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A review of punching behavior of slab–column connections with recycled coarse aggregate concrete, Ramos, António, Marchão Carla, Pacheco João Nuno, Enfedaque Alejandro, Coronelli Dario, Faria Duarte, de Brito Jorge, Ruiz Miguel Fernández, and Marreiros Rui , Structural Concrete, (2024) AbstractWebsite
SEISMIC BEHAVIOR OF SLAB–COLUMN CONNECTIONS USING HIGH PERFORMANCE FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETES, Ramos, António, Isufi Brisid, and Marreiros Rui , American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, Volume SP-357, p.123 – 138, (2023) Abstract
Seismic Performance of Strengthened Slab-Column Connections in a Full-Scale Test, Ramos, António Pinho, Isufi Brisid, Marreiros Rui, Coronelli Dario, Netti Teresa, Lamperti Tornaghi Marco, Tsionis Georgios, and Muttoni Aurelio , Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 27, Number 9, p.2299 – 2318, (2023) AbstractWebsite
Behavior of flat slabs with partial use of high-performance fiber reinforced concrete under monotonic vertical loading, Isufi, Brisid, Relvas João Pedro, Marchão Carla, and Ramos António Pinho , Engineering Structures, Volume 264, (2022) AbstractWebsite
Deformation capacity evaluation for flat slab seismic design, Muttoni, A., Coronelli D., Lamperti Tornaghi M., Martinelli L., Pascu I. R., Pinho Ramos A., Tsionis G., Bamonte P., Isufi B., and Setiawan A. , Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 20, Number 3, p.1619 – 1654, (2022) AbstractWebsite
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF HYBRID HPFRC FLAT SLABS, Isufi, Brisid, Marchão Carla, Marreiros Rui, and Ramos António Pinho , fib Symposium, p.1870 – 1879, (2022) Abstract
Flat Plate Building and Frame Full Scale Tests for European Design Provisions, Coronelli, Dario, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio , American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, Volume SP-353, p.73 – 96, (2022) Abstract
HYBRID USE OF HPFRC IN SLAB – COLUMN CONNECTIONS UNDER CYCLIC LATERAL LOADING, Ramos, António Pinho, Isufi Brisid, Marreiros Rui, and Marchão Carla , fib Symposium, p.1880 – 1889, (2022) Abstract
Rational use of HPFRC in slab – column connections under reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Ramos, António, Isufi Brisid, Marreiros Rui, Bolešová Mária, and Gajdošová Katarina , Engineering Structures, Volume 270, (2022) AbstractWebsite
Slab–column connection punching and ductility improvement methods for seismic response of buildings with flat slabs, Isufi, Brisid, Almeida André, Marreiros Rui, Ramos António Pinho, and Lúcio Válter , Structural Concrete, Volume 23, Number 3, p.1385 – 1398, (2022) AbstractWebsite
Flat slab structural response for seismic european design. Full scale testing results, Coronelli, Dario, Martinelli Luca, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio , fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1831 – 1839, (2021) Abstract
Flat slab structural response for seismic european design. Full scale testing results, Coronelli, Dario, Martinelli Luca, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio , fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1831 – 1839, (2021) Abstract
Seismic behaviour of slab-column connections with various punching shear enhancement methods, Isufi, Brisid, Marreiros Rui, Ramos António Pinho, and Lúcio Válter , fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.978 – 986, (2021) Abstract
Shear and flexural strengthening of deficient flat slabs with post-installed bolts and CFRP composites bonded through EBR and EBROG, Torabian, Ala, Isufi Brisid, Mostofinejad Davood, and Ramos António Pinho , Structural Concrete, Volume 22, Number 2, p.1147-1164, (2021) AbstractWebsite

Abstract Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites can be efficient for flexural strengthening of flat slabs if debonding of the FRP is postponed. However, with the increase of the flexural capacity, the flat slab becomes more susceptible to punching shear failure. In this context, four flexural or simultaneous flexural and punching shear retrofitting systems are investigated in this study to strengthen a flexure-deficient flat slab. Externally Bonded Reinforcement on Grooves (EBROG) and externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) methods are used for flexural strengthening in two cases: slabs without punching shear reinforcement and with post-installed shear bolts as shear reinforcement. According to the results, flexural strengthening of the slab using the EBR and EBROG techniques increased its load capacity by 12% and 21%, respectively. Simultaneous flexural and shear strengthening of the slab using the EBROG technique was the most effective, leading to a 57% enhancement of the load capacity. For specimens whose failure was governed by punching, comparing the results with code predictions showed that Eurocode and ACI (and the respective guide documents fib bulletin 90 and ACI 440.2R) overestimated the capacity of these specimens. In cases where failure was governed by flexure, a simple application of the yield line theory predicted reasonably well the load capacity of the specimens.

