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Role of punching shear reinforcement in the seismic performance of flat slab frames, Isufi, B., Cismasiu I., Marreiros R., Pinho Ramos A., and Lúcio V. , Engineering Structures, Volume 207, (2020) AbstractWebsite
A review of tests on slab-column connections with advanced concrete materials, Isufi, Brisid, and Ramos António Pinho , Structures, Volume 32, p.849-860, (2021) AbstractWebsite

Advances in concrete technology during the last decades have resulted in the development of materials with enhanced mechanical properties, such as High Strength Concrete (HSC), Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) and Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC). The application of these materials in flat slabs, which are a popular structural solution in Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings worldwide, has the potential of significantly reducing raw material consumption by enabling the design of slenderer and therefore lighter structures. However, flat slabs are susceptible to punching shear failure, which is a complex phenomenon that remains challenging, even though significant efforts have been made to experimentally study it. For advanced concrete materials (HSC, FRC and UHPFRC), the challenge is further accentuated by the continuous and rapid development of these materials. With the purpose of identifying and highlighting gaps in the published literature, a review of tests with HSC, FRC and UHPFRC slab-column connections in non-seismic and seismic loading applications is presented in this paper. It is shown that future research directions in this field include, among others, testing thicker slabs, HSC slabs with higher concrete compressive strength, HSC combined with FRC and several more cases related to seismic loading conditions.

A review of punching behavior of slab–column connections with recycled coarse aggregate concrete, Ramos, António, Marchão Carla, Pacheco João Nuno, Enfedaque Alejandro, Coronelli Dario, Faria Duarte, de Brito Jorge, Ruiz Miguel Fernández, and Marreiros Rui , Structural Concrete, (2024) AbstractWebsite
Reversed lateral cyclic loading test of two flat slab specimens with punching shear stud reinforcement, Isufi, Brisid, Ramos António, and Lúcio Válter , ICCE 2017 International Conference of Civil Engineering, Tirana, Albania, p.9 pp, (2017)
Reversed horizontal cyclic loading tests of flat slab specimens with studs as shear reinforcement, Isufi, Brisid, Ramos António Pinho, and Lúcio Válter , Structural Concrete, (2018) AbstractWebsite

The results of a series of experiments on four reinforced concrete flat slab specimens with shear studs and a control specimen without any shear reinforcement are presented. The specimens were tested under constant gravity loads and reversed horizontal cyclic displacements. The main test variables were the applied gravity load and the number of perimeters of studs. One of the specimens was tested in two phases to study the postearthquake behavior. Results showed a considerable improvement of the deformation capacity of specimens with studs compared to the reference specimen. In agreement with previous research, increasing the applied gravity shear ratio resulted in a lower experimental drift capacity. It is shown that a better explanation of the observed ultimate drifts can be made by considering also the flexural capacity and the extent of shear reinforcement. The specimen tested in two phases exhibited considerable residual capacity, even after severe horizontal loading.

Reversed horizontal cyclic loading tests of flat slab specimens with studs as shear reinforcement, Isufi, Brisid, Ramos António Pinho, and Lúcio Válter , Structural Concrete, Volume 20, Number 1, p.330-347, (2019) AbstractWebsite

The results of a series of experiments on four reinforced concrete flat slab specimens with shear studs and a control specimen without any shear reinforcement are presented. The specimens were tested under constant gravity loads and reversed horizontal cyclic displacements. The main test variables were the applied gravity load and the number of perimeters of studs. One of the specimens was tested in two phases to study the postearthquake behavior. Results showed a considerable improvement of the deformation capacity of specimens with studs compared to the reference specimen. In agreement with previous research, increasing the applied gravity shear ratio resulted in a lower experimental drift capacity. It is shown that a better explanation of the observed ultimate drifts can be made by considering also the flexural capacity and the extent of shear reinforcement. The specimen tested in two phases exhibited considerable residual capacity, even after severe horizontal loading.

