Deformation capacity evaluation for flat slab seismic design,
Muttoni, A., Coronelli D., Lamperti Tornaghi M., Martinelli L., Pascu I. R., Pinho Ramos A., Tsionis G., Bamonte P., Isufi B., and Setiawan A.
, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 20, Number 3, p.1619 – 1654, (2022)
Rational Use of High-Strength Concrete in Flat Slab- Column Connections under Seismic Loading,
and Micael Inácio, Brisid Isufi, Massimo Lapi António Pinho Ramos
, Volume 117, Issue 6, (2020)
AbstractHigh-strength concrete (HSC) slab-column connections with relatively low concrete strengths compared to today’s capabilities have been tested under seismic-type loading in the past. Herein, the hybrid use of HSC with compressive strength approximately 120 MPa and normal-strength concrete (NSC) is investigated through three reversed horizontal cyclic-loading tests with different geometries of the HSC region and a reference NSC specimen. The results show that HSC applied in the vicinity of the column can significantly enhance the seismic performance of slab-column connections. The best result in terms of drift capacity and economic use of HSC was achieved in the case of full-depth HSC extended from the column’s face up to 2.5 times the effective depth. Drift ratios up to 3.0% were achieved. A comparison with previous tests showed that the hybrid use of HSC and NSC can achieve similar results to the provision of punching shear reinforcement.