Testing of a full-scale flat slab building for gravity and lateral loads, Coronelli, Dario, Lamperti Tornaghi Marco, Martinelli Luca, Molina Francisco-Javier, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Ion Radu, Pegon Pierre, Peroni Marco, Ramos António Pinho, Tsionis Georgios, and Netti Teresa , Engineering Structures, Volume 243, (2021) AbstractWebsite
Rational Use of High-Strength Concrete in Flat Slab- Column Connections under Seismic Loading, and Micael Inácio, Brisid Isufi, Massimo Lapi António Pinho Ramos , Volume 117, Issue 6, (2020) Abstract

High-strength concrete (HSC) slab-column connections with relatively low concrete strengths compared to today’s capabilities have been tested under seismic-type loading in the past. Herein, the hybrid use of HSC with compressive strength approximately 120 MPa and normal-strength concrete (NSC) is investigated through three reversed horizontal cyclic-loading tests with different geometries of the HSC region and a reference NSC specimen. The results show that HSC applied in the vicinity of the column can significantly enhance the seismic performance of slab-column connections. The best result in terms of drift capacity and economic use of HSC was achieved in the case of full-depth HSC extended from the column’s face up to 2.5 times the effective depth. Drift ratios up to 3.0% were achieved. A comparison with previous tests showed that the hybrid use of HSC and NSC can achieve similar results to the provision of punching shear reinforcement.

Shear and flexural strengthening of deficient flat slabs with post-installed bolts and CFRP composites bonded through EBR and EBROG, Torabian, Ala, Isufi Brisid, Mostofinejad Davood, and Ramos António Pinho , Structural Concrete, Volume n/a, Number n/a, (2020) AbstractWebsite

Abstract Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites can be efficient for flexural strengthening of flat slabs if debonding of the FRP is postponed. However, with the increase of the flexural capacity, the flat slab becomes more susceptible to punching shear failure. In this context, four flexural or simultaneous flexural and punching shear retrofitting systems are investigated in this study to strengthen a flexure-deficient flat slab. Externally Bonded Reinforcement on Grooves (EBROG) and externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) methods are used for flexural strengthening in two cases: slabs without punching shear reinforcement and with post-installed shear bolts as shear reinforcement. According to the results, flexural strengthening of the slab using the EBR and EBROG techniques increased its load capacity by 12% and 21%, respectively. Simultaneous flexural and shear strengthening of the slab using the EBROG technique was the most effective, leading to a 57% enhancement of the load capacity. For specimens whose failure was governed by punching, comparing the results with code predictions showed that Eurocode and ACI (and the respective guide documents fib bulletin 90 and ACI 440.2R) overestimated the capacity of these specimens. In cases where failure was governed by flexure, a simple application of the yield line theory predicted reasonably well the load capacity of the specimens.

A state of the art of flat-slab frame tests for gravity and lateral loading, Coronelli, Dario, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Ion R., Ramos Antonio P., and Netti Teresa , Structural Concrete, Volume n/a, Number n/a, (2020) AbstractWebsite

Abstract This paper presents a critical review of the state of the art of experimental research concerning the seismic response of reinforced concrete flat slab frames. After a summary of tests on connections, the paper examines tests carried out on frames with gravity and cyclic lateral loading, and shake table tests; scaled specimens and one real scale study are included. A discussion of the results reached so far is provided focusing on the global response, the different load types and effects; the ultimate rotations at failure in relation to the gravity shear and a classification of different failure modes for different types of connections. Based on this analysis, the research needs are highlighted. An experimental program launched to address these open questions is described. Further open topics are highlighted.

Behavior of RC flat slabs with shear bolts under reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Almeida, André F. O., Ramos António P., Lúcio Válter, and Marreiros Rui , Structural Concrete, Volume 21, Number 2, p.501-516, (2020) AbstractWebsite

Abstract An experimental work on reinforced concrete flat slab specimens to test the efficiency of postinstalled bolts, as punching shear reinforcement in resisting vertical and cyclic horizontal loads, was conducted and is presented in this paper. The test protocol consisted in increasing horizontal drifts combined with constant vertical load until failure. Two different detailing solutions for the shear reinforcement were considered, one using a radial distribution around the column and another using a cross distribution, being the results compared with a previously tested reference specimen. The dimensions of the specimens were 4.25 x 1.85 x 0.15 m3. The test setup used for these tests was developed by the research team and simulates the boundary conditions with already recognized good results. Postinstalled steel bolts were proven to be an efficient solution for strengthening of existing structures, improving the structural behavior, and the punching resistance.

