Post-punching behaviour of flat slabs strengthened with a new technique using post-tensioning,
Faria, Duarte M. V., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Pinho Ramos A.
, Engineering Structures, jul, Volume 40, p.383–397, (2012)
AbstractThis work presents an experimental study concerning the post-punching behaviour of flat slabs strengthened with a new technique based on post-tensioning with anchorages by bonding using an epoxy adhesive. This strengthening technique proved efficient with respect to ultimate and serviceability states. Five slab specimens were tested in the post-punching range and it was found that the post-punching resistance was on average 78{%} of the punching resistance. This paper reports the development of strand forces and slab displacements from the beginning of the tests, including the bond stresses developed at several stages of the loading process. It was observed that top reinforcement bars were capable of transmitting post-punching loads to the prestressing strands. Taking this into account and based on the load bath envisaged from the column to the slab, expressions for the vertical load capacities corresponding to the parts of the load path are presented and compared with the experimental results, showing their ability to predict both ultimate loads and modes of failure. Compared with other strengthening techniques, the one proposed here not only upgrades ultimate and serviceability behaviour but also adds post-punching resistance, which is a great advantage in the event of progressive collapse, since it may avoid the collapse of an entire structure, thus reducing the risk of material and human losses.
Pull-out and push-in tests of bonded steel strands,
Faria, Duarte Viúla M., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Ramos Pinho A.
, Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 63, Number 9, p.689–705, (2011)
AbstractThe objective of this study was to analyse the behaviour of prestress strand anchorages by bonding with an epoxy adhesive for structural strengthening use. Pull-out and push-in tests were carried out on 15·2 mm diameter prestress steel strands sealed in 18 mm diameter holes with several embedment lengths, complemented by long-term tests. Experimental results are presented and compared with theoretical results regarding maximum pull-out and transmittable loads and also draw-in results. Theoretical results are obtained by solving the governing equation of the bond phenomenon adopting a non-linear local bond/slip law derived from pull-out tests with short embedment length. The study shows that it is reasonable to assume an average constant bond stress for anchorage design with the studied epoxy adhesive in the range of the studied values of anchor embedment length and diameter. The average values for bond stress to be used for determining the maximum pull-out and transmittable loads were found to be 12·0 and 5·2 MPa, respectively. Experimental draw-in values show a great variability, and so determining transmission length based on draw-in values may lead to a false perception that the transmission length is very variable.