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Design for punching of prestressed concrete slabs, Clement, Thibault, Ramos Antonio Pinho, Ruiz Miguel Fernandez, and Muttoni Aurelio , Structural Concrete, Volume 14, Number 2, p.157–167, (2013) Abstract


Determinação de Relações Tensão-Abertura de Fendas de BRFA através de Análise Inversa, Gouveia, N.D., Custódia Faria Ramos A. L. D. M. , 9º Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Experimental, Aveiro, (2014) Abstract


Development of a Design Proposal for a Slab Strengthening System using Prestress with Anchorages by Bonding, Duarte Faria, Válter Lúcio, and Ramos António , fib symposium Tel Aviv 2013, Tel Aviv, p.281–284, (2013) Abstract


Discussion of “Strengthening Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs Using Polypropylene Fiber Reinforcement” by Matthew J. Radik, Ece Erdogmus, and Travis Schafer, Faria, Duarte M. V., Lúcio Valtér J. G., and Pinho Ramos António M. , Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, aug, Volume 25, Number 8, p.1142–1142, (2013) AbstractWebsite


Discussion: Pull-out and push-in tests of bonded steel strands, VIULA FARIA, Duarte M., LUCIO Válter J. G., Pinho Ramos A., and MARTI-VARGAS José R. , Magazine of concrete research, Volume 65, Number 17-18, p.1128–1131, (2013) AbstractWebsite


Eccentric punching strength of continuous flat slabs—Analysis of different experimental setups, Secci, Lorenzo, Lapi Massimo, Teoni Emanuele, Ramos Antonio Pinho, and Orlando Maurizio , Structural Concrete, Volume n/a, Number n/a, (2021) AbstractWebsite

Abstract This paper analyses the performance of the experimental setups to assess the punching strength of slab-column connections in continuous flat slabs under vertical and horizontal loading. In the last years, several experimental campaigns have been performed to investigate the punching strength of slab-column connections, but most of the experimental tests concerned isolated slab-column connections. Among the few setups aimed at reproducing the eccentric punching failure in continuous flat slabs, the setup developed at the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Lisbon is considered in this paper. The performance of the Lisbon setup is assessed through nonlinear finite element analyses, calibrated on experimental data, by comparison with numerical results of a theoretical continuous setup. Then, the performance of the isolated setups, used in many researches and at the base of some international codes, is also evaluated through the same finite element model. Numerical analyses highlight that the setup developed in Lisbon could provide reliable ultimate rotations of continuous flat slab connections, but it underestimates the punching strength. Despite isolated setups lead to similar results when compared with the Lisbon setup, the latter seems to provide a better representation of a continuous slab-column connection. The numerical analyses presented in this paper have been performed assuming monotonic lateral loading.

Eccentric punching strength of rc slab-column connections: A parametric numerical analysis based on the lisbon setup, Teoni, Emanuele, Secci Lorenzo, Lapi Massimo, Ramos Antonio Pinho, and Orlando Maurizio , fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1640 – 1647, (2021) Abstract
Efeito do confinamento e da redistribuição de momentos no comportamento de lajes fungiformes, Faria, Ricardo, Marreiros Rui, Ramos António, and Antunes Gonçalo , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, 7-9 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, (2018)
The effect of the vertical component of prestress forces on the punching strength of flat slabs, Ramos, Pinho A., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Faria Duarte M. V. , Engineering Structures, Volume 76, p.90–98, (2014) Abstract

The use of prestress in flat slabs is a common solution, mainly because it allows larger spans and thinner slabs. Nevertheless, smaller thicknesses near the slab-column connections, along with the superposition of high shear and flexural stresses, arise the question of the slab capacity to resist punching. The punching failure results from the superposition of shear and flexural stresses near the column, and is associated to the formation of a pyramidal plug of concrete which punches through the slab. It is a local and brittle failure. The use of prestress can increase the punching capacity of flat slabs-column connections.This work presents the experimental analysis of flat slab specimens with tendons under punching. Nine slabs were tested using unbonded prestress with high strength steel tendons. The influences on the punching capacity of the vertical component of the prestress forces resulting from inclined tendons near the column and their distance to the column are analysed. The in-plane compression force due to prestress was not applied to the slabs, in order to evaluate only the deviation force influence. This work aims to improve the understanding of the behaviour of prestressed flat slabs under punching load in order to properly evaluate the punching resistance of this kind of structures. The experimental punching loads are compared with the provisions of EC2, ACI 318-11 and MC2010. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

Estudo Experimental de Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes Pré Esforçadas, a Ramos, and Lúcio V. , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2004, Porto, (2004) Abstract


Estudo Experimental do Punçoamento Cíclico em Lajes Fungiformes Reforçadas com Pré-Esforço Transversal, Luis, Marta, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2008, Guimarães, (2008) Abstract


Estudo Experimental do Punçoamento em Lajes de Betão Reforçado com Fibras de Aço, Paias, Joana, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2010, Lisbon, (2010) Abstract


Estudo Experimental do Punçoamento em Lajes Reforçadas com Armadura Transversal Aderente Pós-Instalada, Gomes Jorge: Ramos, António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2010, (2010) Abstract


