


Post-punching behaviour of prestressed concrete flat slabs, Ramos, Pinho A., and Lúcio V. J. G. , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 60, Number 4, p.245–251, (2008) AbstractWebsite

The progressive collapse of structures generally results in the loss of human lives. Experience shows that flat slab structures are very sensitive to progressive collapse, which may cause serious accidents if special detailing is not provided. The post-punching behaviour of a column-supported slab is decisive in the progressive collapse development. This work presents the experimental research carried out to study the post-punching behaviour of prestressed concrete flat slabs. Six reduced-scale prestressed concrete flat slab models were tested. The tests were carried out in two different phases. In the first phase the models were loaded up to failure by punching. Afterwards, the models were loaded again to study the post-punching behaviour changes caused by the presence of unbonded, prestressed tendons and the influences of their distance to the column.

Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes Pré-Esforçadas, Ramos, António , IST-UTL, Lisbon, (2003) Abstract


Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes ao Punçoamento com Perfis Metálicos, Ramos, A. M. P. e Lúcio, V. , 6º Encontro Nacional sobre Estruturas Pré-esforçadas, Lisbon, (1996) Abstract


Seismic Performance of Strengthened Slab-Column Connections in a Full-Scale Test, Ramos, António Pinho, Isufi Brisid, Marreiros Rui, Coronelli Dario, Netti Teresa, Lamperti Tornaghi Marco, Tsionis Georgios, and Muttoni Aurelio , Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 27, Number 9, p.2299 – 2318, (2023) AbstractWebsite
Punching of flat slabs with in-plane forces, Ramos, Pinho A., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Regan Paul E. , Engineering Structures, Volume 33, Number 3, p.894–902, (2011) AbstractWebsite