Behaviour of reinforced-concrete flat slabs with stirrups under reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Almeida, André F. O., Alcobia Bruno, Ornelas Miguel, Marreiros Rui, and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 72, Number 7, p.339-356, (2020) AbstractWebsite

This paper describes the experimental campaign to study the behaviour of reinforced-concrete flat slab structures with steel stirrups as punching shear reinforcement, under combined vertical and horizontal cyclic loading. The vertical load was first applied and kept constant during the test, while, regarding the cyclic horizontal loading, imposed cyclic drifts were increased until failure. Four slab specimens with shear reinforcement were tested and the results compared to a control slab specimen without shear reinforcement. The studied variables were different shear reinforcement ratios and the number of stirrup layers. The slabs were 4·15 × 1·85 m2 and 0·15 m thick, connected to two steel half-columns. The test setup used was developed by the research team and aimed to simulate the boundary conditions of a flat slab, representing the slab between middle spans in one direction and between zero bending moment points in the other direction. Results show that the use of steel stirrups as shear reinforcement is very effective, increasing shear, drift and energy dissipation capacities. The obtained results were also compared to the provisions given by European and American codes.

Flexural strengthening of flat slabs with FRP composites using EBR and EBROG methods, Torabian, Ala, Isufi Brisid, Mostofinejad Davood, and Ramos António Pinho , Engineering Structures, Volume 211, p.110483, (2020) AbstractWebsite

One of the major disadvantages of conventional fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthening techniques is the premature debonding of the FRP, leading to an underutilization of the materials. The externally bonded reinforcement on grooves (EBROG) method, which has been proven successful in postponing debonding in several structural applications, is examined in this study for the first time for realistic conditions in flat slabs. To this end, two different layouts of the strengthening solution are tested under concentric monotonic loading: one representing roof-level slab-column connections in which carbon FRP (CFRP) sheets are laid on top of the joint region (cross layout); and another one representing intermediate floors, in which the aforementioned layout is not possible due to the presence of the column (grid layout). For each layout, two FRP bonding techniques are used: conventional externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) and EBROG. Another specimen, without FRP strengthening, is used as a reference. It is shown that the EBROG technique is effective in postponing debonding for both layouts. Compared to the specimens in which EBR was used, the load capacity was increased in case of EBROG by 36% when FRP sheets were bonded on top of the joint (cross layout) and by 15% when sheets were attached outside the joint region (grid layout). Debonding strains are shown to be significantly higher in the case of EBROG compared to EBR. The experimentally observed debonding strains were compared with code provisions and predictions of models from the literature. A simple calculation method giving reasonably good results for the load capacity of the FRP-strengthened specimens is presented.

Influence of the top reinforcement detailing in the behaviour of flat slabs, Faria, Ricardo, Marreiros Rui, Ramos António Pinho, and Jesus Catarina , Structures, Volume 23, p.718 - 730, (2020) AbstractWebsite

This paper studies the influence of different longitudinal top reinforcement detailing on the behaviour and punching capacity of flat slabs. Experimental and numerical studies were carried out. The experimental campaign consisted in testing three reinforced concrete slabs 2.20 m wide with a thickness equal to 0.15 m. The numerical study was conducted using the non-linear finite element software ATENA 3D. Using numerical models, which were calibrated using the experimental tests, a parametric study was carried out to include other design solutions beyond the tested ones. The parameters that were changed in this parametric study were the steel reinforcement ratio, the concrete strength and the detailing of the top steel reinforcement, namely using a solution with uniform distribution and other with a higher concentration of reinforcement near the column. Finally, the results were compared with predictions obtained using some of the existing codes (Eurocode 2 and Model Code 2010). From this study it can be concluded that concentrating the top flexural reinforcement, keeping the same total amount of top longitudinal reinforcement, results in a stiffer response, an increment in the punching resistance, and a decrease in the maximum vertical displacement.

Role of punching shear reinforcement in the seismic performance of flat slab frames, Isufi, B., Cismasiu I., Marreiros R., Pinho Ramos A., and Lúcio V. , Engineering Structures, Volume 207, (2020) AbstractWebsite
Behavior of RC flat slabs with shear bolts under reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Almeida, André F. O., Ramos António P., Lúcio Válter, and Marreiros Rui , Structural Concrete, (2019) AbstractWebsite

Abstract An experimental work on reinforced concrete flat slab specimens to test the efficiency of postinstalled bolts, as punching shear reinforcement in resisting vertical and cyclic horizontal loads, was conducted and is presented in this paper. The test protocol consisted in increasing horizontal drifts combined with constant vertical load until failure. Two different detailing solutions for the shear reinforcement were considered, one using a radial distribution around the column and another using a cross distribution, being the results compared with a previously tested reference specimen. The dimensions of the specimens were 4.25 x 1.85 x 0.15 m3. The test setup used for these tests was developed by the research team and simulates the boundary conditions with already recognized good results. Postinstalled steel bolts were proven to be an efficient solution for strengthening of existing structures, improving the structural behavior, and the punching resistance.