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Eccentric punching strength of continuous flat slabs—Analysis of different experimental setups, Secci, Lorenzo, Lapi Massimo, Teoni Emanuele, Ramos Antonio Pinho, and Orlando Maurizio , Structural Concrete, Volume n/a, Number n/a, (2021) AbstractWebsite

Abstract This paper analyses the performance of the experimental setups to assess the punching strength of slab-column connections in continuous flat slabs under vertical and horizontal loading. In the last years, several experimental campaigns have been performed to investigate the punching strength of slab-column connections, but most of the experimental tests concerned isolated slab-column connections. Among the few setups aimed at reproducing the eccentric punching failure in continuous flat slabs, the setup developed at the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Lisbon is considered in this paper. The performance of the Lisbon setup is assessed through nonlinear finite element analyses, calibrated on experimental data, by comparison with numerical results of a theoretical continuous setup. Then, the performance of the isolated setups, used in many researches and at the base of some international codes, is also evaluated through the same finite element model. Numerical analyses highlight that the setup developed in Lisbon could provide reliable ultimate rotations of continuous flat slab connections, but it underestimates the punching strength. Despite isolated setups lead to similar results when compared with the Lisbon setup, the latter seems to provide a better representation of a continuous slab-column connection. The numerical analyses presented in this paper have been performed assuming monotonic lateral loading.

Eccentric punching strength of rc slab-column connections: A parametric numerical analysis based on the lisbon setup, Teoni, Emanuele, Secci Lorenzo, Lapi Massimo, Ramos Antonio Pinho, and Orlando Maurizio , fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1640 – 1647, (2021) Abstract
Behaviour of reinforced-concrete flat slabs with stirrups under reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Almeida, André F. O., Alcobia Bruno, Ornelas Miguel, Marreiros Rui, and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 72, Number 7, p.339-356, (2020) AbstractWebsite

This paper describes the experimental campaign to study the behaviour of reinforced-concrete flat slab structures with steel stirrups as punching shear reinforcement, under combined vertical and horizontal cyclic loading. The vertical load was first applied and kept constant during the test, while, regarding the cyclic horizontal loading, imposed cyclic drifts were increased until failure. Four slab specimens with shear reinforcement were tested and the results compared to a control slab specimen without shear reinforcement. The studied variables were different shear reinforcement ratios and the number of stirrup layers. The slabs were 4·15 × 1·85 m2 and 0·15 m thick, connected to two steel half-columns. The test setup used was developed by the research team and aimed to simulate the boundary conditions of a flat slab, representing the slab between middle spans in one direction and between zero bending moment points in the other direction. Results show that the use of steel stirrups as shear reinforcement is very effective, increasing shear, drift and energy dissipation capacities. The obtained results were also compared to the provisions given by European and American codes.

A hybrid method for the calibration of finite element models of punching-shear in R/C flat slabs, Lapi, Massimo, Secci Lorenzo, Teoni Emanuele, Ramos Antonio Pinho, and Orlando Maurizio , Computers & Structures, Volume 238, p.106323, (2020) AbstractWebsite

The paper is focused on the calibration of non-linear 3D finite element (FE) analyses to simulate punching failure of R/C flat slabs. The calibration procedure is developed with reference to the code ABAQUS, which is one of the most used computer codes in nonlinear modelling of R/C structures. Generally, the calibration of a nonlinear FE model is grounded on one test only, so its reliability could be limited. Here a hybrid method for the calibration of FE models of R/C flat slabs failing in punching is proposed and discussed. The method consists in calibrating input data by comparison of finite element model (FEM) results with both experimental data and predictions provided by analytical models. The procedure allows for a consistent calibration to be performed, valid for a wide range of longitudinal reinforcement ratios, from 0.5% to 2.00%, and concrete grades, from C20/25 to C50/60. A case study is investigated using the proposed method. Results show that calibrated values of the fracture energy lie between those provided by Model Code 1990 and Model Code 2010. From the new calibration procedure, a relationship between fracture energy and concrete compressive strength is also derived and blind analyses are performed to check its reliability against experimental results.

Flat slab strenghtening techniques against punching-shear, Lapi, M., Ramos A. P., and Orlando M. , Engineering Structures, Volume 180, p.160-180, (2019) AbstractWebsite


Finite element analysis of punching shear of R/C slabs: A hybrid approach for model calibration, Secci, L., Teoni E., Lapi M., Orlando M., and a Ramos , Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, p.643-650, (2019) Abstract
Static and seismic behaviour of R/C slabs with openings adjacent to columns, Lapi, M., Orlando M., Spinelli P., and a Ramos , Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, p.1795-1802, (2019) Abstract
Experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs, Gouveia, Nuno D., Lapi Massimo, Orlando Maurizio, Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António M. P. , Structural Concrete, Volume 19, Issue 1, Number 1, p.217-229, (2018) AbstractWebsite

This paper deals with the experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching shear capacity of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) slab–column connections. Five experimental specimens with a thickness of 160 mm, different fiber volume contents (0, 1.0, and 1.5%) and different flexural reinforcement ratios (0.75 and 1.5%) have been tested. The experimental results were evaluated using a physical–mechanical model based on the critical shear crack theory (CSCT). The model has given a good approximation of experimental punching shear strengths. In general, tests have highlighted a significant increase in load and deformation capacity of fiber reinforced concrete slab–column connections in comparison with reinforced concrete connections.

Performance assessment of flat slabs strengthened with a bonded reinforced-concrete overlay, Lapi, M., Fernandes H., Orlando M., a Ramos, and Lúcio V. , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 70, Number 9, p.433-451, (2018) AbstractWebsite
R/C flat slab connections under lateral loading, Lapi, Massimo, Isufi Brisid, Orlando Maurizio, and Ramos António , XVII Convegno ANIDIS – L´Ingegneria Sismica in Italia, Pistoia, Italy, p.8 pp-, (2017)
Comparison of flat slab strengthening techniques against punching-shear, Lapi, Massimo, Martini Daniele, Zagli Emilio, Orlando Maurizio, Ramos Antonio, and Spinelli Paolo , Proceedings of The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2016, NBSC2016, Italy ACI Chapter, Capri, Italy, (2016) Abstract

Punching-shear capacity of slab-column connections in existing R/C structures may be inadequate to bear design loads, so strengthening works are required. The lack of punching resistance may be due to detailing, design or building errors; in other cases, such lack is due to a change of use, which requires an increase of resistance. Different techniques have been developed for strengthening R/C slabs against punching: enlargement of the support, gluing external fibre reinforced polymers or casting a bonded concrete overlay (BCO) on the slab's top surface, insertion of post-installed steel bolts, application of fibre reinforced polymers cords as shear reinforcement. In the paper, the authors apply the Critical Shear Crack Theory (CSCT) to all of these techniques and evaluate their efficacy with reference to a case study.