Resposta da ligação pilar-laje fungiforme sujeitas a ações horizontais cíclicas reforçadas com estribos, Almeida, André, Ramos António, Marreiros Rui, Lúcio Válter, and Faria Ricardo , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, 7-9 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, (2018)
Resposta da ligação pilar-laje fungiforme sujeitas a ações horizontais cíclicas reforçadas com estribos, Almeida, André, Ramos António, Marreiros Rui, Lúcio Válter, and Faria Ricardo , Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas, Volume Série III, Issue 9, p.67-74, (2019)
Resistência ao Punçoamento de Lajes Fungiformes Pré-Esforçadas - Método Alternativo de Cálculo, Ramos, António, and Lúcio Válter , Revista Internacional Construlink, Volume 4, p.4–14, (2006) Abstract


Reparação e Reforço do Viaduto do Fonte Nova, Ramos, A. M. P. e Lúcio, V. , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2000, Porto, (2000) Abstract


Reparação e Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes ao Punçoamento, Ramos, António , IST-UTL, Lisbon, (1995) Abstract


Repair and Strengthening Methods of Flat Slabs for Punching, Ramos, Antonio, Lucio Valter, and Regan Paul E. , International Workshop on Punching Shear Capacity of RC Flat Slabs, Stockholm, p.125–133, (2000) Abstract

The present work reports experimental research carried out on repair and strengthening methods of flat slabs for punching. The repair and strengthening methods studied are: strengthening using transversal prestress, repair by substitution of the damaged concrete; and strengthening using steel beams as a column head, connected to the column and to the slab with epoxy resin and mechanical expansion anchors. Four experimental test slabs (AR1 to AR4) were produced and tested: two with transversal prestress, one only repaired and one strengthened with a steel column head. The execution process, its efficiency and design, are discussed.

Rehabilitation of Historical Masonry Bridges, Rodrigues, Neuza, Ramos António, and Branco Fernando , 1st International Conference Construction Heritage in Coastal and Marine Environments – Damage, Diagnostic, Maintenance and Rehabilitation, Lisbon, p.1–10, (2008) Abstract


Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes – Anomalias, Causas e Soluções, Lúcio, Válter, Ramos António, and Faria Duarte , SILE2008 – Seminário Internacional sobre Ligações Estruturais, Lisbon, p.1–10, (2008) Abstract


Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes com Betão Complementar- Ligação Betão-Betão, e Hugo Fernandes, António Ramos Válter Lúcio , SILE 2015 – Seminário Internacional Sobre Ligações Estruturais, Lisbon, (2015) Abstract


Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes com Betão Complementar Armado na Face Tracionada, Lúcio, Válter, Fernandes Hugo, and Ramos António , Construção Magazine, Volume 64, (2014)
Reforço de lajes fungiformes com armadura transversal pós-instalada usando diferentes técnicas de ancoragem, Inácio, Micael, Ramos António, and Faria Duarte , Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas, Volume III, Number 3, p.63–74, (2017) Abstract


Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes ao Punçoamento com Perfis Metálicos, Ramos, A. M. P. e Lúcio, V. , 6º Encontro Nacional sobre Estruturas Pré-esforçadas, Lisbon, (1996) Abstract


Reforço de lajes com recurso a pós tensão com ancoragens por aderência, Faria, Duarte, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract


Reforço ao punçoamento de lajes fungiformes com lâmina complementar de betão, Fernandes, Hugo, Válter Lúcio, and Ramos António Pinho , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2016, Coimbra, p.1–10, (2016) Abstract


Reforço ao punçoamento de lajes fungiformes com lâmina complementar de betão, Fernandes, Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas, Volume III, Issue 5, p.63-72, (2017)
Reabilitação Sustentável de Estruturas –Reforço de Lajes de Edifícios de Betão Armado, Faria, Duarte, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António Pinho , CRSEEL – 2ª Conferência Construção e Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono, Lisbon, (2012) Abstract


Reabilitação Estrutural de Edifícios com Pós-Tensão, Lúcio, Válter, Faria Duarte, Ramos António, and Ferreira João , ReHabend 2014, Santader, (2014) Abstract


Reabilitação de Pontes Históricas de Alvenaria – Um Caso de Estudo, Rodrigues, Neuza, and Ramos António , ASCP'09 – 1º Congresso de Segurança e Conservação de Pontes ASCP, Lisbon, (2009) Abstract


Rational use of HPFRC in slab – column connections under reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Ramos, António, Isufi Brisid, Marreiros Rui, Bolešová Mária, and Gajdošová Katarina , Engineering Structures, Volume 270, (2022) AbstractWebsite