Estudo Teórico-Experimental da Resistência ao Punçoamento de Lajes Fungiformes de Betão Aramado com Pilar de Canto Reentrante sem Armadura de Punçoamento, e Elaine Albuquerque, Guilherme Melo, António Ramos Válter Lúcio , 5ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas, Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural 2014, 9º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, Lisbon, (2014) Abstract


Experimental and parametric 3D nonlinear finite element analysis on punching of flat slabs with orthogonal reinforcement, Silva Mamede, Nuno F., Pinho Ramos A., and Faria Duarte M. V. , Engineering Structures, mar, Volume 48, p.442–457, (2013) AbstractWebsite

This work refers to experimental and 3D nonlinear FEA on punching. Numerical results were compared with experimental ones in order to benchmark the FE model and afterwards a parametric study was conducted, changing the reinforcement ratio, slab thickness, concrete strength and column dimensions, running a total of 360 models, where their effect on punching capacity is shown. EC2 and MC2010 provisions agreed approximately with experimental and FEA results. Based in the FEA results it is proposed an equation to predict the punching capacity with the introduction of fracture mechanics parameter, which was compared with several experimental results, giving good approximation.

Experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs, Gouveia, Nuno D., Lapi Massimo, Orlando Maurizio, Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António M. P. , Structural Concrete, Volume 19, Issue 1, Number 1, p.217-229, (2018) AbstractWebsite

This paper deals with the experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching shear capacity of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) slab–column connections. Five experimental specimens with a thickness of 160 mm, different fiber volume contents (0, 1.0, and 1.5%) and different flexural reinforcement ratios (0.75 and 1.5%) have been tested. The experimental results were evaluated using a physical–mechanical model based on the critical shear crack theory (CSCT). The model has given a good approximation of experimental punching shear strengths. In general, tests have highlighted a significant increase in load and deformation capacity of fiber reinforced concrete slab–column connections in comparison with reinforced concrete connections.

EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF HYBRID HPFRC FLAT SLABS, Isufi, Brisid, Marchão Carla, Marreiros Rui, and Ramos António Pinho , fib Symposium, p.1870 – 1879, (2022) Abstract
Finite element analysis of punching shear of R/C slabs: A hybrid approach for model calibration, Secci, L., Teoni E., Lapi M., Orlando M., and a Ramos , Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, p.643-650, (2019) Abstract
Flat Plate Building and Frame Full Scale Tests for European Design Provisions, Coronelli, Dario, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio , American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, Volume SP-353, p.73 – 96, (2022) Abstract
Flat Slab Punching Behaviour under Cyclic Horizontal Loading, André Almeida, Micael Inácio, Válter Lúcio, and Ramos António , fib symposium Copenhagen 2015, Concrete – Innovation and Design, Copenhagen, (2015) Abstract


Flat slab strenghtening techniques against punching-shear, Lapi, M., Ramos A. P., and Orlando M. , Engineering Structures, Volume 180, p.160-180, (2019) AbstractWebsite


Flat slab structural response for seismic european design. Full scale testing results, Coronelli, Dario, Martinelli Luca, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio , fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1831 – 1839, (2021) Abstract
Flat slab structural response for seismic european design. Full scale testing results, Coronelli, Dario, Martinelli Luca, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio , fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1831 – 1839, (2021) Abstract
Flat Slabs under Cyclic Reversed Horizontal Loads, Almeida, André, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , 3rd NOVA-Yamaguchi International Seminar – Earthquake Resistant Structures, Caparica, (2016)
Flexural strengthening of flat slabs with FRP composites using EBR and EBROG methods, Torabian, Ala, Isufi Brisid, Mostofinejad Davood, and Ramos António Pinho , Engineering Structures, Volume 211, p.110483, (2020) AbstractWebsite

One of the major disadvantages of conventional fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthening techniques is the premature debonding of the FRP, leading to an underutilization of the materials. The externally bonded reinforcement on grooves (EBROG) method, which has been proven successful in postponing debonding in several structural applications, is examined in this study for the first time for realistic conditions in flat slabs. To this end, two different layouts of the strengthening solution are tested under concentric monotonic loading: one representing roof-level slab-column connections in which carbon FRP (CFRP) sheets are laid on top of the joint region (cross layout); and another one representing intermediate floors, in which the aforementioned layout is not possible due to the presence of the column (grid layout). For each layout, two FRP bonding techniques are used: conventional externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) and EBROG. Another specimen, without FRP strengthening, is used as a reference. It is shown that the EBROG technique is effective in postponing debonding for both layouts. Compared to the specimens in which EBR was used, the load capacity was increased in case of EBROG by 36% when FRP sheets were bonded on top of the joint (cross layout) and by 15% when sheets were attached outside the joint region (grid layout). Debonding strains are shown to be significantly higher in the case of EBROG compared to EBR. The experimentally observed debonding strains were compared with code provisions and predictions of models from the literature. A simple calculation method giving reasonably good results for the load capacity of the FRP-strengthened specimens is presented.